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Entering the Kiyomizu Temple, under the guidance of the master in the temple, the guard stopped the carriage, and Gu Chunzhu helped the old lady Su get off the carriage.

"Mother, let's go, let's say hello to the abbot first." Gu Chunzhu and Granny Su walked towards the hall, Wang Kun stayed behind and arranged the carriage properly.

The red walls and gray tiles of Kiyomizu Temple are magnificent, and the wide courtyard can hold all those who come to worship Buddha.

Although Gu Chunzhu was not very passionate about the gods and Buddhas in his previous life, there is always awe.

So when she really walked in the courtyard of Qingshui Temple, feeling the solemn atmosphere, and looking at the sincere expressions on the faces of those who passed her by, she seemed to have a power in her heart.

Under the guidance of the monks in the monastery, Gu Chunzhu and the old lady Su met the abbot and greeted a few words.

Later, under the guidance of the abbot, Gu Chunzhu and Mrs. Su came to the Buddha statue and invited three incense sticks from his hands.

According to the abbot's instructions, the two kneeled piously on the futon and closed their eyes to make a wish.

Wang Kun and his team stayed in the courtyard with the guards, standing outside the hall, always paying attention to the movements inside and protecting their safety.

The smoke of incense burning in the hall lingered, and Gu Chunzhu's heart slowly calmed down.

"Bodhisattva," Mrs. Su's voice came softly, very firm and pious, "I must bless my grandson Xiaocheng High School."

"Must let Xiaocheng High School, please." Old Lady Su is still closing her eyes and begging, "Yes, Xu Wenjun must be allowed to fall from Sun Shan!"

Every request from Su Su's wife floated into Gu Chunzhu's ear, making her feel that Su Su was a little cute.

She pursed her lips, and then put away the smile at the corner of her mouth, and bowed very religiously, praying that the Bodhisattva could bless the family.

Holding an incense stick, Gu Chunzhu gazed at the Bodhisattva very religiously, and suddenly felt as if he heard someone chanting Xiaocheng's name in his ear.

The old lady Su and Gu Chunzhu were already ceremonial, and slowly stood up and inserted the incense into the incense burner. Then they looked back and looked at other people who prayed to the Buddha.

Among the crowd dressed up by the ladies of the official family, Gu Chunzhu suddenly found Chu Yunlan, who was closing his eyes at the moment and was very sincere and praying for Xiaocheng.

Chu Yunlan's young and ruddy little face, with a pair of eyes closed, could vaguely hear the name of Xiaocheng still vaguely heard.

Seeing that she became a Bodhisattva after worshipping Xiaocheng, the old lady was so happy that she was ready to take Gu Chunzhu to visit other places in the temple.

She took Gu Chunzhu's hand and prepared to go out, but found that she had no intention of moving.

She looked back with some doubt, and saw Gu Chunzhu staring at a young lady worshipping Buddha in front of her eyes.

"Mother, wait a minute." Gu Chunzhu was afraid of affecting others to worship the Buddha, so he whispered, "I want to introduce you to someone."

The old lady Su was a little curious and looking forward, so she stood beside her and waited.

Chu Yunlan finally completed the blessing. When she turned to go out, she looked up and suddenly saw her, and she saw Gu Chunzhu also walking towards her side.

Chu Yunlan was still as gentle and gentle as before. She saluted Gu Chunzhu and Su Su, and then greeted actively, "Mrs. General and old lady, are you two here to worship Buddha?"

"It is said that Kiyomizu Temple is very spiritual, so come to worship Xiaocheng together and beg the bodhisattva to make my grandson Xiaocheng high school." Su said as she looked at Chu Yunlan up and down, she seemed very curious about her.

Before, she had always heard An An talk about a young lady named Chu Yunlan. She heard that she was always a pretty young lady holding her grandson. At first sight, she was not only outstanding in appearance, but even talked and behaved very well.

In addition, Chu Yunlan's background is not bad, she seems to like it more, so the unconscious attitude becomes very eager.

Gu Chunzhu knew what she was thinking, but just smiled and replied, "Yeah, this is my first time, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Oh, so are you here?" Gu Chunzhu asked Chu Yunlan with a smile while looking at the lady. "I just heard you mentioned Xiaocheng's name."

As soon as Chu Yunlan heard this, it seemed as if his mind had been caught, and his white cheeks were immediately stained with a blush. He was a little embarrassed and said, "We all know Qiu Wei is a big deal. Xiaocheng has been studying hard for all these years. , As a good friend of An An, of course I also hope that he can go to high school."

Gu Chunzhu looked at her ashamed to make excuses, and no longer teased her, thinking to herself if she could really be her daughter-in-law in the future.

"Girl, do you like our success?" Mrs. Su said with a straight smile. "Actually, I have heard An'an talk about you, but I haven't met him. I still feel sorry."

Mrs. Su said that she very kindly took Chu Yunlan's hand, "This kid is really lovable."

Gu Chunzhu was afraid of Su Yun's eagerness to scare Chu Yunlan, he smiled and patted her gently.

Encouraged by Gu Chunzhu, some overwhelmed Chu Yunlan rested his mind and regained his generous manners before, and said this to Mrs. Su.

"Wang housekeeper, you'll get the snacks in the carriage." Mrs. Su likes Chu Yunlan's tightness and wants to drag her to say a few more words.

"Wang Manager." Gu Chunzhu called Wang Kun to add, "You go to the abbot to arrange a Zen room for us."

The little master in the temple quickly led Gu Chunzhu and others to the Zen room, and arrived at the room, where he had already prepared tea and vegetarian food.

Mrs. Su opened the food box in Wang Kun’s hand and enthusiastically brought out the snacks, showing off, “This is all done by Chunzhu himself.”

Chu Yunlan's feelings were difficult but he took a bite and smiled, "Grandma, I have eaten the snacks made by my wife before, and I ate them as soon as I ate them."

"Really?" Su Su was amused by the well-behaved Chu Yunlan, and she felt more and more that she was in her own heart.

"Grandma, I am going to wipe my forehead recently," Chu Yunlan said with a smile, "I will give you one when I'm done."

"Okay, then you have to come in person." Mrs. Su looked surprised, and she seemed to be the same as An An said.

The two became more and more happy, Gu Chunzhu couldn't help but smile, and looking like this, he was almost unable to intervene, but these two people looked at this kiss like a family.

Gu Chunzhu looked at Mrs. Su's liking for being a future granddaughter-in-law, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Although her relationship with Mrs. Su is very good now, I thought that Mrs. Su was not so good to herself at the time. Not only is it bad, then It's simply bullying yourself thinking about the law.

Looking back on the past days, Gu Chunzhu was a bit tolerant. Could this be the legend, does the enemy's enemy mean a friend?

Fortunately, I am not an enemy of my future daughter-in-law. There is no contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, otherwise you can really answer this sentence.

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