Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

The next time after giving away Wang Kun, Gu Chunzhu went to the kitchen to cook and wasted his time. Shangshan was like a sensitive dog nose and ran to the kitchen. Shangshan thought beautifully. She wanted to use this time to haunt Gu Chunzhu to teach her all the Western-style pastries. But she still recalls the various cookies and small cakes she had eaten at the banquet yesterday.

The two came to the kitchen together, and Gu Chunzhu showed up the "oven" made by Su Wangqin. Shangshan squatted down very curiously and looked at the strange thing in her eyes. She patted the humble version of the ancient "oven" shell and asked in disbelief, "Those delicious pastries use this strange thing. Made it?"

"Don't believe it, because then you will see what you see is true." Gu Chunzhu clapped his hands and began to arrange Shangshan to knead the dough for the first baking attempt.

All the previous processes are very skillful for Shangshan, who has studied with Gu Chunzhu for a long time, but when putting the dough in the oven, Shangshan is still inexplicably nervous.

"Okay, the only thing we can do next is wait." Gu Chunzhu clapped his hands and stood up happily, looking more energetic than in the morning. Sure enough, finding something for yourself is really good for your health, Gu Chunzhu smiled secretly in her heart.

"We just waited like this?" Shang Shan also felt very magical. He touched the oven and was still full of surprises. Gu Chunzhu was frustrated by Shan's reckless behavior and secretly rejoiced that she had hoped that her brother had used heat-insulating materials at the beginning, otherwise Shang Shan might burn his hands now.

"In order to make you less boring, let's prepare lunch." Gu Chunzhu patted Shang Shan's shoulder and smiled unintentionally. Eight white teeth slammed into Shang Shan's eyes at once, and she felt she was absolutely Gu Chunzhu caught Zhuang Ding or became a cook.

Looking at Shang Shan’s vigilant eyes, Gu Chunzhu smiled more and more brightly, and the happiness she obtained by teasing others was unparalleled, so she seemed to be comforting and said in a radical way, “Don’t be afraid of Shangshan, don’t I Will it hurt you? Or that you don’t even have this little self-confidence, you have to know that you have done countless lunches and dinners when you practiced before."

"Success, I can't do it yet." It's a standard for facing the honest Shangshan Jijiang method, but the reason is not because she is stupid and can't see that this is a radical method, but her personality and her perseverance and perseverance. Knowing that Gu Chunzhu won't hurt her, she likes to play with her.

Gu Chunzhu is still in a good mood. He is going to make some dishes that Su Wangqin loves to eat. In addition, Shangshan Nature also wants to add Hu Fei's favorite dishes to the menu arranged by Gu Chunzhu. So they began to have controversy in the choice of dishes, and after a heated discussion for a while, the two sides finally stepped back and set a balanced menu.

However, they had just begun to prepare, and Su Wangqin, who had returned from the investigation, found it. He didn't speak after entering the door. He kept staring at Gu Chunzhu and occasionally glanced at Yu Guang for goodness. The atmosphere in the small kitchen was becoming more and more strange.

"Hey, I won't disturb your couple's time alone, I will come to learn the pastry next time." Shangshan quite slipped away, after all, she didn't want to be attacked by Su Wangqin's eyes all the time, that kind of terrible murderous It's not a joke.

Gu Chunzhu kept Shangshan but was decisively rejected. She watched Shangshan leave and incidentally gave Su Wangqin a glance, "I and Shangshan are preparing for lunch. You are now driving away Shangshan. I see what you are going to eat for lunch. "

Su Wangqin was no longer afraid of this. He stepped forward and hugged Gu Chunzhu from the back, shaking it a little, and a little coquettish smell, "Good madam, I believe you must not be hungry for your husband and those wailing children, Right?"

"No, brother, at this point I think you have never recognized me. I, the world's first cold-blooded and merciless viper beauty, get to know." Gu Chunzhu turned around with evil eyes, using one finger Randomly walking on Su Wangqin's chest, it caused Su Wangqin's heart to tickle and had to grab her strange finger.

"I... wait, what's this smell, a stale smell?" Su Wangqin grabbed Gu Chunzhu's hand and wanted to say something, but suddenly his nose flicked slightly and released Gu Chunzhu's hand to cover his nose with his hands. Asked.

Gu Chunzhu also sniffed deeply, and also smelled something burning, and then slapped his head, "Oops! I forgot what was in the oven!"

When Gu Chunzhu hurriedly turned on the oven to take out the cake, the surface was completely black, and most of them could not be eaten. In order to confirm that she broke a large piece of cake, only a little bit in the middle was still the normal color. She grabbed it and tasted it, and spit it out unpleasantly. It's all a matter of smell, let's not say, the cake is also soft and sweet, and the taste is very strange.

After these setbacks, Gu Chunzhu was completely motivated to prepare lunch. He ordered the girl to clean up the endgame and pulled Su Wangqin back to the room.

"What happened?" Gu Chunzhu asked Su Wangqin as soon as he returned to the room. She had just forgotten about Su's third child in the kitchen. But after all, she was still worried about the people behind her, and she immediately remembered when she returned to the room.

Su Wangqin frowned rather helplessly, and it was really uncomfortable to feel useless all morning. He told Gu Chunzhu a bit awkwardly, "I checked all morning and only found the third family came to Beijing After that, I went straight to the General's Mansion, and I certainly hadn't contacted the Prince's Mansion."

"When I come to Beijing, I will go straight to the General Mansion? This is absolutely strange. How could it be so coincidental. If he does not come sooner or later, he rushes on the eve of Peony's marriage? Where is the General's Mansion?" Gu Chunzhu was instinctively wrong when he heard Su Wangqin's words. After analyzing, he really said a lot of problems.

"With such an analysis, they must have come to the capital to find Peony to find our general's palace." Su Wangqin nodded in agreement.

"But who will be the emissary behind the scenes? Whose hands can stretch out so long and have hatred against us?"

Su Wangqin looked at Gu Chunzhu in a very anxious manner, rubbed her nervous brow with her fingers, and comforted, "Don't worry, we will take it slowly, sooner or later, we will grab the person hiding behind us. The family was locked in the guest room, and Quan Dang was raising a few chickens and ducks."

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