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Chapter 1148 Witnesses

The little girl's anxiety made Gu Chunzhu more determined. In addition, she noticed that the little girl's kneeling and small movements continued, and she was more confident that today's things can be successfully resolved.

She didn't know how Xuan Yuanxian chose people. This little girl was so unbearable that she was so stupid that she kept looking up to peek at Xuanyuanxian. Isn't it clear that telling others is a calculation.

Not only did Gu Chunzhu see the little girl's small movements, Xuan Yuanxian and his staff also saw it. The staff couldn't help but cover his face secretly, and he didn't expect that the little girl who Xuanyuan Xian casually pointed out would be so pitted, but fortunately she just secretly pointed out and didn't say anything.

The anxious staff had to jump out again, pointing at the little maid, and said, "You just listened to what Mo You said. Why don't you forget everything now!" Mo You is a reliable little man known by the staff. Moreover, the man was a little quick-witted, and he could only pull another person out to save the field.

Xiaomao is now eager to be able to get out of her own way, and she should no longer think of her staff, and nodded violently, "It is exactly, Mo You said that he dare not come to see such big figures. Report to His Royal Highness."

Gu Chunzhu was a little interested in the staff, and raised his eyebrows to ask the staff, "Oh, is that true? But how do you know that Xiaomao's news was heard from someone else?"

"Is Mrs. General asking to be down? When I went to the bottom, I accidentally saw the scene of little girl and Mo You communicating, so I guessed it. In order to help adults understand the truth, I boldly reminded the little girl "The staff immediately bowed their heads and answered respectfully, and the answer was watertight.

The staff is also good to arrange for the framing of Xiaocheng and left a while before the incident. Shortly after he came back, the little maid appeared. Although he was confident that no one would notice him as such a small person, even if he paid attention to it, there was no problem with what he just said. So no one could see clearly, there was a confident smile on his face.

After speaking, the staff regained their calmness, and looked up and continued to stand behind Xuanyuanxian without expression.

"Then let someone bring that incomprehensible." Xuan Yuanxian secretly nodded for his staff, thinking that if this thing can be achieved, he must vigorously reward this wise staff.

Gu Chunzhu shrugged and accepted the matter, then turned his head to talk to Su Wangqin, whispering, "Wang brother, the prince is still a little difficult to be a clerks. Why do you say that the prince is blind to the dead cat? what."

Su Wangqin quietly and carefully observed the staff after Gu Chunzhu said, and then found that the staff occasionally showed pride in his eyes, so he must be a person who is extremely confident in his talents. In addition, the staff cherished the clothes they wore. They should have had a chance to encounter these expensive things before.

Then think of it casually, Su Wangqin can guess a seven, seven, eight, eight, and he also told Gu Chunzhu his guess, "Maybe this is all luck, I think that the staff looks like it should be because they have no money and then be used by the prince Money buys people's hearts. In the end, you know, literati are always asking for the gift of knowing encounters, so it's estimated that they will start to **** the Prince."

"It's a really boring story." Gu Chunzhu immediately became interested in the staff, and then chatted with Su Wangqin.

Xiao Achievement stood beside them, listening to the conversation between the two of them in his ears, and his mood relaxed and relaxed.

The little man named Mo You was brought up in the chat room. Compared with the performance of the little girl, Mo You really calmed down a lot. After paying courtesy to Xuanyuan, he lowered his head and placed his hands in front of him, standing there honestly waiting for Xuanyuan to ask questions.

Xuanyuan Xian also knew that Gu Chunzhu's mouth was too good. This time, he took the initiative to ask questions and began to question Mo You, "Mo You, you can tell everything you see!"

Mo You’s head was buried deeper, and his tone was a bit stiff, “Returning to His Royal Highness Prince, the slave just saw a figure, much like Mrs. Pei just chatted with Xiaomao. I didn’t expect that she would make such a big deal. , Please let the crown prince let me go."

"Oh, the person the staff found was also something." Since Gu Chunzhu didn't need to follow up, she was too busy to continue chatting with Su Wangqin. Su Wangqin also nodded to Gu Chunzhu.

Xuanyuan Xian continued to ask, "Are you all true?"

"The words of the minions are true. At that time, I was a little far away, so I could only vaguely see the emperor Sun's arms around Mrs. Pei entered the house." Mo You answered very positively, and then added a few more words.

Xuanyuan Xian turned to Gu Chunzhu with satisfaction, and asked sadly, "Mrs. General, this is not what I said. There are eyewitnesses. Mrs. General is still reluctant to believe that your good son, Xiaocheng, has made a big mistake. Is it wrong?"

Gu Chunzhu really can’t stand it, no matter the Xuanyuan over there, she just forced herself to ask Mo a few questions, her tone is not sharp but the questions are sharper than one, since Mo is right, since You said you looked from a distance, how can you confirm that that person is Mrs. Pei, do you see your face? It should be reasonable that you should not come to Mrs. Pei, how can you be sure at a glance?"

"Returning to this lady, the minions did not see the man's face clearly, but the minions' guess is possible. Although the minions are not common to the nobles in the house, the minions must also know clearly that these nobles can avoid being punished for mistakes. And among them, Mrs. Pei likes pink, so the minion guessed that the woman in pink clothes walking with Her Royal Highness Sun was Mrs. Pei."

Hearing this, Gu Chunzhu was a bit skeptical whether this was a person specially arranged by the staff. This was a well-organized statement, and it didn’t seem to be the standard that a little servant should have. But this is not the point, the point is that Mo has such a supplement, and it is really gentle with Mrs. Pei, because Mrs. Pei is wearing a powder coat today.

Gu Chunzhu didn't know what to continue to ask for a while. If Mo You didn't see the man's face and said something, it would eventually become a publicity and publicity. Damaged.

At this critical moment when the fog was covering the eyes, Chu Yunlan suddenly jumped out, "You guessed wrong, the person in pink is me!"

As soon as this statement came out, Shi Shitian was shocked! The people around also began to point at Chu Yunlan, and there was a lot of discussion.

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