Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 117: The Growth of Misaka Mikoto (Eighth)

Datang world, somewhere.

"A billion volts." The electric light on Misaka Mikoto kept beating.

There was also a trace of electric light in her eyes.

Facing the reincarnator in front of him, Misaka Mikoto burst out his power.

Misaka Mikoto didn't think that the reincarnator in front of him was really powerful.

In fact, in Yamamoto, in Thanos, in Li Yu's view, this reincarnation is second only to the captain.

He is also the main executor of the blood sacrifice.

However, Li Yu and others did not stop Misaka Mikoto.

From the catalog of forbidden magical books, Li Yu and the others knew that Misaka Mikoto might need to change.

And this time would be a good start.

So Li Yu didn't stop Misaka Mikoto either.

Dark clouds appeared in the sky, and terrifying lightning shuttled and condensed.


"Eight Seven Zero"

Extremely terrifying lightning suddenly fell from the sky, it was a silver light.

"Block me." The reincarnator turned into an ugly evil ghost, and he rushed towards the lightning.

In the face of this attack, he could not escape even if he wanted to.

Only direct confrontation.


A silver light covered the world.

When the light disappeared, the body of the reincarnator was smoking black smoke, and he almost died from the attack of Misaka Mikoto just now.

But even so.

At present, this reincarnator, his power has run out, it is difficult to deal with Misaka Mikoto in front of him.

"Miss Misaka, it has nothing to do with me. It's all the captain, and the captain forced me. I don't want to." The reincarnation said loudly.

It can be seen from these words that this reincarnator also knows Misaka Mikoto.

"Captain? But you killed so many people." Misaka Mikoto thought of what Luoyang had seen before.

"That's all the captain wants to increase our strength, we don't want to, but if we don't do it, we will be killed by the captain." The reincarnator said, "Miss Misaka, we are just trying to survive, and now the captain may be killed by your companions. Kill, then I don't need to do such a thing."

"This..." Misaka Mikoto hesitated.

Perhaps what the reincarnator in front of him said was true.

"go to hell.

Suddenly, the reincarnator turned into a ray of blood, and he appeared in front of Misaka Mikoto.

This reincarnator also knows a little about the superpowers of Academy City.

Such a distance, such an attack, even Misaka Mikoto would be hard to block.

Kill Misaka Mikoto and he can escape.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto wanted to repel the samsara, but the samsara showed no signs of weakness.

Seeing the attack so close at hand, Misaka Mikoto's heart sank, she knew that she might die here.


Just when Misaka Mikoto had plans to die, the reincarnator stayed in the air, motionless.

There was fear in his eyes.

He felt a terrible force bind him.

"Misaka, it was very dangerous just now." Li Yu appeared here.

"President." Misaka Mikoto was a little embarrassed.

"Misaka, with your intelligence, you should know what kind of person the other party is, but because you are kind and you don't want to kill people, you hesitate." Li Yu whispered, "But you have to think that those people in Luoyang are also innocent. , they did nothing wrong.

"This time, the man survives, do you think he will do good things and be a good man?"

"I..." Misaka Mikoto was speechless.

This academy city girl is very smart.

But at the moment, she is only a middle school student after all.

She is not like Uchiha Madara, Thanos, Su Da and others, who have gone through a long period of time and have a certain concept of their own.

"Misaka, it's up to you to decide this matter." Li Yu said softly.

Then Li Yu slowly left here.

"President." Misaka Mikoto looked at the reincarnator not far away, her eyes became firm.

I saw a coin in her hand.

"Super Electromagnetic Gun"

Misaka Mikoto's fingers flicked slightly, and the coin formed a laser-like terrifying force that pierced through.

The attack of this attack instantly destroyed the reincarnator.

Such a close-range railgun.

And without any defense.

The reincarnator has no chance of surviving at all.

"I'm Misaka Mikoto, no matter what, I won't change." Misaka Mikoto murmured, then turned and chased after President 0......

"Misaka Mikoto. Li Yu's mouth twitched into a smile.

He also heard the sound of the task being completed in his ear.

"Ding, the reincarnation slayer mission is completed, the Lord of the World will get 5,000 points, the justice of the Soul Society will get 3,000 points, Pluton in the dark will get 2,500 points, the lone captain of the fifth division will get 2,500 points, and the peace of the universe will get 2,500 points, I want to get 2500 points for battle, 2500 points for world peace, 2500 points for the coquettish little fox, 2500 points for Thor, 2000 points for the super electromagnetic gun, and how can the witch get 500 points."

"All members can rest for two hours, and after two hours, stay in the world and deduct 100 points per day."

All members heard such a voice this time.

It can be said that this mission is a great harvest for them.

It may be difficult for some powerful group members to improve their strength.

But some of the strength is almost, these points are enough to give them some help.

"President, has Misaka grown up?" Su Da appeared beside Li Yu.

"Of course, this crisis is a growth for Misaka." Li Yu smiled.

Among the group members, some people Li Yu don't need to worry about.

This Su Da is similar.

Li Yu, who has lived for an unknown number of years, is not sure how powerful Su Da is.

1.6 Naturally, Li Yu will not go out to fight these people who don't understand.

In any case, it is necessary to maintain the unfathomable status of the group leader.

But Li Yu also believes that as time goes by, his strength will become stronger and stronger.

"President, it's really hard work." Su Da smiled like a little Loli.

"Su Da, seriously, how old are you." Li Yu asked curiously.

In the origin of the white snake, there is no specific situation of Su Da.

When I knew the name of this little fox demon.

He must think it is the one from the Shang Dynasty.

Su Daji, the famous Nine Tails demon fox.

However, in the Battle of Conferred Gods, the opponent should have already died.

"President, a woman's age is a secret. Su Da crossed her calf and smiled, "President is very popular, someone has come to you.

With that said, Su Da disappeared in a flash.

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