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Chapter 994 Catch the Rape

As soon as Wen's was thrown into the fire room, it was like a piece of delicious tender meat was thrown in front of a group of jackals who had not eaten for three days. The strong men yelled and threw up, the scene suddenly became hot and unsightly stand up.

It is conceivable that Wen Shi, who was surrounded by so many physically powerful people and still taking medicine, would be miserable in the end.

On the other side, Pan Chun, who was specifically instructed by Gu Chunzhu to throw it away, woke up because of the dissipation of the medicine. She rubbed her sore forehead and saw Wen Shi was not there. Although strange, she didn't care much.

The only thing that Pan's cared about was the resources and contacts in Wen's hands, so she hurried to the chaff house, fearing that she missed the follow-up process arranged by Wen's and could not get the things in Wen's hands.

She knew how fierce Wen's medicine was, and she didn't dare to go in and take a closer look, fearing that the strong men would involve her all. So she stood far behind the tree and tried to stretch her ears to listen to the sound inside.

This Gu Chunzhu behaved so vigorously and uprightly, it is not only able to fall into the sludge now, and it will never be washed again! Pan suppressed his inner excitement, but his eyes were still brighter than usual, letting people know at first glance that she must have encountered something good.

Can't delay, we must quickly call someone to catch the rape.

Pan was afraid that his voice would disturb the other side, so he ran further to launch his own "sonic attack"-screaming in shock. And her strong penetrating power in her hand scared away the birds nearby for a few miles, so that the little Haifu knew that something was wrong.

Although she is increasingly disgusting with her true wife, Pan, but as long as she is still in that position, she cannot act too much. Master Hai thought boringly that Pan did not know what the **** he was doing this time, and it was really shameful to get such a big movement.

The people also slowly gathered in the direction of the sound, and gradually the courtyard of the firewood house was full of people. Master Hai and Mrs. Hai met at the gate of the yard, but they were all blocked by the onlookers. The person found behind hurriedly lowered his question mark, and then quickly pulled away his companion standing beside him.

Slowly people will be scattered, except for some relatives who happen to be guests in the house. They are all cheeky and seem to care about the situation of Master Hai's daughter-in-law. In fact, they want to see the gossip and scandals of Haifu and laugh at Haifu inwardly.

"Pan, what the **** happened is worthy of your fuss!" Mrs. Hai walked to the front in the company of Master Hai, her sharp eyes poked straight on Pan's body.

Pan covered his face and showed fear that he would not dare to do it. In fact, he wanted to hide the corner of his mouth that he could not restrain.

Seeing that Pan did not answer, Mrs. Hai glared at her in disappointment, and joined Master Hai to observe the situation in the chalet together. Relatives in the back also followed along to join in the fun.


The visiting female guests screamed while covering their eyes, and finally confirmed that they were ready to go back to the tree to rest for a while, and the birds flew away from Haifu. Such a strange place will never be inside again! The birds cried in this way.

Shangshan used the strong man to hit the door panel, so the situation in the fire room could be said to be uncovered, straight into the eye. Mrs. Hai couldn't help seeing such a filthy picture, she also took a breath of air and immediately turned her head to close her eyes. Pointing to the situation in the house, she told Master Hai, "You go and let people separate them, and then please let those guests go."

Obviously I just wanted to see the gossip of Haifu, but I broke the bigger scandal at once. Many people left with interest and hinted to themselves that they had never been to the firehouse and saw the dirty scene. .

Wen's like a rag doll to let the irrational brawns ravage, her eyes closed, there is no clean place on her body, all are pinched scars. Even at this point, the strong medicine made the strong men fail to return to reason.

Master Hai called all the guards in the house to pull away the strong men one by one. The most embarrassing thing was the one who leaned over Wen Shi. They took turns to knock him down, fell on Wen's body, and were quickly taken away by the guards.

As for Wen Shi lying on the ground, the guards looked at each other, and the leader had to ask Master Hai for instructions.

"Hurry up and find some maids! By the way, let them bring bed cups to wrap her." Master Hai snarled back to the log room with his face black. He really didn't understand why Wen Shi was in his house and was also mixed with a group of men. The most important thing is why it happened in his own home!

Gu Chunzhu and Shang Shan hid in the corner of the courtyard and hid behind the rockery to watch things develop. Gu Chunzhu sneered, letting him tolerate the woman of Pan repeatedly, this time you will slowly pack up!

She patted Shan Shan's hand, "Come on, let's go to Xi Niang."

The place where Gu Chunzhu was captured before was not the courtyard where Liu Xiniang really lived, and the place where Liu Xiniang lived was small but delicately and warmly furnished. Gu Chunzhu, who was very familiar with Liu Xiniang, found Liu at a glance at this moment of calm Xi Niang's residence.

Liu Xiniang was serving flowers and plants at this time, Shang Shan and Gu Chunzhu turned over from the wall and fell directly in front of her. She looked up at the person in shock, and opened her eyes in surprise, "How come you come, Chunzhu?"

"In a word, it's hard to say. Didn't you hear Pan's scream just now?" Gu Chunzhu put her hands behind Liu Xiniang to calm her, and then took her to the room.

After listening to Gu Chunzhu’s thrilling and horrifying experience today, Liu Xiniang was shocked and sad. She never expected that Pan would cooperate with Wen to do such a thing. She turned her back and did not want Gu Chunzhu to see her tears. She pressed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, pressed down the tears she was about to squirt, and took a few deep breaths before returning to continue talking.

"Then they will doubt your body, will you have any influence? I really blame me badly, dragging you down." As she said, Liu Xi Niang's tears of relief eased up, She choked.

Gu Chunzhu blinked slyly towards her, "I was invited by you to be a guest today, but I have never been out of your small yard half a step. I don't know what happened outside, how can I be related to me?"

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