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Chapter 108: Go to Kiyomizu Temple

However, she looked at Hu Fei's curious look and could only explain, "In fact, I used it for the crab cream paste at that time. The shredded chicken and vegetables were cut into small pieces, and I added some other ingredients and mixed them together. It’s very fragrant and not greasy.”

The idea of ​​applying the crab noodle paste to her noodles came from her previous food experience. She thought about trying it before, but she didn't expect it to be more delicious because of the fat crab.

"No wonder, it's really delicious and fragrant." Hu Feiyi looked at his bowl, "I'll have another bowl."

Gu Chunzhu nodded and asked the maid to serve him another bowl. After he finished eating noodles, An An happily ran over with a box of agarwood.

"Mother." An An carefully put the box on the table and opened it, at that moment the otherwise bright lobby seemed to be dazzling.

Gu Chunzhu and Hu Fei looked carefully and found that the box was full of precious stones and jewelry.

"This wasn't given by A Yinuo?" Gu Chunzhu recognized it, a little surprised.

"Well." An Anwei smiled and pushed the box to Hu Fei. "Hu Shenyi, I heard that you and my master are about to get married. Today you saved all of us again. These are the flowers I borrowed from. ."

"Master Shangshan didn't teach me and Sister Peony how to do boxing and kung fu before in Fufu. I will send the congratulations here first. Congratulations." An An closed the box and looked happy.

Hu Fei knew her sincerity and did not refuse to accept it with pleasure. After thinking about it, she felt that it would be insecure to only accept it.

"An An, you come here, I also prepared a small gift for you." Hu Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, with a mysterious look, turned his back to Gu Chunzhu, and when An An got close, he took out a small medicine jar from the sleeve and attached it to her He whispered in his ear, "This is a breast enhancement pill, and it will bulge forward and back after eating."

Hu Fei made a gesture with his hand while talking. Although Gu Chunzhu didn't fully understand what he said, but with his mouth shape and movement, she could guess a rough idea.

"Hu Fei, what are you talking about!" Gu Chunzhu saw An An blushing, and the hand holding the small medicine jar shook hesitantly, so he would get up and fight Hu Fei.

"Look, I won't hit your chicken noodles today." The hall suddenly became lively, and Gu Chunzhu beat Hu Fei, and I felt a lot more comfortable.

After a while, Wang Kun came in with a list and said, "Madam, everything that Hu Shen doctor needs for marriage is ready."

"The carriage was also prepared outside, and everything was loaded into the carriage." Wang Kun pointed to the carriage outside. Hu Fei had been thinking about it for a long time, so he thanked him and got on the carriage and left.

When he went away, Gu Chunzhu and An An returned to the house one after another.

Seeing no one around, An An couldn't help but ask, "Ma'am, do men really like women who bulge forward?"

Gu Chunzhu looked at An An, who had grown into a young girl. Although she had grown up and matured a lot, she was still a little puzzled about this matter.

She thought about sitting awkwardly and calling her in front of her eyes, "Actually, mother can't say that."

"Although the forward bulge and back warp are indeed more visually superior, a man who really loves you will not really care about these." Gu Chunzhu thought about it and added, "But most men are indeed visual. Animals, that's right."

Seeing that An An seemed to be in trouble, Gu Chunzhu patted her hand, "Well, if you can't make a decision now, just keep it, and wait until you really get to the date of the marriage, you will make the decision yourself." Do you want to eat it."

"Well." An Anrou smiled softly and put the small medicine jar.

Ever since Xiaocheng and Dazhuang entered the tribute courtyard to participate in Qiu Wei, Gu Chunzhu felt that the days in the General's Mansion were just like the old days. Everyone was nervous about their exams.

In this atmosphere, four or five days passed in a blink of an eye.

Wang Kun would come back every day to inform her about the situation in the tribute courtyard, such as which candidates were carried out, how their relatives responded outside, and any rumors and movements on the street, etc. He would bring them back to the government to inform Gu Chunzhu one by one.

On that day, Gu Chunzhu was eating tea, and Wang Kun came to her routinely to tell her that there was no Xiaocheng and Zhuangzhuang among the candidates lifted out today, so she put down her hanging heart.

She looked at the figure of Wang Kun leaving, and there was a burst of emotion in her heart. She seemed to be able to understand the mood of the parents who were at the entrance of the college entrance examination room in her previous life.

After a few days of tension, Gu Chunzhu felt a little tired all over. She thought she could not go on like this anymore, and she wanted to do something to ease her mood.

As soon as she came out of the lobby, she saw that Mrs. Su was hurriedly walking, and her face was slightly anxious.

Old Lady Su saw Gu Chunzhu's face, and her face was slightly relieved.

"Chunzhu, I have always been a little nervous in my heart recently." Mrs. Su also remembered Xiaocheng in his mind. "Everyone said that Kiyomizu Temple is very spiritual. We might as well go to Kiyomizu Temple to worship Buddha and beg Xiaocheng High School."

"..." Although Gu Chunzhu was not very eager to the gods and Buddhas in this respect, but looking at the sincerity of Su's face, she couldn't bear to refuse, thinking that she was also looking for something to distract anyway, so she Promised down, "Okay, mother I will go with you."

"Uh huh." Su's face suddenly blossomed, and the wrinkles with traces of years seemed to become lighter.

"It's too late to go now. Let's go early or late. Let's go now." Su Su said with a smile.

Gu Chunzhu looked up to see that the weather was not bad today, so he called Wang Kun to arrange a horse and a horse, and then a group of people went out of the general palace towards Qingshui Temple.

Sitting in the carriage, Gu Chunzhu thought of Xiaocheng in her heart, and felt that it was actually good to go to the Qingshui Temple to worship the Buddha. No matter what, she hoped that Xiaocheng's humiliation and diligent study over the years would be rewarded.

The general's carriage had good foot strength and soon arrived at Kiyomizu Temple, but at the sight of Kiyomizu Temple, Gu Chunzhu suddenly found that the car did not move a step for a long time.

Gu Chunzhu opened the car curtain in doubt, and when he looked up, he saw the towering Qingshui Temple.

She looked away and found that there seemed to be a group of people in front of her, and she didn't know what was happening. It seemed that the car was stuck on the road.

Gu Chunzhu thought, perhaps the crowd in front and the horse and carriage would soon leave, so they sat in the carriage and waited for a while.

However, after waiting for a while and seeing that there was still no sign to move ahead, Gu Chunzhu was upset.

"Butler Wang, you go and see what's going on?"

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