Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 977: Su Lao San continues to play rogue

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Su Lao Santian continued to follow Gu Chunzhu’s words to please him and nodded seriously. “Of course it is. You not only stretched for me, but more importantly, you got to stretch for my brother.”

Probably he was trying to make me feel better, and he was unwilling to appease me with benefits. I would disgust you. I clearly knew that it was impossible to insert a third person between Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin. Attentively it is sinister.

Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqinhe were indeed disgusted by him, and they made a truth. Don’t talk too much with Su’s third son. He doesn’t make sense at all. He will only use some tactics for his own benefit. . Therefore, Su Wangqin was too lazy to speak, and kicked Su's leg directly.

Su Lao San received the attack suddenly, and his calf became soft, and the whole person knelt down on one leg. Fan Shi and Xiaoshun exclaimed, and then began to scold Su Wangqin and his heartlessness, and Gu Chunzhu was a fox. The two brothers fell apart, and even cursed Su Wangqin and Gu Chunzhu.

"Brother, you treat me like this for a girl, and you have changed with the consequences since you had her." Su Laosan did not stand up, simply paralyzed to the ground, expressing his disappointment and worry for Su Wangqin.

Gu Chunzhu was disturbed by this family's performances one after another. You and I were a headache. She rubbed her forehead and rubbed a handful of soft meat around Su Wangqin's waist, gritted her teeth and whispered, "Su Wangqin, You quickly get your brother done, otherwise I will... I will run away from home."

Su Wangqin certainly knew that Gu Chunzhu was really angry, but listening to her lack of deterrence and majesty, he still couldn't help laughing, and at the same time he was very clear that this must not be expressed, otherwise Gu Chunzhu would really leave Home runs away.

However, Gu Chunzhu is indeed because it is a good thing to threaten. Su's third son cannot easily let go or be killed, because his appearance is too sudden and he must definitely check it. The second is that he can't fight but Su Wangqin.

"Youngest, if you don't shut up, I will never let you speak." Su Wangqin turned his head to Su's cold and merciless face, and dropped his threat lightly. But the rich murderousness made the youngest Su tremble with fear and could only shut up.

Su's desire to live in General Palace or even become the master of the General Palace was completely defeated, but his desire to dig out benefits from others did not stop, but instead looked at Peony and grinned. His yellowish-black teeth fell in Peony's eyes, as if the demon opened his blood basin and attacked her.

"Peony, anyway, I was the father who gave birth to you. You must not deny that I don’t support me?" He looked at the peony without good intentions, as if he was evaluating the current value of the peony and how he could learn from the peony. How much blood is sucked.

In the warm house, Peony still fought a cold war all the time. Obviously it was a time of rejuvenation, but it was better than being in the cold winter twelfth lunar month, and it was the most difficult day when the miserable wind and rain continued to hit the thin body. She squeezed Ling Xiao's clothes nervously, and Ling Xiao felt her panic and held her tightly.

"People like you don't deserve to be parents at all. I'm so sorry to say such shameless words here!" Ling Xiao's eyes seemed to spew out fire. He really wanted to let the couple disappear in front of him. He also I regretted not stopping Peony when she proposed to meet them. How simple and lovely is Peony, how come he has such a vicious father and mother?

"I'm talking to my evil daughter. Is there a part you interrupted here?" Su Laosan, who had a false smile on Peony, suddenly changed his face when he heard Ling Xiao's words, and shouted at Ling Xiao fiercely. It can be seen that if Su Wangqin was not watching, he must have started to fight Ling Xiao.

After talking, Su Lao San continued to pretend to be pleased, and wanted to coax Peony to recognise himself, "Peony, you have to think about it carefully, Bai Shan Xiao first, if you don’t even want your parents, outside What will people think of you, even if you marry this kid, how will their family think of you?"

"Peony is under the care of our general's house. I feel like you, you can't play a big role. Is it not the same as you without you?" Gu Chunzhu is not used to finding reasons for Su Lao San. Going to threaten the peony in secret, and dare to use filial piety to suppress the peony for the virtue of the two husbands and wives, should it be said that the concept of stupidity and filial piety is popular, or that they have no self-knowledge?

Seeing that coercion was not enough to achieve the effect he wanted, Su Laosan gave Fan a glance, and Fan was also outstanding in acting, and immediately cried out, looking at Peony pitifully, "Peony, just talk about it. Leaving us, Niang really misses you! Come back, okay?"

"I gave birth to you so hard in October, and even walked away from the prefecture. Did you know that when you were born, you were a little one, but suddenly became such a big child, you You should also be considerate of the pain your mother gave you." Fan said as he began to recall the past. From the tone of the memory, it can be seen that there is indeed a little bit of love for Peony.

In fact, Peony also caused a slight shake because of Fan's words, but she recalled Su Laosan's behavior of scolding her at every turn. Fan did have a little care for her because she was pregnant in October and it was not easy to give birth to her, but after all, she still turned to Su Laosan, and she even ignored her slander and even agreed.

So, thinking clearly, she took the initiative to stand up and found the courage to look up at Su Lao San, and spit out a word firmly under the look of Su Lao San's expectation, "No, I don't recognize you."

Su Laosan was stunned for a moment, even looking at Peony blankly, with a puzzled cry. Peony is more courageous this time, and his voice is a little louder. "I said, I will never recognize you. You are not worthy of being my father and mother."

Irritable Su's third son didn't even care about Su Wangqin when he heard this, and he rushed over and wanted to beat Peony. However, Su Wangqin, who had been guarding against him, also ran over in the first time. He stopped him just before he approached Peony and kicked him to the ground.

Su Wangqin followed up and stepped on Su Laosan’s chest, making him unable to climb, and contemptuously scorned Su Laosan, "Please see who you are on the site, if you are not honest, I will take you Tied up."

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