Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 125 The Hope of Humanity (Second)

"Then we now invite the Fire God to come on stage." The host said excitedly.

Even the host wanted to be able to meet the Fire God, he was very excited.

In the past, this host has also seen many king-level power users.

but no matter.

Fire God is special.

Flame God, this terrifying powerhouse seems to have given many practitioners in China a special kind of courage and hope.


Footsteps sounded slowly on one side, and all the eyes of the world were staring there.

They understood that the Fire God was about to appear.

Li Yu came to the stage, although many people below were watching him.

There is no tension to see Li Yu, after all, he has experienced too much in the Wanjie Dimension Group.

Now facing such a battle, it has no effect on him.

"Hello everyone, my name is Li Yu, which is the God of Fire in your mouth. I am a little afraid to take this name." Li Yu looked at the audience below lightly, and said in his heart, "Use the exclusive bgm.

The exclusive bgm has become the target of everyone's attention, and the lucky time lasts for twenty seconds.

This time it belongs to bgm, but Li Yu doesn't need the so-called lucky time. He is using the 980 as the previous function, which has become the target of public attention.

You must know that Li Yu, the god of fire, has attracted everyone's attention from the very beginning.

After using bgm, this effect is more exaggerated and bigger.

Although Li Yu looks a little young.

But some king-level beings are also very young, which is nothing.

They felt that the aura of Li Yu was unparalleled.

The kind of breath that overlooks all beings.

At this moment, there is only incomparable respect in their hearts.

Respect the flame god in front of you.

"Is this the Fire God, the real Fire God?" Uranus Mo Sheng, who was sitting at the front, his eyes shone with light.

When he was at Li Yu's house before, Li Yu didn't exude such an air of arrogance at all.

But now, that invisible aura appeared on Li Yu.

The natural town Uranus Mo Sheng also understood that Li Yu's momentum was not formed by force.

If it was in that form of power, the town of Uranus Mosheng would also take it for granted.

After all, as a god-level Li Yu, with the momentum of power, he can even suppress them.

This town Uranus understands how terrifying the gap between the god-level and their king-level is.

It is even said that even if he really steps into the emperor level, there will be a world of difference between him and the god level.

God level.

That is an evolution of life forms.

It is also like this, with the existence of Li Yu, the town Uranus will be full of confidence in dealing with the Otherworld.

Otherwise, how could the town Uranus think that Li Yu would be the savior of mankind.

The savior of the whole earth.

That's not just China.

With the existence of Li Yu, they humans have enough time to make continuous progress.


In the confrontation between humans and the enemies of the Otherworld, they will prevail.

Likewise, not only this town Uranus, but some other top powerhouses felt this way.

These people know Li Yu's age.

In the eyes of some king-level powerhouses, as a grandson, this age is too young.

Suffice to say that Li Yu's age brings the shock.

At such an age, Li Yu was able to reach god level, perhaps because of some kind of adventure, or for another reason they didn't know.

But from this point of view.

Maybe not at all.

That's what Li Yu achieved by himself, that kind of terrifying aura can only be exuded by a battle-hardened powerhouse.

That is invincible momentum.

"Everyone understands that human beings are facing extreme danger at this time, and there are many otherworlds who are eyeing them. If you are not careful, human beings may disappear into the long river of history, but I don't think you want to disappear like this.

"It is also the struggle of our human beings, we have stopped the enemies of the Otherworld, and now the earth is facing another terrible crisis, everyone needs to regroup and tell those otherworld enemies that I (ahbg) humans are not easy to bully.

"We have to tell those Otherworld enemies in an upright manner that we are the guardians of the earth.

"I will protect this land with everyone, and the humans on the land."

"I am Li Yu, the God of Fire, and I will wait for you to follow my pace."


Li Yu smiled slightly, put down the microphone, and walked to the first table, where Uranus and the others were sitting.

"Flame God, Flame God..."

The audience below shouted loudly.

He and the others seemed to feel their blood being aroused.

The audience watching the live broadcast also had blood in their eyes.

They will continue to work hard in the future.

"Fire God, I thank you on behalf of China." Zhen Uranus stood up.

"Uranus, we are all Chinese, and we all live on Earth." Li Yu smiled slightly, "Sit down, this celebration is everyone's.""

Although the biggest purpose of town Uranus is to make Li Yu appear in the eyes of the world.

Let people have more confidence in their hearts.

But he can't do it alone.

Therefore, the efforts of the whole human beings are the real key.

"Yes, this is a celebration for all mankind." The town Uranus also sat down slowly.

on the stage.

"Everyone, then this time the celebration that belongs to everyone has begun..." The host walked to the stage and said loudly.

hours later.

This grand celebration slowly came to an end.

Some strong people such as town Uranus also came to the stage and made some speeches.

The audience who watched the live broadcast gradually gained confidence in their hearts.

The shadows from the previous Otherworld attack also slowly faded away.

Because there is the legendary strong flame god Li Yu.

After the celebration is over.

Li Yu chatted with the town Uranus and others for a while, and everyone went back.

For these strong people, it is still very simple to meet each other.

Likewise, at this time, the whole world is boiling.

That's because of Li Yu, the god of fire.

Not only because of Li Yu's terrifying power, but those people also found relevant information on the Internet.

They found that Li Yu is not a big young man, he is completely a young man.

What an unimaginable thing this is.

Directly made the whole world a sensation again.

Some younger generations have regarded Li Yu as an idol, and they will work harder to move forward.

Those older generation, they are a little stunned.

In the past, their cultivation seemed to be in vain.

Naturally, no matter who it is, although there is a certain idea in his heart, why does the young man Li Yu have such power.

But no matter who it was, they didn't bring up the topic.

This is also because of the strength Li Yu currently possesses.

That is the true hope of mankind.

Of course, the hope of the whole world, after the celebration, returned to his home, and soon opened the Wanjie dimension group.

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