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Chapter 1144 Banquet in progress

The dispute between Xuanyuan Xian and Wang Han became louder and louder, and Gu Chunzhu also looked over there curiously.

Fortunately, the people who came to the banquet attached great importance to the rules and politeness, so everyone was still sitting in their seats, and there were no swarms to watch.

So even though they are far away, Gu Chunzhu can clearly see the tense scene of Xuanyuan Xianzheng confronting people. At this time, Wang Han was so shameless that he wanted to rush up to fight against Xuanyuan desperately, but when he had just clenched his fists to rush up, Xiaocheng rushed over and held Wang Han's hand. .

Xiaocheng blocked Wang Han behind, knowing that Xuanyuan Xian was not so clear-headed and didn't say anything to stimulate him, lest Xuanyuan Xian's alcoholism would become even more uncontrollable.

He calmly said to Xuanyuan Xian, "His Royal Highness, are you drunk."

Xuan Yuanxian was just immersed in the anger that he was rejected again, but he was immediately distracted as soon as he was said to be drunk, and immediately refuted loudly, "I am not drunk! I can drink!"

"How many tables do you still have to toast with your Royal Highness? I'll accompany you to go together?" Xiaocheng continued to divert Xuan Yuanxian's attention and replaced Wang Han with himself to attract Xuanyuan's inner anger.

After all, compared to Wang Han who met for the first time, the drowsy Xuanyuanxian was more concerned about Xiaocheng after he was drunk. He definitely did not want Xiaocheng to accompany him.

Xuanyuan Xian also really refused his proposal as Xiaocheng thought, and did not pay any attention to Wang Han, carrying a wine glass and took the jug of wine and went on. I didn't want to toast at a small cost, so I watched Xuanyuan shake away in the same place.

Wang Han didn't speak anymore after Xiaocheng came, and he was shocked by the behavior he had just recovered. He did not care about rejecting Xuanyuan's protection of the media, but was afraid that he would attack Xuanyuan's royal family. If Xiaocheng hadn't stopped him before, I was afraid that he would have been caught and sent to Fuya.

His feet are now soft and he is trembling back to his position. After gradually calming down, Wang Han got up again and came to Xiaocheng. "Fortunately, the emperor's grandson Sun Xiangji, Wang Han is very grateful."

"Let's relax, I think His Royal Highness is also drunk, and he will forget when he wakes up." Xiao Cheng comforted the nervous Wang Han, and then returned to his place again. However, he passed Gu Chunzhu's side, just exchanged a glance with Gu Chunzhu, and passed by.

Gu Chunzhu looked at Xuanyuan's various styles, and once again he was Xuanyuan's brainless and speechless. She thought whether Xuanyuanxian really didn't understand or pretend to be popular. Those who read books are all high-spirited, and who would like to accept the generous gifts of the prince in public. Not to mention forcibly giving away women, it will only provoke the restlessness of the family's home and ruin its reputation, and no one will accept it.

After Xuanyuan Xian was disturbed by Xiao Chengyi, he was still a little more peaceful, and Xuanyuan Xian's confidante sent him a sobering soup. Xuan Yuanxian was awake and reminded him a little bit, in order not to increase the chips for Xiaocheng in the reverse direction, Xuanyuan Xian finally did not send anything at random. However, the atmosphere of the banquet was still cold, and all the students except a few villains were smirking to accept Xuanyuan toast.

Xuanyuan Xian finally walked around here, and the banquet was halfway.

Xuan Yuanxian returned to the main table of the first table, sitting next to Xiaocheng. Although Xiaocheng didn't play a role in the normal banquet, anyway, the name used Xiaocheng to be selected as the champion. Xiaocheng was bored and helpless but could only stay.

After Xuanyuan Xian came back, he looked at Xiaocheng sitting next to him, and he reminisced about the fact that Xiaocheng had just walked away and then earned a wave of goodwill. Xuan Yuanxian added a bit of haze to his heart, he didn't want to let Xiao Chengping pick up the benefits.

He refused to admit that he was stupid, only believed that he was drunk, so he had a plan.

He thought that little Chengdu had not experienced much in officialdom and personnel, and was definitely not as good as himself. Why didn't he find someone to keep toasting and drunk Xiaocheng, and let Xiaocheng drunk when he was drunk! Thinking of Xuanyuan so much, he arranged for a good man to toast.

Then someone kept toasting with Xiaocheng, and each of them had to find ways to make Xiaocheng drink three glasses. Just walked for a round, and then played again in the next round. Following in the footsteps of the previous one, a small adult was not very familiar, and it was probably a Beijing official who appeared in fifth grade.

This official also received Xuanyuan's attention because he had a lot of money in his official position. Finally, he was successfully drawn by Xuanyuan to his faction. So after knowing that Xuanyuan Xian was intoxicated with Xiaocheng and took this task, he got very close to Xiaocheng. He had already thought about it and wanted to perform well in front of Xuanyuan Xian with his shameless spirit.

The official introduced himself to Xiaocheng first, and it turned out to be a small official, surnamed Wu, for the Beijing City Order. Then he shyly flattered, "His Royal Highness is really up to his father's heroic posture, and he can achieve such achievements at a young age. Sure enough, he is a heroic boy. In the future, he will still be able to care for us."

After talking, he drank three glasses of wine boldly, and looked at Xiaocheng expectantly after drinking. Others also coaxed, and Xiaocheng had to drink three glasses of wine together. In fact, Xiaocheng was reluctant to drink at this time, not afraid of being drunk, but because he was bloated in his belly and wanted to leave the toilet to use the toilet. Hangover medicine.

Xiaocheng thought that the man would leave after he finished talking, but he did not expect that Wu Shiling licked his face and complimented him a few words, and then found an excuse to let him drink. Xiaocheng then took another drink, and this time Xiaocheng also realized the meaning behind it. Xiaocheng glanced at Xuanyuanxian with Yu Guang, and then he pretended to be invincible, lying on the table softly.

Seeing this scene, Wu Shiling's eyes began to shine, and subconsciously he wanted to turn his head to find Xuanyuan Xianyuan to invite credit. However, he immediately realized that this behavior would easily bring criticism to Xuan Yuanxian, and was afraid that Xuanyuan Xian would not admit his credit for this mistake.

So Wu Shiling turned around and found a good reason. After looking at Xuanyuan, he said ardently, "His Royal Highness Prince, I'm really sorry. It seems that because the Xiaguan is too excited and excited, let the Royal Highness drink Drunk. Look at this..."

Xuan Yuanxian was too late to be happy at this time, and certainly would not blame him for following Wu Shiling's words. Xuanyuan Xian also noticed that his excitement had settled, and only smiled generously at Wu Shiling, "It's okay, I'll let someone take me back to rest."

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