Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

"Ma'am, you got up so early," Ms. Liu's cheerful voice floated over, and Gu Chunzhu couldn't help but ask, "Why did you smile so happy all the time on your face one morning, so there was nothing happy about it Not successful?"

Mother Liu nodded as soon as she heard it, and moved closer, "Ma'am, it's indeed a happy event."

Gu Chunzhu's eyes widened with some curiosity. Mother Liu opened her palms with a smile, and saw that there were six or seven copper plates lying inside.

"Wang Guanjia is going to be a dad soon. This is not a joy for him. Everyone in the morning will give each of us a copper plate, and we ladies and wives will naturally be happy."

"It turns out that's the case." Gu Chunzhu couldn't help laughing. She didn't expect that she had just won Wang Kun Yinzi yesterday. Today, he generously gave some to his wife and maidservant.

Gu Chunzhu thought that the smile on his face was deeper. Wang Kun had a happy event and could think about the others in the courtyard. This is also a good thing.

"By the way, is Brother Hu still in the room?" Gu Chunzhu suddenly said to Mom Liu, "If he gets up later, you let him go to me, I have something to find him."

Although Mother Liu didn't know what Gu Chunzhu was looking for Hu Fei, she nodded immediately.

Hu Fei arrived at Anjuyuan, Gu Chunzhu greeted him with a smile, and sat down, "Brother Hu is in a good mood today, maybe he also knows that I have a happy event in this general mansion."

Hu Fei was in a happy mood, but it was not because of Wang Kun's affairs, but when she mentioned it on purpose, he remembered it.

"So you are looking for me for Wang's steward's business?" Hu Fei also asked Gu Chunzhu around the corner.

"Brother Hu, you are really smart. You don't need to turn around when talking to you." Gu Chunzhu nodded. "Fen Niang is just pregnant, so I want you to prescribe some anti-embryonic drugs for her. Just give you a few more delicious meals, how do you like it?"

Upon hearing this, Hu Fei felt that the transaction was quite cost-effective, so he immediately asked Mother Liu to take the paper and pen, quickly wrote some words on it, and handed it to Mother Liu.

Gu Chunzhu looked at Mother Liu and nodded, "Mother Liu is going to work hard, please take these medicines back."

When Mother Liu took the medicine back, Hu Fei did not know where to go, so she followed Gu Chunzhu to Wu Fenniang.

Wu Fenniang saw Gu Chunzhu coming and immediately stood up to meet him, but she took her hand and sat down.

"Fen Niang, you are pregnant now, you need to be careful, you don't need to see me like that." Gu Chunzhu took the medicine package that Ms. Liu handed over. "Here is the anti-fetal medicine I gave you from Brother Hu. "

"The first three months of pregnancy is the most important thing. You will not be used in the embroidery workshop in these few months. Take care of your baby at home. Wang Guanjia has been busy with me before and after, I am afraid I can’t give more thoughts to take care of you. For this, I always feel ashamed of you, and naturally I can’t let you suffer anymore.” Gu Chunzhu said sincerely, holding Wu Fenniang's hand.

Her words moved Wu Fenniang so much that she didn't even know what grateful words to say.

Considering that Wang Kun's time to accompany Wu Fenniang is too little, Gu Chunzhu specially asked Ms. Miao to take over Wang Kun's unfinished work in the evening, and asked him to go back to accompany Wu Fenniang in advance.

Wang Kun naturally appreciates Gu Chunzhu's intentions and cherishes every minute and second spent with Wu Fenniang.

He intimately brought a bowl of red dates and lotus seed soup for Wu Fenniang, gently blowing cold for her, and then delivered to her lips.

Wu Fenniang looked shy and happy, enjoying Wang Kun's intimate care. When all the bowls of red jujube and lotus soup were eaten, the two of them sat together hand in hand to speak their own words.

"By the way, today my wife specially brought me a couple of anti-fetal medicines and said that they were coming from Hu Shenyi." Wu Fenniang said, stretching her bones, "You don’t have to say, since I took his pair Medicine, I feel more comfortable all over."

"Moreover, my wife specially asked me to rest for three months to take care of my baby." Wu Fenniang said, tapping Wang Kun's forehead gently with her finger, "Ma'am is so good to us, you must be good at Ma'am It's around me."

Speaking of this, Wu Fenniang took Wang Kun's hand with some emotion and said, "In the final analysis, the most important thing for us as slaves is to be able to deal with the master. Now that my wife is so good to us, I really have no other extravagance. Now."

Wang Kun naturally understood the meaning of Wu Fenniang's words. He nodded vigorously. He was already loyal to Gu Chunzhu and vowed never to change again.

He gently embraced Fen Niang's shoulders and hugged her into his arms. "You can rest assured that I will definitely do things for my wife. The lady is so good to us. If I don't do my best, I must be conscientious." I can’t get through it."

The evening breeze at night gently blows, and the treetops under the moon shadow swing slowly with the wind, and the general palace at night falls into a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere.

In the blink of an eye, a small and comfortable day in General Mansion passed by half a month.

In the past half a month, Shangshan has been studying medicine, busy seeing a doctor, and looking at her career, she is slowly developing. She only cares about the joy of her heart, but has not realized that she has forgotten other things.

In addition to being busy with medical research, she spent most of the rest of her time researching culinary skills. Perhaps the first time was to please Hu Fei, but as the days slowly grew, she really enjoyed herself.

Shangshan rarely voluntarily sought out Hu Fei. At this time, it was finally his turn to sit still. Hu Fei often came over to pick her up.

The weather was right that day, and the sun was shining brightly. Shang Shan was carefully servicing the herbs in the yard, and Hu Fei ran over and pulled it through.

"What are you all picking? As soon as you look at it, you have no meticulous research on herbal medicine books. If you want me to say that to you, it is simply weeds."

Hu Fei said that he was still holding a hand to show up to Shangshan. Shangshan saw that he was so uncomfortable with the medicinal materials he had picked so hard that he felt a sudden anger.

She put down a handful of herbs in her hand and had to catch up and hit Hu Fei.

Hu Fei's light meritoriousness, if he didn't want to run, no one would catch him, but this time he was standing there so stupidly waiting for Shangshan to grab him and kick him, and he continued to stimulate with a smile Shang Shandao, "Look, I've been told, I'm not ashamed but angry."

Shang Shan sees that he has such a thick skin, so he doesn't want to worry about him anymore, and glared at him, "Don't you always like to run out? Why do you always wander around this general palace now?"

Hu Fei was as if he was stabbed in the heart, to be honest, now he is really someone else let him run away, he will not run.

He just wanted to settle down in Gu Chunzhu's mansion calmly. He always wanted to be in front of Shang Shan's eyes and make her angry by insulting her, and he would be happy in his heart.

But although he thought so in his heart, he categorically refused to admit it. He replied without any weakness. "The legs are on me. I want to go where I want to go. I want to go. You can’t keep me, I think it’s okay for you to stay and you can drive me away? The master in this house didn’t say anything. Why did you rush out the people first?"

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