Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 972: Su Lao San intends to disrupt

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"My relatives?" Gu Chunzhu thought for a while, still wondering what kind of relatives he could have come to find himself at this time, and chuckled ridiculously. The autumn wind, did they say anything?"

"Yes, they have been saying they want to give Miss Peony a gift, and they are not willing to wait, so they are blocked at the front entrance. We advise them to go to the back door and wait, and if they don't agree, they will fall on the ground and throw the rogue. "After being asked by Gu Chunzhu, Wang Kun really remembered the despicable behavior of several people at the door, and the accusation in the expression was quite meaningful.

"In this case, I probably know who it is. Do they still say anything else? I think you are indignant, but it is better to let you speak out as you please." Gu Chunzhu probably has a score in his heart, and the smile on his face suddenly It's a lot easier, after all, if it's really the few people I want, it's not easy to deal with.

"Ma'am, you don't know. When the gatekeeper asked me to deal with it, I didn't get close to the gate. I heard a few voices. You sang me and shouted things about Miss Peony so loudly. You said Can these things be taken out and talked about? I wanted to block their mouths so that they could no longer speak."

Gu Chunzhu listened to Wang Kunyi's indignant words and nodded in agreement. "I think your idea is very good. Why didn't you implement it?"

Wang Kun was a little dumb, stopped and said, looking at Gu Chunzhu in a daze, he should not believe it at all from Gu Chunzhu's mouth. Gu Chunzhu also stopped, followed by a particularly bright smile, "What's wrong with you, don't hurry up, don't waste your time making the situation more difficult to handle."

"Well, it's not that the servant was surprised that his wife would show such hostility to the unfamiliar people." Wang Kun also quickly recovered when he heard Gu Chunzhu's words, and quickly explained to the door together.

"Unfamiliar? Oh, I think I know them very well." Gu Chunzhu's face was frosty, with a mocking arc in the corner of his mouth.

The two quickly walked to the gate, and Gu Chunzhu went out to take a look. It was really unsurprising that it was the couple Su Laosan, the biological parents of Peony, and they also brought their cheap son Xiaoshun. The three of them were dressed neatly, as if their days were okay, and they didn’t know how to suddenly think of running to the General’s House.

Su Lao San was the first to discover that Gu Chunzhu appeared at the door and walked up to her with a high toe. He raised his head and said unkindly, "Hey, Chunzhu, look at the servants you are raising, Dare to stop me from letting me in, you have to teach me a good lesson."

After talking, Su Lao San wanted to go inside, but Gu Chunzhu turned his eyes to Wang Kun, and Wang Kun immediately stopped Su Lao San with these family members.

Gu Chunzhu turned around, his eyes like a sword, and scolded harshly, "Senior Su, did I say that you can enter my general's palace?"

Although Su was a little scared of the fierce men in front of him, when he faced Gu Chunzhu, he still stuck his neck and pretended to be the boss. "No matter how this general palace is my brother's chassis, why can't I be a younger brother if I want to enter, What are your qualifications to speak as a woman?

Gu Chunzhu sneered, "You can see if I am qualified." After finishing, Gu Chunzhu motioned to a few family members to catch Mrs. Su, in a vicious posture to beat him up and throw it out.

Su Lao San was wrong and hurried to lie on the ground, crying and making noises, saying what his sister-in-law bullied the young uncle. The daughter-in-law of Su, who was still standing at the gate, also fell on the ground with her, and the couple performed a big show with you.

Gu Chunzhu naturally did not want them to make trouble at the gate of the General's Mansion, which would damage Su Wangqin's face. She put away her resistance and anger, pretending to be a helpless compromise, "Yes, I let you go in, but the place where the banquet is held is not too close to the gate, we go closer to another place, you Get up and follow me."

Su Laosan turned over and climbed up from the ground neatly, patting the dust on his hands and body, looking at Gu Chunzhu proudly, "Nothing will happen if you haven't been acquainted like this, I am forced to use a trick, I really don't know what to do. ."

Gu Chunzhu slightly opened his head, so that Su Laosan could not see the sarcasm in his eyes. I don't know who the good or bad people are. I'm so embarrassed to do some shameful things. It really is my brother's behavior.

Su Laosan followed Gu Chunzhu into the General Mansion from the back door without any doubt, and then looked at the wonderful scenery and comfortable and high-end buildings of the General Mansion all the way. At the same time, the greed in their eyes is also coming out, but they are not even covering up, probably Gu Chunzhu is determined.

But after walking for a long time, I didn't even hear the loud noise of the banquet. Su Laosan realized that something was wrong. Even if the general's palace was very big, it wouldn't be so far from the banquet! He stopped and looked at Gu Chunzhu vigilantly, "Where are you going to take us!"

Gu Chunzhu only re-exposed his true face to them, and Shen Sheng said, "Naturally it is sending you to the guest room. After all, you are still guests, and I will not treat you too badly."

Su Laosan didn't want to take them to the banquet when he heard it, but the guest room, so he was so angry that he wanted to rush up and beat Gu Chunzhu. But what he saw, not only Gu Chunzhu, but also a group of strong men guarding her, naturally did not dare to act rashly and could only turn his head back to continue to make trouble at the door.

But after entering the General Mansion, Gu Chunzhu no longer has to worry about outsiders seeing a lower evaluation of the General Mansion. Naturally, he directly ordered people to stop Su's third son, and he was "polite" to "please" the three of them to rest in the guest room.

Su Lao San gritted his teeth fiercely, trying to persuade Gu Chunzhu with the identity of Peony’s father, “Gu Chunzhu, I’m Peony’s father. You said she didn’t have a father and mother present during her birthday. How would other people think of her? So I advise you to let me go quickly, so that I am willing to happily host her birthday feast for Peony."

Gu Chunzhu was too lazy to ignore Su Laosan's nonsense and delusion, and put his left ear into the right ear directly. He came to host? He would be fine without disrupting the situation. Besides, even if there is no father and mother present, Peony still has herself and Wang Ge, and Grandma Zheng supports her scenes, which is not worse than his third son Su!

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