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The reason why Jin Han will bring Chen Yueer is very simple. First of all, he had already said that he would bring Chen Yueer to see Gu Chunzhu. Second, both Xiaocheng and Dazhuang participated in the imperial examination this time. Everyone must be together, so it was convenient for him to introduce Chen Yueer to his relatives and friends.

This idea is actually very good, but he only forgot a little, his two brothers have not yet settled.

Xiaocheng and Dazhuang's age is not much different from that of Jinhan. The family will naturally eagerly hope that the two of them will settle down with Jinhan after seeing the situation here. So although it was caused unintentionally, Jin Han's heart was still a little careful, and he quietly smiled at Da Zhuang with his hands folded in front of his chest.

Da Zhuang also knew that things had come to an end, and he could only continue to stand next to Fu Sister-in-law and accept her lesson, the whole person wrote mourning.

Since it cannot be saved, Jin Han can only do something else to comfort his brother, such as changing the subject so that Fusister-in-law no longer keeps talking.

"Looking at the sky, it's almost lunchtime. In fact, I pinched a little bit today, just to come and rub my aunt with a delicious meal. If you want to come to the aunt, you must make a delicious comfort. Is today's cuisine aunt decided?" Jin Han also spoke out with a very exaggerated body language and expression to express his urgency.

He exaggerated this time and looked very incompatible, after all, it was not true enough, An An even laughed out loud because he felt a little funny. Gu Chunzhu glanced at An An disapprovingly, and then An An suffocated his smile and pretended to be serious. But Jinhan swears that he can still read a little teasing from An An's eyes.

An An coughed twice under the threat of Jinhan's sight, and his eyes grunted toward Chen Yueer, who was sitting next to Jinhan, vigorously promoted Gu Chunzhu's craftsmanship, "By sister-in-law, do you want to stay and eat? I tell you My mother’s craftsmanship is a must. Keeping you ate once and wanting to eat twice, you might even feel that what others do is tasteless."

Chen Yue'er thought that he was coming with Jin Han, and should have followed Jin Han to leave, and he smiled and promised, "Then I have to seize this opportunity firmly, and I hope that the general's wife Hai Han will take my presumptuousness."

"What are you talking about? You are all a family here. You don't need to be polite. In addition, since you have settled down with Jinhan, then you can call me auntie after Jinhan." Although Gu Chunzhu has been in contact with Chen Yueer for quite a while It’s short, but it’s enough for her to love this clever and sensible girl.

"Yes, Auntie." Chen Yueer glanced at Jin Han and accepted Gu Chunzhu's proposal with a nod from Jin Han.

However, there is also a problem. The lunch time will be delayed later than usual. Gu Chunzhu still asked everyone's opinion, and everyone said no problem.

In this way, it was almost finalized that friends and family gathered at noon. Fusister-in-law put in a sentence at this time, "In fact, before I came, I wanted to make rice dumplings and rice cakes for the big and small, meaning high school. And it was already before I came. Let Xinlan and his unshaven mother help him to do it, but promised that they would send it to the General Mansion after finishing."

"This is good, and they will just stay and eat later when they bring it in." Gu Chunzhu quickly set some lists, such as the Bai family, Luo Xinlan family, Wei Xingzhi mother and son, etc. But to protect her, she also invited Mrs. Su to discuss this matter.

Mrs. Su also agreed with her words, "That's why Yunlan must be called together. She made me a forgiveness. I must thank her."

"Where the forehead can be done so quickly." An An murmured quietly from the side of Gu Chunzhu, but after all, she said that she was happy with it. An An and Gu Chunzhu both understand that this is the old lady Su looking for opportunities to let Xiaocheng and Chu Yunlan have more contact.

An An whispered in such a low voice, but I didn't expect that Mrs. Su even heard it. Mrs. Su immediately said that she was a little bit tempered and said roguely, "No matter, she will do well sooner or later, so this does not prevent me from thanking her earlier. ."

It is said that the older the person is, the more like a child, and An An will also chatter with the old lady Su and coax her. The old lady Su was rejoiced and asked Xiaocheng's opinion with a smile. Xiaocheng Contrast did not object.

At this point, the full list of dinners is available. Gu Chunzhu asked Wang Kun to send someone to inform the people, so as to avoid that they have already started to have lunch. In addition, she had to leave the field to prepare lunch, and said apologetically, "You are talking, I'm going to prepare food." Everyone said it was okay, and Gu Chunzhu was worried that time would soon be gone.

While walking towards the kitchen, Gu Chunzhu counted the number of people carefully. The guests invited and the people in the general's palace estimated that at least two tables were needed. The rice dumplings and rice cakes prepared by Fu's sister-in-law were regarded as a snack. In addition, the table on the table had to get five cold dishes, twelve hot dishes and two soups.

The table must be complete with chicken, duck and fish meat, but the demand for chicken and pork is greater. Chicken can be mixed with a hot dish and a soup, pork can also be a large hard dish and a few fried meat. Gu Chunzhu was a bit troubled in the choice of wine, and finally prepared a little wine, intending to have another white fungus soup for each person.

Gu Chunzhu went on to think that the pigs on Zhuangzi are all grown up on the mountain, which is more compact and delicious than the meat of pigs that are normally raised. So Gu Chunzhu asked Wang Kun to let him go down to urge Zhuangzi to slaughter a pig and kill two chickens, ducks and fish.

Wang Kun said with some embarrassment to Gu Chunzhu, "It's not yet a New Year's Day, and the pigs are not very fat. It seems that slaughtering is not suitable now, and the villagers may not be very willing."

"It doesn't matter. This time, the demand for dinner between family and friends is not too large, half fan is enough. The rest is left to the villagers on Zhuangzi, so they should be willing."

After everything was ready, Gu Chunzhu left the kitchen to accompany the guests. When she went to take a look, she discovered that a little maid appeared in the flower hall, and she also stood shyly and timidly beside Xiaocheng. Gu Chunzhu turned to see a cup of ginseng tea on the table, frowning and thinking that he didn't command this.

Then she walked in quietly, walked to An'an and asked for more detailed information, "What's the situation with the little girl next to Xiaocheng? What's her name?"

"She, you came to give you tea soon after you left. I thought it was your mother's arrangement. But she didn't go after the tea, so she stood next to Xiaocheng's brother and looked at Xiao so artificially Brother Cheng. As for her name, I don’t know. After all, there are too many girls who want to show their face in front of my brother. I can’t remember it.” An An said with a smile, who was thinking about her brother’s charm.

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