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Gu Chunzhu's remarks were not indiscriminately messing around, and she had considered them thoroughly.

First, the dead men are all rigorously trained, and all the dead ducks have hard-mouthed goods. There is no way to pry any important news from their mouths. Besides, they are estimated to be some small shrimps, and they have no access to important information.

In addition, Chi Yihe, who shot on the countertop, General Palace can ravage him arbitrarily, but if there is still a prince behind him, General Palace can't help him for the time being. So even if he knew from the mouth of the dead man that he was really a prince, it would be useless news. It would be better to kill all of them neatly and still be angry with Xiaocheng.

At this time, the battle outside the carriage also came to an end because Hu Fei joined. Hu Fei and Wang Kun came to the carriage together. Hu Fei lazily leaned on the door frame to press down the curtain, and Wang Kun was ashamed to report it locally, "Mrs. Yu, all the enemy attacks are subdued by Hu Shenyi. How do you deal with those people?"

"Let's kill them all, but if you can't be here, you still have to take care of the reputation of the General's Mansion." Gu Chunzhu crossed her eyes fiercely, and now she couldn't suppress her anger as soon as she mentioned the dead.

Hearing the words, Hu Fei was not very happy to insert a sentence, "You didn't say early, I should have used the poison just now, and wasted so much of my obsession."

"Then don't bother Hu Shenyi to give them a medicine to make them die better than life." Gu Chunzhu watched Hu Fei smile very brightly and very gloomy, and Hu Fei was terrified. Without saying anything, Hu Fei went out and added an enhanced version of smiling half-step epilepsy and itching powder to the people lying on the ground, and by the way, let them all wake up immediately.

After waking up, the dead wanted to raise their swords again and fight again, but after they stood up, they began to feel very itchy all over their bodies, reaching their entire body and still scratching the itch. Anxious. Then he couldn't stop laughing violently, until he burst into tears and even stopped smoking on the ground.

After a short breath, they began to have sores, which looked like toads.

After two breaths, they started rolling their eyes with a smile, and the whole person twitched on the ground like crazy. After three breaths, all the dead remained extremely ugly and stopped all movements with their eyes open. A soldier from the general's palace stepped forward carefully to test the breath of the next person, who had returned to the west.

Gu Chunzhu deliberately came to the door to observe after Hu Fei left, and looked at the painful deaths of those people in his eyes. He only felt very happy and even cruel. Then she began to look around. She felt that if it was really Chi Yihe, he would definitely look around somewhere.

At the moment the dead arrived, the people around escaped, so Gu Chunzhu could only see an ugly body at this time, as well as soldiers from the general's palace. Since there are no people on the flat ground, it should be sitting and observing in some restaurants. Gu Chunzhu raised his head and looked straight at Chi Yihe's angry eyes.

Chi Yihe thought that sending so many dead soldiers was definitely within reach, so he chose a location with excellent sight to watch, so that it was also very convenient for Gu Chunzhu to discover at a glance. All of Yihe's little abacus fell through. He was so angry that he smashed the tea cup in his hand, and the expression on his face was very distorted.

Gu Chunzhu glanced at Chi Yihe's ugly face and quickly retracted it into the carriage. It happened that Hu Fei also returned to the carriage and sat down. She said immediately, "Hu Shenhe can work hard, can you help Chi Yihe His hands were totally abolished. It is just that Chi Yihe is now watching the fun in the restaurant, so that we will not go to him later."

"I just came back, and you let me work again without breathing!" Hu Fei stared at Gu Chunzhu with wide eyes.

"A meal, you have never eaten before." Gu Chunzhu still does not know Hu Fei's virtue. She likes to lazy but let him work the chips she is also very full, said directly with a smile.

"I just like your fierce idea, it's all on me."

Hu Fei changed his previous indignation and flew away after asking the location. Gu Chunzhu knew that Hu Fei would definitely succeed, and he didn't see Hu Fei's actions. He directly ordered Wang Kun to quickly clear the ground so that he could continue his journey.

Chi Yihe saw that the incident was exposed, and he also saw the danger from the one-second interview with Gu Chunzhu.

After Gu Chunzhu returned to the carriage, he also hurriedly walked under the guard of a group of dead men, but Hu Fei's light skills were much faster than his legs and feet. He had just got on the carriage and ran a few steps, Hu Fei put poison to kill him all The deceased then went to his compartment.

"Don't come over!" Chi Yihe saw Hu Fei coming in and shrunk to the corner of the car, but the car was so big, how could it be avoided.

A silver needle appeared on Hu Fei's wrist, and he slowly approached Chi Yihe with a smile, like a cat teasing the mouse under his palm, "You see what you look like now It’s like a woman, it’s the man’s husband who stretched out his hand, and I can show mercy to save you pain.”

Of course Chi Yihe was unwilling, and when he heard Hu Fei let him reach out, he put his hand behind his back.

Hu Fei saw Chi Yihe unwilling to cooperate, and sighed and turned Chi Yihe directly in the car. Then Hu Fei stepped on Chi Yihe's back with two arms. Chi Yihe couldn't get rid of Hu Feiyi with all his strength. Suppression of one foot.

Then Hu Fei tied Chi Yihe's hand with a silver needle, and Chi Yihe shouted in pain. Hu Fei rubbed his ears and muttered, "It's more ugly than a pig." Then he clicked on Chi Yihe's dumb hole and blocked his voice.

After a few stitches, Chi Yihe's hand was dragged weakly, and he bit his lip with pain, his head covered with sweat. After a long time, Chi Yihe slowed down, and he was going to participate in the expedition this time, so he put his head on Hu Fei’s feet and cried with a snot and tears. Come here to do such a dirty job! You are ashamed of your name as a doctor!"

Hu Fei stared at Chi Yihe with a smile on his face, "What am I doing, you are so angry, do you have evidence to prove that I did something bad? Besides, is the name of the Divine Doctor given to myself, obviously by you group? People are strong on my head, I don’t want it.

Chi Yihe was shivered by Hu Fei's shamelessness and strong words. He wanted to pounce on Hu Fei but found that his hands could not be used at all. Finally, he could only twist on the ground like a maggot in frustration.

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