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Chapter 1152 is hard to withstand

"Look, it seems that these people came out of the Prince's Mansion." Gu Chunzhu glanced at Su Wangqin and Xiaocheng and said, "Is there anything going after him in his family's mansion?" Backhand.

Su Wangqin was naturally dazed. Xiaocheng glanced outside and recognized a few familiar people. He said with Gu Chunzhu, "These are all candidates who were with me, and those were all given by the prince. Something may be in trouble."

If everyone is as decisive as Wang Han, the prince's banquet may not be completed long ago. More people first agreed on the face, so as not to brush the prince's face, and fooled with the snake, waiting until afterwards to think about how To solve. This kind of person will be more intelligent and smooth.

Gu Chunzhu suddenly wanted to understand that these people who came to the door may all turn to Xiaocheng in the future.

The family walked down from the carriage. At that time, the candidates who were at the entrance of the house all gathered around. You said one word: "Zhuang Yuanlang, help us."

"Emperor Changsun, there is something for everyone."

"We really have no choice. We can't explain it at home."

One bitter face is like a frosted eggplant, and it is as uncomfortable as eating shit. Now I can only try to vomit it.

"Let everyone go in and say that it is cold to see this day. You all will be the pillars of the Min Dynasty in the future, but you can not freeze you." Gu Chunzhu, as the hostess of the General Mansion, invited all candidates to enter the house .

The people who encountered difficulties also followed. They originally walked behind the general mansion wagon. Because of the kung fu that Xiaocheng went to talk to Miss Chu, they were overtaken by them, so they simply went together at the gate of the general mansion. Waiting outside.

Hundreds of people in a group hulled the study at once.

Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin did not leave, and ordered the maid to serve you tea. In the late autumn, a cup of chrysanthemum fruit tea was filled, and a scattered flower bud was in the background. The taste was sour and sweet, but the aftertaste was very clear.

Although this tea is good, all the candidates are anxious to grow lint on their mouths. The natural and flawless product is just a sip of moisturizing throat.

"I'll talk about it first." One of the candidates stood up first. He was wearing a plain gown and the clothes were all washed a little white. Gu Chunzhu glanced at it and knew that this person's family is definitely not too good. She naturally did not laugh at it. What does it mean, who didn’t come from a hard time!

"This is the case. My family is poor. Fortunately, the Prince gave a house. At that time, there were many people at the banquet and it was not good to brush the Prince's face, but he was not affected by the merits. Something, but the house deeds are here, I don’t know what to do."

The candidate said with a sigh, he was already in a poor family, and there were no distinguished nobles who could help one or two in North Korea. If he hurriedly went to return the prince's house, he didn't know what the prince would think.

Thinking about it, there is only Xiaocheng's way. After all, he is a candidate of the same class, and he has traveled with them before ranking, and it is also somewhat sentimental.

"I also begged the Emperor Sun to help, or would I return you if the house?" the candidate said cautiously.

The crown prince and the elder grandson are fathers and sons. Whoever returns the family's things to them is not returned. Although everyone with a clear eye can see that the crown prince and the elder grandson are not well connected, he still wants to try it.

"This is inappropriate." Xiaocheng shook his head simply.

The prince sent both the house and the girl to make these candidates, but if he took them back, he would not sing a face-to-face conversation with the prince. It's too early to provoke him.

The candidate's face collapsed, and he prides himself on his gentleman, but Pingbai took a house and made him feel sick like eating a fly.

Gu Chunzhu was unlucky when he saw him. He was unlucky for the people he loved by Xuanyuan and the bad for the people he hated. Xuanyuan was really a disgusting man, and all the people he had had trouble with were unlucky.

"It is not appropriate for me to take down the house, but I have an idea." Gu Chunzhu said with a pair of eyes shining brightly, like the stars in the night.

The candidates present looked at the young general lady, many of whom knew that she had raised the emperor's grandson and the governor. This parallel was admirable, and she also opened a chic place, even The reader who despised the businessman also admired her somewhat.

Gu Chunzhu didn't know that these readers admired her in her heart. She just said what she thought. The people who were present nodded frequently.

This method is very simple!

Even if you donate all the things you don't want, the house title deed is also there. You can get a lot of money for selling it. Then donate the money to the White Deer College in Beijing, which has always been famous, not only for the noble children, but also for some poor children. This amount of money can be used as a reward for scholars from poor families.

By donating in the name of the crown prince, not only the crown prince's reputation has been fulfilled, but also the welfare for some of the underprivileged children.

"It's a great idea, Mrs. General." Immediately, candidates stood up and agreed with her, admiring her in the eyes, but the words changed, and they said, "But you can see what to do about the student. The house can donate. That is alive." People can't donate, I can't take this beauty home."

The candidate said it was sincere. His daughter-in-law supported her all the way while he was doing the scientific examination. When the travel expenses were not enough, he also washed the clothes and exchanged money. The listener was so moved, how could such a sincere wife with such a sincere heart, nourish her concubine with a beautiful concubine?

"Your daughter-in-law is really good, it is rare that you have this thought." Gu Chunzhu looked at the candidate more than once, and the man who remembered his wife's affection was a decent character.

This person is indeed a lot of trouble to deal with, and he can't always sell it to people. Looking at Xiaocheng's attitude towards them, there must be a heart of solicitation. Gu Chunzhu is not afraid to take the trouble to her body, she said: "If you are willing to cut love, this beauty will be put in our General House for the time being."

"Ma'am..." Su Wangqin frowned, so how could he put the hidden trouble in his own house, in case the lady was not happy, wouldn't he let him stay?

"Oh, the birthday of Shengshang is approaching. I want to arrange a dance to celebrate the birthday of Shengshou. I think that the people who come out of the Prince’s House are bound to be able to sing and dance, so I ask you to cut the love and leave people in our General’s House. Right." Gu Chunzhu said that it really seems to be the case, which is also a very good reason.

"Madam, this beautiful woman's deed is for you. We are all willing to do something for St. Heshou." Then, all the candidates left their beautiful deeds one after another.

All of a sudden, things were solved, and many candidates were relieved.

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