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Gu Chunzhu looked at the junk stuff in his hand unawares, and because of Xuanyuan's identity, he couldn't take it out and throw it away, and selling it couldn't afford it except selling it.

She ran this jade statue to Wang Kun at will, ready to let Wang Kun take this crude junk statue and put it in the warehouse forever, when a trace of inspiration came to her mind.

"Wait, I don't need to put it in a place that is too difficult to access, maybe this jade statue will bring me a surprise in the future." Gu Chunzhu said with a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth. Although Wang Kun was curious, he knew what to ask. What shouldn't be asked, just leave to leave.

Gu Chunzhu They first took Mrs. Su back to rest and then said goodbye to An'an. Gu Chunzhu and Xiaocheng went back to Anjuyuan together to prepare a chat with Xiaocheng alone. After all, too many things happened during the scientific examination.

"Xiaocheng, you honestly told me, do you know Xu Wenjun's thing?" Gu Chunzhu asked straight away.

Xiao Cheng was a little ignorant when he asked at first, but he blinked and didn’t know he was acting stupid. "Is the mother asking me if I know that Xu Wenjun is taking the scientific expedition? Isn't this the question you told me early?"

Gu Chunzhu shook his head, and his sharp eyes pressed toward Xiaocheng. "Xiaocheng, I don’t want you to hide everything in front of me. I saw it this morning. Xu Wenjun fell out of the list. I want to know if you did it. ."

Gu Chunzhu also thought carefully, the imperial examination was Xu Wenjun's last and only way out, so Xu Wenjun will definitely try his best to let go.

Therefore, Gu Chunzhu believes that Xu Wenjun's article is better than that of Li Heng. But in the end why Xu Wenjun was not on the list, in addition to Xu Wenjun's guess that Li Heng cheated, Gu Chunzhu wanted to ask Xiao Cheng what he did in it.

"It turns out that the mother is asking this question, then I will say it directly, I have participated in it."

At the same time, Xiaocheng frankly told Gu Chunzhu the reason, "My mother, my dad told me the truth, chopping the grass does not eliminate the roots, and the spring wind is blowing and rebirth, so I found out that this time I had the opportunity to take advantage of it. Xu Wenjun's hope must be completely destroyed."

Xiaocheng did not like Xu Wenjun, but now he has the opportunity to solve this trouble at a stretch.

Gu Chunzhu had only one feeling after listening to this. This son has grown into a real royal man, so that the courage and calm and rational mind will help him to take that position in the future.

And compared to Xuanyuanxian's straw bag, Xiaocheng is more suitable for the person sitting in that position, whether it is from the possibility of earlier battles or the needs of the development of the later dynasty.

Looking at the series of stupid things Xuan Yuanxian did, I can't clearly see the abilities of Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin who are stupidly enemies, and also pushed his son farther and farther. In addition, he was foolishly preparing to win over the forces in front of the emperor. This is not to tell the emperor clearly, I think you should retire. Do I want to take the position?

Even if the emperor is not greedy for that position and power, he doesn't like his son staring at him so pretentiously. What's more, this son is still stupid, not a person who can be a good emperor. The most important thing is that there is another throne succession candidate with the right age and the right ability. It is not obvious who the emperor supports.

Gu Chunzhu was thinking wildly, and at the same time, he directly stuffed Xiaocheng's 100,000 two silver tickets, "Xiaocheng's little money you hold first, and now you have entered a critical stage. There must be a lot of places for you to make money with your classmates. This stage You can’t save your money. You should take it first. If it’s not enough, please come to the mother.”

Xiaocheng quickly quit the money, and Gu Chunzhu must also insist on giving it to Xiaocheng. Xiaocheng also refused strictly, holding Gu Chunzhu's hand holding the silver ticket tightly, "Mother, I will make money soon."

Then he told Gu Chunzhu about his partnership with Muhuai to open a paper money shop, and also said that his previous act of buying paper money was to make a reputation for that paper money shop.

Gu Chunzhu has never been in business in this area, but he is not too optimistic about the money-making ability of the paper money shop.

After all, someone who sells paper money can only usher in a big deal at a certain time, and finally make a few dollars. But she certainly wouldn't say such words that hurt his enthusiasm for her son, but she also temporarily compromised.

She thought that when the income of the paper money shop was insufficient to support Xiaocheng's consumption and let Xiaocheng hit the wall, he would naturally come back to find his father and mother to help.

Of course, just in case, Gu Chunzhu repeatedly emphasized, "Xiaocheng, you don’t interfere since you have arranged for Niang, but Niang still wants you to keep in mind that you don’t need to worry about the money. My father and I will always be you. The strongest backing."

"Thank you mother, I will definitely come back to you if necessary." Xiao Cheng said sincerely, although he very much hoped that there would not be such a day. In fact, he also cooperated with Muhuai with the intention of killing two birds with one stone. One can let Yingzi find a good home, and the other can make himself an extra source of money and relieve the pressure of father and mother.

As for the question of whether paper money shops can make big money, Xiaocheng has seriously thought about it since the beginning.

At first glance, it seems that this dead man's money is not very profitable, and the hot sale season is only during the two ancestor sacrifices in the Qing Dynasty. However, the amount of paper money usually required by a dead individual is also a lot, and it is a few days of paper money when burned.

And he has seen some records. Every day in Beijing, some people die, and often more than one person dies. Therefore, the consumption of paper money is still huge, which is the kind of money that Mimi has made money, and few people want to contaminate. It also means that it is not easy to erect relatively powerful opponents, so Mu Huai's paper money shop can be fully protected when it is opened.

In addition, Xiaocheng also has a plan to make Muhuai's paper money shop the first choice in the hearts of people in Beijing. None of these would tell Gu Chunzhu that he wanted to try his ability first.

After talking about the business, Gu Chunzhu was concerned about Xiaocheng's situation these days and future arrangements. Gu Chunzhu was tired of seeing Xiaocheng's eyes. After all, in order to get up before dawn, Gu Chunzhu quickly let Xiaocheng go to rest, and she took other actions.

After Gu Chunzhu watched Xiaocheng go, he immediately found Wang Kun to let him keep an eye on Xu Wenjun's actions these days. After all, no one knew what a ridiculous thing that a desperate person would do. However, Wang Kun’s return has not been abnormal for several days, except that Xu Wenjun is often bullied by all walks of life.

But Gu Chunzhu was very pleased with this, and Xu Wenjun's desolation was her happiness.

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