Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

"Who are you! How dare you treat your elders like this, and still show your innocent daughter! Your downright disciple is about to let me go of my daughter!" The fan who was pulled away froze for a moment, and then reacted immediately. Come here, a swoop up to grab Ling Xiao is a while.

Ling Xiao watched Fan's flutter and turned around unconsciously, holding her peony firmly with her head down, protecting her strictly. Peony struggled in vain, wanting to protect Ling Xiao rather than let Ling Xiao suffer because of himself. But Ling Xiao was full of her in her heart, how could she let Peony suffer even a little bit of damage.

"Mother, don't hit him! Don't hit me!" Peony can only cry helplessly in Ling Xiao's words, begging. But where did Fan's listen to her, but because of her pleading?

"You bad guy who seduce my daughter! Give me back my daughter!" Fan continued to wave his fists fiercely and unreasonably, and smashed into Ling Xiao's back. Su Sangsan looked on with cold eyes, and sent his relatives to beat Ling Xiao, the Deng Tuo holding his daughter.

Because things happened so quickly, Gu Chunzhu didn't react. But now, she looked at Fan's fat body, and then looked at her as a thin body compared to her. She didn't dare to go forward to block it, she could only ask for foreign aid. "Wang Guanjia, please send a few Come personally!"

Waiting outside the door, Wang Kun received Gu Chunzhu's order as soon as possible, and rushed in with the family members at the door. Su Wangqin stood outside the door and thought about it, or waited a while before going in. After all, he only heard Peony's cry and Fan's curse. He thought that it should still be Peony's own family and no chance to play.

Several Dings forced Fan away, and innocently suffered the punches and kicks of Fan. Even Fan's mouth moved even in order to break free. And their son, Xiaoshun, also flew up and grabbed those who were holding his mother, and he was completely bitten by the dead hand, and the family had to throw him away and specially found someone to restrain him.

Gu Chunzhu watched Jia Ding sometimes being beaten with a hoarse grin, and one person was even bitten by Xiaoshun with a deep tooth mark. After secretly thinking about this, he must give them some rewards.

"Fan's, can you stop for a while. Hey, you are not stopping your daughter-in-law too, be careful that Ling Da Zhuang Shi goes to the government office to sue you for a crime of injury." Gu Chunzhu was carefully away from Fan's carefully, fearing her now The madness of his body made him innocently injured, but Chong Su's third roared.

"How can I sue the Yamen when I hit it twice! Then I have to sue the bullying my daughter who is named Ling! Look, they are still hugging together now, it's unsightly, and it's damaging." Su Lao San didn't feel afraid when he heard Gu Chunzhu's warning. Instead, his arrogance rose even higher, pointing at Ling Xiao and cursing.

"What's wrong with their unmarried couple, not to mention that it's not a big house here, we are all peony relatives, and even the government can't control it if we want to come." Gu Chunzhu really can't get used to the smell of old lady Su The verbal abuse spit out of his mouth, he couldn't help rubbing his ears, and retorted.

"What? This kid is engaged to Peony? I don't know where I can count things, I strongly disagree!" Su Lao San behaved in awe-inspiring, righteous words, but his eyes were sneaky. It seems to be not well-intentioned.

Hearing this, Ling Xiao resisted the pain in the back and protected Peony with his backhand. He asked coldly, "Why do you disagree, not to mention that the wedding ceremony for me and Peony has basically finished, and the mansion is over there I also made a record, and it was just a gift to welcome you. It doesn't work if you disagree."

Mr. Su is indeed not good-natured. He still maintains a high posture, holding Peony’s father’s elders, in fact, in order to be eligible to ask for benefits. "Even so, I still have to promote your no parents everywhere. Zhi Yan married on his own, do you know what this is called? This is called'Ben', but this elope is about to be dipped in a pig cage!"

Ling Xiao snorted, dare to show off common sense of laws in front of herself, and she was fearless. He didn't bother to respond, but just turned around and coaxed the peony holding his clothes tightly.

Su Lao San looked at people and ignored him, he would not be discouraged, and continued to finish what he just said, "But yeah... I am the most generous person, I know that your Lang concubine is interested, who is willing to break up? So, As long as you give me enough gifts, I will absolutely marry you peony and fully support your marriage."

"Full amount? Then how much do you think peony can sell?" Ling Xiao couldn't help but think of what Gu Chunzhu said before. The couple had the intention to exchange peonies for money. Now it really proves Gu Chunzhu's evaluation of them. Ling Xiao's seemingly calm tone concealed the turbulent waves.

Su Lao San didn’t pay special attention to the traps in Ling Xiao’s discourse, and stated his own conditions very straightforwardly, “I don’t need much, but Peony is my hard-to-raise baby after all, at least a hundred gold. ."

Ling Xiao laughed angrily. The unscrupulous dad of Peony still dare to open his mouth. The gold one hundred two is not right, what is more in his eyes? He shook his head decisively to reject the condition and said sarcastically, "Sure enough you are not worthy of being a father!"

Surrounded by the eyes of everyone, Su Laosan was awake from his illusory fantasy, and he suddenly recalled what Ling Xiao asked before, what a panic, but panic, but he had no way to explain, "You are Nonsense, give me a set, how could I sell a child!"

Su Laosan also specifically asked about Peony, and bent to find Peony. Peony was completely desperate, and leaned on his side and hid himself behind Ling Xiao, just to avoid the peeping of Su.

"Yes, you are ruthless, then as my son-in-law, take our family to your house as a guest for a few days, you should always do it!" Looking at Ling Xiao defied himself, Peony was still indifferent. Avoiding himself, Su Laosan was only one line away from the collapse of reason. He bit his teeth bitterly and took a step back to say his condition.

However, I deeply understand how Su Lao San is a rogue person, where Ling Xiao will actively lead the wolf into the room, naturally ignore his words, and no longer look at Su Lao San. And Peony is still hiding from Su Laosan like that, it seems that he is unwilling to agree to the conditions of Su Laosan. At this time, their neglect was to completely poke the Ma Honeycomb, and Su Lao San also began to go crazy.

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