Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

In the guest room, there was a flurry of chickens and dogs. Fan's firmly guarded Xiaoshun under his body, crying and asking Su Lao San to stop playing Xiao Shun, but = how can Su Lao San, who is in a hurry, listen, or leave the scorn They had to scream and hit them. It's easy to wait until Su's strength is gone, and Fan's body is still dying with blood stains.

"What's wrong with you, mother, you can't leave Xiaoshun!" Fan's collapsed to the ground. Fortunately, the ceramic fragments of the previous place have been swept to the corner by Fan and Xiaoshun's slap, otherwise Fans They will suffer secondary damage from debris on the ground. Xiaoshun cried with tears on her body, occasionally shouting for help outside the door.

Hearing the crackling sounds and crying in the house, the gatekeeper looked at each other for a long time and finally decided to report to Wang Kun first. Wang Kun was also annoyed by the degree of trouble that this family had. He had to run out of time just to deal with the bad things they had done one day, but he was annoyed, and he had nothing to do with what he did.

Wang Kun was stunned when he visited the guest room. Their home was always harmonious. There was no such thing as a husband hitting his wife in a coma. He quickly got Fanshi to the next room and asked the doctor to treat her.

There was only the choking Xiaoshun in the room, and Su Laosan, who was suffocating, and Xiaoshun stood at the door worriedly. He doesn't care about Fan's situation, he just cares if he can't eat the next paragraph.

He is now only one step away from a happy future. Should he give up this beautiful life at his fingertips because of Gu Chunzhu's criticism? Su Lao San clenched his teeth and stomped his feet, isn't he just making bamboo baskets? He endured it! But he had never done this, and now the Fans are not there, so he shouted at Xiaoshun to let him hurry to teach himself.

But his cheap son, Xiaoshun, could no longer do anything, and Su Lao San felt some strange thoughts somehow. But that little thought flashed through, and Mr. Su didn’t care too much. He just urged Xiaoshun angrily, "You useless things haven't moved yet, why are you just finished eating? Call yourself tired!"

Amidst the embarrassment and scolding of Su Lao, Xiaoshun slowly used his bruised hands and heart to face the seemingly endless painful life. He really didn't want to lie in this small guest room anymore, he was always making bamboo baskets in his hands, and he had to listen to the embarrassing and vicious words of Mr. Su.

After Wang Kun solved everything, he went to Gu Chunzhu to explain the situation. Gu Chunzhu praised him for doing a good job and let him leave. And she sat by the window and looked at the spring scenery in the yard. The cubs hatched in the same nest could be so different. She was deeply grateful to her destiny for meeting Su Wangqin instead of others in this era.

A few days have passed since blinking, Fan's injury has been raised, and he returned to the guest room and stayed with Su Laosan to do the work designated by Gu Chunzhu, while Su Laosan did it all the time. ; Procrastination, the quality is also very worrying. Gu Chunzhu also went to talk to their family a few times, and they all ended up without illness.

Su Lao San's clenching his teeth this time really made Gu Chunzhu look at each other. She felt that the person behind her must be very difficult to deal with this time. First, he hid very well. Second, he made Su Lao San so bad. Everyone is tuned to be obedient and obedient.

Gu Chunzhu has not been able to get the news that they want, and is also bored. She looked up at the chirping bird on the eave outside the window with her chin, and suddenly there was another impulse to find a man-made plane or some other fast traffic, so she could travel to other places at any time.

Gu Chunzhu changed her hand and continued to support her chin. You sighed, and this is already how many sighs she made this morning. She heard the mother Liu who was behind her very worried. Mother Liu thought about it and asked, "Why don't you go out when your wife is so bored?"

"I've been here for many times and I don't know how many times, especially when I'm going to spit around Daya and Daya. I'm not interested in going out." Gu Chunzhu was worried as soon as he remembered to go shopping, and his heart was full of resistance. The most important thing was It's because Min Chao is not as modern as the things she can see and play are very limited. It's always those things every time she goes out shopping, which really makes her extremely boring.

"Would you like to go shopping in the other half of the capital? There are often some farmers around that sell some melons and fruits made by them. My wife can try this kind of ordinary things." Although Mother Liu followed Gu Chunzhu's welfare, it was also very good. However, she was also reluctant to spend a lot of money on the commercial street, so she went to the poor capital to buy things.

"All right, I will barely go to see it." Gu Chunzhu is also boring, and now it is natural to have a new choice and he is willing to try it, just as aftertaste when he first came to the Min Dynasty.

The position mentioned by Ms. Liu is close to the edge of the capital. Moving forward for a while is the most ruined place in the capital. There are some people who have lost their survival land and come to the capital to make a living. A place for many beggars in the city. ,

The houses there are dense and filthy, and there is a pungent stench all year round, but the people who live there have long been accustomed or numb. Their goal is to win a glimmer of hope for survival in the world, and nothing else. Got on.

Fortunately, the place where Ms. Liu took Gu Chunzhu was still a long way away from the densely packed huts. I couldn't see the bitter picture and didn't smell those unpleasant smells. Gu Chunzhu didn't pay attention to it, and hung out happily. This place is not expensive, and some are quite interesting, such as grasshoppers and the like.

Gu Chunzhu picked a straw fish casually, stood up and was about to walk forward, and found a very familiar face in front of him and struck his eyes in front of him, who happened to have asked Wang Kun not long ago. Xu Wenjun.

Xu Wenjun also bumped into Gu Chunzhu, who was looking at him with gadgets at a glance, and his legs softened on the spot. This person will appear in this miserable and humble place. Shouldn't she be in the area where the noble lives and there is no possibility that he will meet again? He couldn't think of an answer but knew to run away quickly, even hitting a passing person in a panic. But Xu Wenjun couldn't take care of anything, and in the background of the passers-by's cursing, only Gu Chunzhu was left with a thin back.

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