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"Uncle Auntie is a role model for all women in the world, so how can I become Uncle Auntie like this?" Peony lowered her head in frustration.

Gu Chunzhu supported Peony's shoulders and encouraged her, "You keep learning and you will reach my point someday. What's more, the General Mansion will always stand behind you. You can also come to me at any time, you don't have to worry. "

Everything that follows depends on how Ling Xiao has progressed.

"Madame, Mrs. Ling sent an invitation." In the afternoon, Gu Chunzhu was staying in the study room and was absorbed in dealing with the relevant ledgers of the commercial street. Mother Liu walked in with a post in her hand.

Gu Chunzhu turned a page of the ledger in his left hand, and wrote down a few important numbers on a blank sheet of paper in his right hand. He casually replied, "Where to put it, I will process it after reading these books."

Obviously, Gu Chunzhu didn't take what Mother Liu said in her heart, but thought she had brought a new account book. Mother Liu put it on the edge of the table and left to prepare an afternoon snack for Gu Chunzhu, so she walked with various snacks in her mouth, preparing to pick out some of the most satisfying ones.

Gu Chunzhu put down the pen, opened his hands and stretched a lazy waist and rubbed his shoulders, and suddenly noticed a touch of yellowish red in the corner of the desk. She picked it up suspiciously and turned out to be an invitation. She slapped her head, it wasn't something that Mother Liu had just sent.

I really couldn't hear anything when I was busy, so Gu Chunzhu shook his head happily and opened the invitation to take a closer look.

"Seven days later? Ling Xiao's action is really fast this time." Gu Chunzhu gave a trace of behavior to how Ling Xiao solved the marriage contract problem, and asked Wang Kun to inquire.

Gu Chunzhu also didn't expect Ling Xiao to go off the edge, choosing Xiao Shuang'er, the weakest link.

After Ling Xiao left from General House, he talked to Ling Mother and cousin Xiao Shuanger. Uncle Ling is an iron plate, unable to start. Only Xiao Shuang'er and her heart-felt loved ones are their most solid alliance.

On this day, Ling Xiao found a corner box in the teahouse, and under the pretext of taking her cousin out to play, successfully made Xiao Shuanger meet her love lover. And here, the three people jointly planned an elopement plan that caught both parents off guard.

In fact, this plan is very hasty, that is, let Xiao Shuang'er and Qinglang directly leave in Lingxiao's carriage.

Uncle Ling thought Ling Xiao had compromised. This time he went out to try to cultivate a relationship with his daughter, but the daughter was taken away by another man.

Perhaps the man disappeared, and the woman still had to keep her name and not marry again. But Ling Xiao is a man, and Xiao Shuang'er is missing. Ling Uncle has no reason to stop Ling Xiao from looking for another woman to marry.

After listening to Wang Kun's return, Gu Chunzhu smiled and clapped his hands, "Ling Xiao really is a second person, and all these tricks can be imagined."

While Gu Chunzhu was more satisfied with Ling Xiao, she became more and more worried that the kind and lovely peony would be squeezed to death by Ling Xiao, who cut the belly. She felt the need to torture Ling Xiao more in this marriage procedure, after all, the more difficult it is, the more she cherishes it.

Seven days later, Ling Mu came to the house with gifts many times more than the last visit. Gu Chunzhu, on the other hand, was much colder than the last time, and did not allow Mrs. Su to see Ling Mother together.

Gu Chunzhuan took the upper seat, Ling mother sat at her lower right hand, and the maid served a cup of tea and a stack of pastries for each of them, and then quietly left. In the main hall, only Gu Chunzhu and Mama Liu, as well as Ling Mu and her personal servant.

These details made Ling Mu sigh a little badly, this time I was afraid I would return without success.

"Mrs. General, there is also something to discuss in a hurry." Ling Mu smiled a little embarrassedly, with a kind of flattering expression in her eyes.

"Mrs. Ling may wish to speak out." Gu Chunzhu said with a confused face.

"I want to raise my son for Peony."

"Mrs. Ling has really thought about it? My peony has grown up since Xiao Xiaojiao, and can't eat a bit of bitterness." Gu Chunzhu deliberately made a decent look, and she glanced at Ling Mu to make her consciously short of Gu Chunzhu.

Ling Mu slipped through a haze in her eyes, and she retreated a little in her heart. In a blink of an eye, I thought of Ling Xiao's attachment to peony. I was sad and helpless. I could only suppress the urge to turn around and go again. I asked again, "Will I see Miss Peony?"

"This is naturally feasible, and it is just for you to see how noble the lady in my house is." Gu Chunzhu waved and asked Ms. Liu to invite Peony.

While waiting, Gu Chunzhu picked up a piece of shortbread and tasted the tea slowly, and greeted Lingmu to try it together, "This is a new type of pastry that I let the chef cook develop, which can't be tasted outside. Peony has always liked These, I'm really worried that she can't eat even a small pastry when she marries to another house."

Where does Ling Mu dare to answer the question, is it true that she can't really make such a chic food at home? So she smiled and picked up a shortbread to try it out.

Peony soon came to the main hall. When she saw Ling Mu and Gu Chunzhu separately, she walked to Gu Chunzhu and stood down with her head down, as if the two people were not talking about themselves.

"Please also ask Mrs. Jun to accept my request. I really don't want to miss such an excellent daughter-in-law." Ling Mu had a very big improvement on her at the first sight of Peony, not to mention that Peony has always been showing Knowing the festival, understanding the manners, and advancing and retreating, it is naturally more satisfying.

However, since Gu Chunzhu has made up his mind to beat the Ling family well, especially the mother Ling who is dissatisfied with peonies, she will naturally not relax easily. She still talks about letting Ling mother go away, and the marriage should be found separately. Time to discuss again, so that both sides have sufficient time to think.

The longer the time is, the easier it will be to make a branch. Ling Mother wants to say more words of persuasion so that she can be determined today. But Gu Chunzhu didn't give her this opportunity, only to see Gu Chunzhu covered his mouth and yawned.

"I'm also tired, so I go to rest first. You can send Lingmu to Peony." Gu Chunzhu delivered him directly before Lingmu reacted.

"Okay, Auntie."

Although it is a pity not to be able to determine it once, but also to get a time with the two of Peony, Ling Mother is also satisfied. Taking advantage of this period of time may also have a magical effect on persuading the General House to promise the Ling family to marry.

Peony accompanied Ling Mother slowly walked out the door while chatting. Ling Mother was more satisfied and close to Peony. In the final section of the road, Ling Mother directly held Peony's hand and kissed her like a mother and daughter.

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