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Chapter 1958? Home

The dark night and the deep night can only be seen with a little bit of light. The carriage of the General's Mansion was parked in front of the Prince's Mansion. The coachman was sleeping with his whip leaning against the carriage. He could hear him screaming as he approached. When Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin walked to the carriage, the little maid who had jammed a small note before walking out of the carriage.

"Before, many people have mixed eyes and failed to show the status of slave-servant. Please don't blame the general and the wife of the general." The little girl buried her head deeply in anxiety and gave an apologetic first tremblingly. Obviously, her previous status was too low. Never touched the nobility above.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to be nervous, you should have been sent by Mrs. Qing." Gu Chunzhu didn't mind what the little maid said, but quickly guessed the person behind the little maid, so she was very sure. answer.

The little maid was still very nervous. After exaggerating Gu Chunzhu, she said the purpose of coming to them. "Mrs. General is really like a god, and Mrs. Qing also asked the slave to convey a word to you, Mrs. Qing. She said she needs to avoid the misconduct and cannot tell you in person. Please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter, then you can go back quickly, otherwise it will be awful if someone finds you gone." Gu Chunzhu knows Mrs. Qing's situation. The person who participated in this incident was her mother's family. An accidental Xuanyuan had It may be suspected that Mrs. Qing and Chi Yihe collaborated in a hurry.

Farewell to the little maidservant, Su Wangqin wakes up the carriageman who has slept very sweetly, and the two can finally go home with peace of mind.

Gu Chunzhu leaned halfway in Su Wangqin's arms. Su Wangqin had one arm around her waist and one hand was doing blame everywhere. He touched his hand for a while and then touched his hair again. If it was not Gu Chunzhu who was distressed before he came home from Bianguan, he would have been disturbed and sat aside.

"You said that this prince is a good person and must be a livestock. It's funny." Gu Chunzhu was a little sad and depressed, and began to spit out Su Xuanqin's recent behaviors, especially Xuanyuan Xian also cautiously What happened to An'an's head was particularly angry.

"Prince is hard to be a good father, and his environment determines that it is difficult for him to experience true love, which leads him to not know how to love." Su Wangqin originally wanted to say something to comfort Gu Chunzhu, although he Everything that was said was very reasonable, but Gu Chunzhu patted his arm angrily.

"Which side are you standing on? Are you still trying to excuse the prince after listening to your words?" Gu Chunzhu angrily wanted to sit up from Su Wangqin's arms and sit aside. Unfortunately, he was restricted by Su Wangqin's hard arm like steel , Can't move at all.

"Good girl, how can you misunderstand me? It's a matter of security. How can I stand next to the prince." Su Wangqin coaxed angrily, the other hand hardened Gu Chunzhu back, a few gentle The kiss fell on Gu Chunzhu's face.

"Every time I confuse me with a beautiful man's plan. Would you like to change a fresh plan next time?" Gu Chunzhu's mood also quickly improved, and he ridiculed Su Wangqin's old methods.

"As long as it is still easy to use, it will not prevent me from using the old one." The strategy of Su Wangqin, who has led soldiers to fight for many years, has gone to sea, but most of his family members are naturally unable to come in handy. Many of them are not warm enough, only this beauty meter looks a little more interesting, not to mention that it is still very easy to use.

"I think you just want to take the opportunity to eat my tofu."

"I have always eaten your tofu brightly." These two sentences are naturally very whispered, and the couple's love words are naturally embarrassed to be heard by the driver in front of the car.

The two teased each other for a while before returning to the topic they were talking about. Su Wangqin comforted Gu Chunzhu and said, "You don't need to worry that A Yinuo will forcibly marry An An. I still have a lot of getting along with him at Bianguan Know him, he is not a person who likes to eat strong twisted melons."

"Why do you still need to act as a messenger at the border, and you still need to run to communicate with the Yi Prince?"

"I mainly want to open up business channels in the border, so that the people in the border can freely trade with the Yi people and improve their lives. For this reason, I have to go to the Yi people to discuss and let them relax. The border control makes it easier for Yi merchants to come to the border." For Gu Chunzhu's questions, Su Wangqin was self-explanatory.

Moreover, Su Wangqin was lucky. At that time, he sneaked into Ayinuo for the first time and sneaked into the Yi people's royal city, saving a series of troubles that bothered to find someone to take the lead. Then the two people successfully negotiated with the border businessmen many times, and finally came to a set of plans that were satisfactory to both parties.

Now the border has become a lot of prosperity, all of which are inseparable from the efforts of Su Wangqin.

The time when the two people chatted and returned home, the night was quiet and the general palace was very peaceful. The other people were already sleeping peacefully, and only Wang Kun was still waiting for Gu Chunzhu and his wife to come back at the door. Su Wangqin quickly sent Wang Kun away, and took Gu Chunzhu's hand back to the room.

After the husband and wife returned to the room, Su Wangqin could not wait to turn around and press Gu Chunzhu against the door panel, which was like a stormy kiss. It was like swallowing Gu Chunzhu, and ventilated Acacia for months. Gu Chunzhu raised his head as much as possible to match Su Wangqin, both hands wrapped around his neck and supported him a little.

Gu Chunzhu's tenderness slowly calmed Su Wangqin's heart. He ended the eager and even dangerous kiss, and then looked at Gu Chunzhu tenderly, "Chun Zhu, I really miss you, every moment at the border. "

"I know, because I miss you the same, Wangge." Gu Chunzhu still held Su Wangqin's neck, and joined him to give Su Wangqin a shallow warm kiss. But somehow, she suddenly wanted to tease Su Wangqin, and a teasing smile appeared and asked, "Wang brother, can you accept those beautiful women at the border?"

"Come, wrap around my waist." Su Wangqin suddenly grasped Gu Chunzhu's waist with both hands, and after hearing his words, Gu Chunzhu hurriedly clasped his hands and feet together at the same time, exclaimed in a fright.

Gu Chunzhu patted Su Wangqin's shoulder very anxiously and ordered to Su Wangqin, "Su Wangqin, you can take my hand away! And you should let go of your hand, I will go down!"

Su Wangqin ignored it completely.

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