Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

After a little episode, Gu Chunzhu's adults all started chatting with each other, and Wei Xingzhi finally did not need to stay with Mrs. Wei, and took a copy of the famous copybook specially selected for Xiaocheng before leaving for Xiaocheng. Chatting around, but also trying to get closer to An An who was standing next to Xiao Cheng.

Both Da Zhuang and Jin Han looked at the copybook brought by Wei Xingzhi, and began a heated discussion with Xiaocheng on the copybook. An An can understand a part, but she doesn't have much interest in this aspect, but she is a little uncomfortable with Wei Xingzhi's approaching approach.

This meeting was a rare opportunity for Wei Xingzhi to ask An An after making a promise. He thought that the two had already separated their feelings, which almost equaled the default relationship of unmarried couples. However, An An had some intention of delaying and flickering at that time, but he did not think the same as Wei Xingzhi, and even had a little resistance to meeting Wei Xingzhi.

So I saw a small circle of their five teenagers, and the three were in heated discussions. Wei Xingzhi perfunctoryly participated in the discussion. In fact, he always leaned on An An, and An An kept away. Finally, An An simply left here, Wei Xingzhi asked anxiously, "An An, where are you going?"

Wei Xingzhi's question directly aroused the attention of everyone present. An An felt multiple eyes projected on himself, resisting the irritability of Wei Xingzhi, and explained politely with a smile, "I'm going to see if Sister Chu is coming or not, I will be with her when she comes."

After listening, everyone withdrew their gaze and continued their chats. This was impeccable, and Wei Xingzhi was embarrassed to say that he wanted to keep up, and could only stare at An'an's back.

An An originally had no idea, just wanted to avoid Wei Xingzhi, but then she went directly to the door as soon as she went out. After receiving it, Chu Yunlan was just at the door, and An An greeted him in surprise. She held Chu Yunlan's hand eagerly. "It really is better to come by early than it happened. It's nice that I met Sister Chu as soon as I went out."

"I wonder if I'm late? Are you specifically waiting for me?" Chu Yunlan had the right apology on his face, but the politeness did not make people feel too alienated. She also followed a maidservant behind her, There are many gifts in his hand. After thinking about it for a while, she took a gift from the girl behind him and gave it to An An. "Please accept the little gift."

When Chu Yunlan received the invitation from the General's Mansion at that time, he guessed that this meal was mostly related to Xiaocheng. She also discussed with her parents and finally decided to prepare a small gift, partly for Xiaocheng and partly for the Gu Chunzhu family Human. The previous gift is nothing more than some books and four treasures in the study. If the invitation is not related to Xiaocheng, it will be a gift for the twins.

"Sister Chu is always so polite, we asked you to have a light meal, and still decided so hurriedly, you can come very well." An An knew that this gift could not be excused, he could only talk about Chu Yunlan verbally. I still accepted the gift in my hand.

Because of such a coincidence, An An took Chu Yunlan's hand and returned to the flower hall without leaving for a while. The old lady saw that Chu Yunlan was the first to greet her happily, holding her hand intimately, with a smile in her eyes, but a little blame on her mouth, "How come Yunlan came so early, on the road I must be in a hurry, I won't allow this next time."

"Yun Lan has seen Mrs. Su, and thanks Mrs. Su for her care." Chu Yunlan still greeted and smiled as graciously, and then lowered her head and said apologetically, "Another thing Yun Lan would like to ask Old lady forgive me, I promised that your wipe has not been done so far, and the embroidered look is halfway finished."

"It's all small things, Yunlan, you do it slowly, I'm not in a hurry." Su Laotai comforted Chu Yunlan cheerfully, and Chu Yunlan responded softly.

At this point, all the guests were here, Gu Chunzhu asked Mom Liu to go to the kitchen to see if the dishes had been completed, and if they were done, let the girls serve the dishes. Mother Liu left after answering, and came back soon to inform Gu Chun that the bamboo dishes had all been completed.

"Come on, let's eat." Gu Chunzhu led a group of people out of the flower hall.

The old lady Su was still pulling Chu Yunlan, and An An wanted to get close to Chu Yunlan and was rejected by the old lady Su. An An started to feel aggrieved and whispered that the old lady Su did not like her anymore. But soon the operation of Mrs. Su made her understand that **** was still old and spicy.

Because Mrs. Su quietly squeezed Chu Yunlan and Xiaocheng together during her speech, An An was no longer unhappy, but instead covered her mouth to steal music behind Chu Yunlan.

Chu Yunlan and Xiaocheng were finally arranged in the next seat because they were so natural, and no one else felt anything wrong, only Gu Chunzhu, who had been observing the surroundings, and had been following Chu Yunlan Of the people understand the old lady Su's little moves.

The old lady Su was really exhausted for Xiaocheng's early marriage. She also wanted to match Chu Yunlan and Xiaocheng Lalang but couldn't help but sigh.

At the dinner table, everyone speaks freely, and there are not so many rules for eating and sleeping. Chu Yunlan also smoothly integrated into the relaxed atmosphere of the General Mansion. From time to time, he should talk to the words of the old lady Su, and also chat with Xiaocheng under the guidance of the old lady Su.

However, the two usually don't have much time to get along with each other. The main topic is still provided by Mrs. Su, and the whole topic is supported by Chu Yunlan's politeness and knowledge. The small achievement is to silently append a few words. Chu Yunlan thought, maybe the topic is not enough to attract Xiaocheng? Or is it not enough to attract Xiaocheng? The light in Chu Yunlan's eyes dimmed a little.

At this time, Chu Yunlan also basically realized the intention of Mrs. Su. Her politeness made her unwilling to let her elders continue to work hard to build bridges for herself, so she took the initiative to take up the conversation. Cheng chatted. But this time Xiaocheng obviously spoke more, and even discussed with Chu Yunlan at certain points.

"I don't think it's relevant to your point of view." Xiaocheng stopped chopsticks and carefully analyzed the ideas Chu Yunlan had just put forward, and said inadvertently. Then the two chatted all the way to the structure of the article, and even attracted the attention of Jinhan and Dazhuang.

After all, the two still did not reach an agreement, but Chu Yunlan's talent was still praised by Xiaocheng. Jin Han even praised Chu Yunlan occasionally for a few words, never forgetting, and frequently shouted that Miss Chu was a talented woman.

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