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Chapter 870 The Nightmare of One Night

Under the dark night, a circle of lanterns hung in the courtyard of the General Hall of the General Mansion, which illuminated the courtyard. The night that was supposed to be silent was also lively because of the circle of people in the courtyard. But no one talked, only the dull sounds of the flesh, and Xiao Bing's weakening groan.

Gu Chunzhu sat straight on the Taishi chair with his back, holding the armrests on both sides with both hands, calmly watching the traitor in the courtyard accept the punishment without blinking his eyes.

Xuan Yuanxian knew that Gu Chunzhu did all this for himself, and killing a spy was just killing a chicken and a monkey. He clenched his right hand behind his back, but with a smile on his face, he stood up and said, "Since Mrs. General has something wrong, I will say goodbye first. But then you have to be more careful and careful not to let assassins or the like Mix into the house."

Gu Chunzhu raised the corner of his mouth, "These don't need to be reminded by the prince. But since the prince has come, why don't you just read it and go."

"You're your own business, I'm not an outsider to disturb." Xuanyuan raised his eyebrows and said rather embarrassedly.

"Since the prince insists, then forgive me not to send it away." Gu Chunzhu stood up and gave a blessing to Xuanyuan, and then went back to sit and watch the play. There was no respect for the prince in her movements and expression. .

Leaving the muffled noise in the courtyard behind him, Xuan Yuanxian walked out of the General Mansion with his servants. He had just left his front foot, and the door of the general's palace was closed heavily. Xuanyuan Xian turned to stare fiercely at the closed door, her eyes full of red blood.

Gu Chunzhu, you wait for me! If you can’t kill your family, I’m not called Xuanyuan!

In the general's palace, the punishment of the one hundred sticks will only exceed three quarters, and Xiao Bing will be completely silent. To keep him quiet, the rags in his mouth were stained darker by the blood in his mouth.

Wang Kun reached out and probed Xiao Bing's breath. It was already very weak, and hesitated if he would continue to fight. If this continues, it will kill people alive!

"Madam, this man has passed out, do you want to continue?" Wang Kun asked hesitantly.

Gu Chunzhu looked at Wang Kun indifferently and said, "If you wake me up with water, you must hit a hundred."

Knowing that Gu Chunzhu's anger was not directed at himself, Wang Kun was still agitated by Gu Chunzhu's sharp eyes, and he hurried out to implement Gu Chunzhu's decision.

Soon, the murmur and almost inaudible sores continued to sound in the courtyard.




One hundred sticks finally ended, Wang Kun reported to Gu Chunzhu, got Gu Chunzhu's nod, he quickly took the worn mat and wrapped up Xiao Bing's body and threw it away.

"Mother Liu, let's go, I'm tired."

"Yes." Ms. Liu carefully followed Gu Chunzhu back to the small yard carefully, and then served Gu Chunzhu to take a simple wash and waited for Gu Chunzhu to sleep.

One night's tossing is one night's exhaustion. During a period of time, the mood fluctuates and makes Gu Chunzhu fall into a sweet dream quickly next to the pillow.

"Su Wangqin! You can be guilty!" A majestic and horrible voice sounded, and Su Wangqin knelt down on the ground.

Gu Chunzhu looked around in confusion, and it was indeed foggy. Apart from Su Wangqin's figure, he could not see anything else. She tried to pull Su Wangqin, but her hand went directly through Su Wangqin's arm.

"Wang brother! Wang brother!" Gu Chunzhu tried to call Su Wangqin and still couldn't get a response.

Soon, that majestic voice rang again in this space, and kept echoing and repeating in this empty environment, "Su Wangqin, you bully the king, sin can be lethal, and you still do not plead guilty!"

The crime of bullying? I hope my brother has been faithful and sincere, and has worked hard for the country and the people. How can he commit such a serious crime!

Gu Chunzhu raised his head angrily, trying to scold the person who spoke, but found that he could not speak anyway. She was anxious and angry, and her forehead was swollen.

She looked at it again. It was not that Xuanyuanxian who sat on the high steps and sat on the golden dragon chair!

Xuanyuan Xian turned into an emperor? This is never possible!

"Ma'am, ma'am, wake up!"

Mother Liu came to Gu Chunzhu according to the usual time, but found that Gu Chunzhu had not yet got up today. She was worried that Gu Chunzhu would get sick overnight, and she came closer to visit. At first glance, she found that Gu Chunzhu had tight teeth, two jaws protruding, and sweat on her forehead.

Is this a nightmare?

Mother Liu hurriedly shouted Gu Chunzhu, seeing that there was nothing to use to gently push Gu Chunzhu's shoulder. It was easy for Gu Chunzhu to relax and slowly open his eyes.

Gu Chunzhu, who just woke up, stared dimly at the top of the bed, his face was trance, and he was obviously still in a nightmare and could not wake up.

Mother Liu frowned anxiously, wringing the veil to wipe Gu Chunzhu's sweat, "But is Madam having a nightmare?"

"Mother Liu?" Gu Chunzhu gradually closed his eyes and watched Mum Liu mutter, "So am I dreaming?"

Because it was close enough, Gu Chunzhu's soft whisper was still captured by Ms. Liu, and Ms. Liu comforted her, "Mrs. is just having a nightmare, everything is false, and Ms. Don't worry about it."

Gu Chunzhu exhaled, and said dryly, "Pour me a glass of water first."

After pouring three glasses of water one after another, Gu Chunzhu felt the backlog in his heart, and the breath that filled his chest slowly dissipated. This dream sign is too bad. Gu Chunzhu can only use "dream and reality opposite" to comfort and comfort himself.

Gu Chunzhu sat on the bed for a while, and then got up formally to freshen up.

"Breakfast can be arranged?" Gu Chunzhu sat at the dressing table and asked Ms. Liu to bun her hair. She looked at Ms. Liu in the mirror and asked.

Mother Liu moved quickly and steadily, finishing it at once, took out a few hairpins for Gu Chunzhu to choose, and replied, "It's still as usual, what's your wife wanting to eat? It's time to order now."

"It's bitter in my mouth. I want to have something sweet this morning."

Mother Liu thought for a while, "I don't know if Eight Treasure Porridge is feasible?"

Seeing Gu Chunzhu nodded, Ms. Liu ordered the **** the side to communicate quickly.

Gu Chunzhu still had a lingering fear in the nightmare. He didn't eat very well at breakfast. Just after swallowing his mouth, he felt a little tired. She took a deep breath and stirred the porridge in the bowl with a spoon.

At this moment, although Wang Kun's face was pale because of the injury last night, and his lips were slightly chapped, he seemed to have a good spirit, with a smile of gloating in his eyes, and walked in, "Madam, there is good news! "

Gu Chunzhu raised his eyes indifferently and only responded lowly.

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