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"Who allowed you to leave?" Gu Chunzhu pulled Su Wangqin and turned to leave. Xuanyuan was behind them, but with a black face and a deep voice stopped them.

Gu Chunzhu turned helplessly, with a perfunctory and impatient attitude, "What the **** does the prince want to do, then you should deal with your housework, such as discussing the marriage of Chi Yihe and Xuanyuanrong, our general government will continue Blend?"

"My prince needs to know the reason for your work? It's ridiculous, in short, you will keep it." Xuan Yuanxian naturally had other plans. He kept Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin not to let them watch the show, but to pit They are a handful.

Here, he fell into silence for a while. Xuan Yuanxian was immersed in the picture of his grief after the fantasy of the General Mansion was pitted by himself. Gu Chunzhu and his wife were too lazy to talk. They were already very sleepy in the middle of the night. It is even more exhausted.

Soon, Chi's arrival broke the silent scene. He didn't want to come, but unfortunately Xuanyuan Xian conveyed to his descendants the order to take him to death, so Chi Fu, who was forced to help, finally came to Prince's Mansion.

As soon as he entered the flower hall, he cried and asked the prince for forgiveness, saying not to kill his son Yunyun. Xuanyuan Xian was forced to clarify from the beautiful dream, coupled with the crying shock, he pressed his forehead with a headache, "Can Master Chi shut up?"

It is a pity that Chi Father, who was focused on crying, did not hear Xuanyuan Xian, even because he lowered his head and did not see Xuanyuan Xian mouth open. The more impatient Xuanyuan Xian directly hit a chick at the foot of Chi-Fu, scaring him to take a big step back, screaming and daring not to say anything.

"Master Chi may have listened to me now?" Xuan Yuanxian's face was green, and every word seemed to expel from the clenched teeth, terrifying Chi father's body with a trembling nod.

Xuanyuan Chang breathed a sigh of breath and calmed down to discuss with Chi father about Chi Yihe and Xuanyuan Rong. "It must be clear that Master Chi already knows everything, don't you need me to repeat it again?"

Chi father quickly shook his head and said with a smile that how to deal with this matter was entirely up to the prince.

"That's good, let Chi Yihe marry my daughter, and the sooner the marriage is done, the better, and I said to the outside that the last marriage contract continued." Xuan Yuanxian didn't ask Chi father's opinion at all, just put Everything was decided, Chi father could only nod his head in agreement.

"Would it be ten days later?" Chi father calculated the time to set up the ceremony and go through all the procedures. Ten days was basically appropriate, so he asked Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan Xian nodded and agreed. Anyway, his attitude was to send away Xuanyuanrong as soon as possible. First, he didn't want to see her and didn't want to control her anymore. Second, he was afraid that if Xuanyuanrong was pregnant this time, it would definitely affect The reputation of the Prince's House.

Xuanyuan Rong's matter was temporarily over. Xuanyuan let Chi father take Chi Yihe, turned around and began to apologize to the prince of Yi nationality. By the way, look at his attitude, "The prince is really sorry, I don't know me This unfilial daughter will suffer this kind of misfortune. I don’t know if our marriage can still count. I have other daughters who can marry you. Look at us..."

Xuanyuan Yu, who eavesdropped for a long time outside the door, couldn't sit still, but he didn't expect his father to be so eager to marry the Yi clan. She rushed straight in and shouted, "I will never marry the Yi people, I disagree! How can you be so cruel, Father!",

Xuanyuan Xian and her two daughters did not expect that they were the same disobedient, and their noses were crooked, pointing at Xuanyuanyu to scold her and retreat. It is a pity that Xuanyuan Yu now only wants to destroy Xuanyuan Xian's plan to marry her. She just stood still and continued to shout that she would not marry.

"You listen to what you say, don't you want to think about your father and I have worked hard to educate you just to let you go to be a monk?" Xuan Yuanxian was directly raised by Xuan Yuanyu's words. Qiao, looked at Xuanyuan Yu with heartbreak, as if caring about her very much.

Xuanyuan Yu laughed sarcastically. The people in this room probably knew what his attitude was to him except the Yi prince, but he still had to pretend. It was really for the purpose of marriage. Pretended, pretended to be different. In a word, I will not marry, otherwise I will get into trouble like my sister, and then I will see how you got off the stage."

Xuanyuan Rong, who had been kneeling on the side silently like a transparent person, suddenly burst into hearing Xuanyuanyu's words and fell to cover Xuanyuanyu's mouth, covering her mouth like a poisonous tongue. "What are you little hoofs talking about, Where am I doing things? Every day, the mouth babble talks, is it not wanted!"

All of this happened too suddenly, and the people around me didn't react. At this time, Xuanyuan Yu was covered by Xuanyuanrong's mouth, and his throat seemed to be accidentally pressed by Xuanyuanrong's arm.

Xuanyuan Xian stepped forward to grab Xuanyuan Rong and threw her to the side, then quickly checked the situation of Xuanyuan Yu. Fortunately, although Xuanyuan Yu kept coughing over her throat, there was no risk of her life. Xuanyuan Rong stood aside and laughed madly, plus her messy hair and dirty clothes, the whole image of a female lunatic.

After Xuanyuan Yu slowed down and drank some tea to moisturize her throat, she broke the jar and broke all the plans of Xuanyuan Rong directly, "I didn't want to say it, but sister, you don't blame me for being so rude Alright! Everything that happened today was actually made by my sister."

It turned out that Xuanyuan Rong didn't know why he collected some An'an manuscripts and secretly imitated her handwriting practice when she returned. And at noon today, she wrote a letter with An'an handwriting to send Chi Yihe to send it, and at night people were asked to accept Chi Yihe from the back door to enter the Prince's House without knowing it.

She deliberately chose a dark corner. When Chi Yihe arrived, he dragged him into a wind and moon, and she specially sent someone to lead a servant to catch the rape. She thinks the plan is seamless, but Xuanyuan Yu has been following her, how could she not find her small movements, so now Xuanyuanyu has come to a big start.

"Ah! Xuanyuan Yu you bitch, how can you talk nonsense, I'm your sister! What you said is false, I don't have it, I'm not!" If it were not Xuanyuan Yu, first order the two servants to hold down After Xuanyuanrong, I'm afraid now Xuanyuanrong has rushed to grab Xuanyuanyu severely.

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