Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

"According to a simple recipe, the ingredients are processed first, and the kitchen is arranged to speed up the cooking." Gu Chunzhu told Wang Guanjia first, and then he smiled and went to the counter on the first floor to start looking at the location of the store and wanted to give Hu Fei. Pick a good location for consultation.

Gu Chunzhu thought about it for a long time, seeing that there was an empty space next to the counter, and arranged the shopkeeper’s way, "Here is a place for Hu Shenyi, ready for pen, ink and paper, here are two more chairs. For other things to be prepared, you can just ask him later."

She said that she lifted her chin and gestured in the direction of Hu Fei. She walked two steps forward and said to him, "Brother Hu, I'll see you next."

"What's the matter with this?" Hu Fei had Chengzhu's very arrogant look and lifted his chin, then turned his head to look at the good, his eyes full of provocation.

Shangshan naturally received the provocation in his eyes, and he turned his eyes back in disbelief.

"Give me the medicine box." Hu Fei saw that she was not convinced, as if deliberately, she walked in front of Shangshan deliberately, grabbed the medicine box in her hand, and then proudly said, "You can sit here and watch." "

"They will look at me with an admiring look for a while. Don't admit it. By the way, let you see what is true medical skill, and you will be convinced to lose your mouth." Looks like.

"Huh," Shang kindly turned his head away, and there was a feeling of being flattened in his heart, but in his heart, he wanted to see what Hu Fei asked for consultation, so he sat down on the chair next to him, "Just talk about it, don't practice mouth-tipped."

"Although your medical skills are much higher than mine, it is not necessarily true that everything can be cured. I won't leave today, so I will see how you are ugly here." Shang Shan raised his eyes and deliberately cracked down. He said, "There are so many people here, there are everyone, don't be too confident in yourself."

Gu Chunzhu looked at their mouth-to-mouth look, and some forbearance could not help. In the eyes of outsiders, it looks like a flirtatious one, but neither of them insiders have ever noticed it.

The clever arrangement of the shopkeeper set up a stand for Hu Fei's consultation, and many guests who were still eating in the vulgar and elegant had long heard the movement, and looked over here from time to time, could not help but secretly talk about two more words.

Gu Chunzhu looked around, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, stood at the front and clapped his hands, beckoning everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone saw it just now, everyone must be very strange what we are doing," Gu Chunzhu smiled and walked to Hu Fei, "This is the highly skilled Hu Shenyi, today I will see you in my vulgar and elegant. ."

"Free consultation?" The customers present looked at Gu Chunzhu in disbelief, his eyes showing a eager light.

"But, as the owner of the restaurant, I naturally don't want everyone to waste it, so since everyone is already eating, you must finish eating before you can come over to line up." Gu Chunzhu said with a smile, "Simply put , That is, everyone can rely on the bill to rank."

Gu Chunzhu's words just fell, and everyone immediately looked at each other, and began to bow their heads anxiously, eating like a rush of food.

Every table seemed to experience a lingering cloud, and soon Gu Chunzhu saw everyone quickly lining up in front of Hu Fei.

Gu Chunzhu tilted his head slightly to look at Hu Fei, who was surrounded by everyone, and found that he had already put away his usual stubborn face and took each patient very seriously.

He occasionally touched the patient's lower jaw and ear, put a needle, and some only put the other person's hand on his palm and flipped it over to check it. Then he took a big pen and wrote a prescription on the paper.

Many people who were diagnosed and treated walked away with the pharmacy. Gu Chunzhu looked at their satisfaction and secretly rejoiced in his heart. This time his own restaurant has another ace that is famous in Beijing.

She looked at Shang Shan as if she didn't recognize it very much, and then quietly walked to her and sat down, whispered, "It doesn't seem very convincing to see you."

"Of course." Shang Shan pouted and looked at Hu Fei with disapproval. He approached Gu Chunzhu with some small voices. "You see that these people are not serious at all. It looks so normal. It can also be seen that as long as a tonic or a fire is prescribed, it will probably be almost the same.

"Furthermore, since the prescription is adjusted, the medicinal properties are naturally not large. Even if they are wrong, they are all in good health and there will be no major problems."

"Do you really think so?" Gu Chunzhu stared at Shangshan seriously. Although she didn't know much about medicine, she obviously knew that the ancient prescription was obviously different from the modern nourishing type," "Fangwei Du gradually wants It's much harder. "

Shang Shan was stared at by Gu Chunzhu with a little guilty conscience, and he coughed two times to conceal his embarrassment. "In short, Hu Fei must not let them suffer from the problem, but I don't admit that his medical skills must be the best."

Gu Chunzhu saw that she felt suffocated in her heart, and she could only let her continue to stubbornly say nothing.

When she looked up, she saw many guests who heard the news hurriedly, and there was a long line in front.

Although Hu Fei's consultation was accurate and fast, he still couldn't stop more and more people coming here.

As Gu Chunzhu expected, many people who came to the restaurant were eager to line up with their bills, and they all ordered the simplest recipe.

Gu Chunzhu just sighed deeply, lamenting his foresight, but saw Wang Guanjia running hurriedly, leaning into her ear and whispering, "Madam, the ingredients prepared in the kitchen are almost used up, come There are really too many people."

"Ma'am, what do you think, do you continue to replenish the ingredients, or..." Wang Kun turned his head worriedly and glanced at the long line. "I'm afraid that there are too many people. What if something happens?"

Wang Kun's words made Gu Chunzhu's smile slowly converge. His words made her feel like a divine initiation, and he suddenly remembered a sentence, "Take a big wind."

Right now Xuanyuan Xian also stared at the General's House, she really should be good to close.

Gu Chunzhu thought of this and got up and walked slowly to Hu Fei and said to everyone, "Quiet everyone, Hu Shenyi's consultation has been almost half an hour. I'm here for the time being and I haven't listed the number yet. Wait, next time..."

"Be careful, everyone be careful." Then Gu Chunzhu's voice was not falling, and everyone in the room heard that he was about to be numbered, and had no patience to continue to listen to what she was behind, and suddenly stood up and desperately greeted the team while greeting He, the shopkeeper, took the checkout.

The unwillingness to line up in the front, and the subsequent scramble, the scene became a bit out of control for a time, and even a lot of people fell in the crowd, too late to get up, and a trampling incident occurred.

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