Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 129 Human Body Limiter! (Chapter 6)

Just a few years.

From an ordinary human to a monster within a monster.

Saitama must have something special about it.

Although Saitama may not have noticed it himself.

Saitama, who can achieve star-burst-level strength, may be the most precious thing in One Punch Man.

Like in the world of One Punch Man, the universe exists, and there may be many good things in it.

However, Saitama will also be found from Boros, the overlord of the universe.

It is normal for this universe to want to fight against a powerhouse like Saitama.

Not like Dragon Ball World.

There will be a lot of powerhouses at the explosive level.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the human body limiter (open the human body limiter, the comprehensive strength will be increased by 10 times, and it will have no effect on itself), whether to accept it. 99

"The human body limiter." Li Yu was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes had a hint of surprise.

Maybe Saitama just kept the body limiter open.

And this kind of opening, or opening to a very terrifying stage.

It was also for some reason that Saitama became so powerful.

In fact, the future Li Yu understands one thing, Saitama will become so powerful, not just because of the human body limiter.

It also involves some special circumstances of his own.

But for the current Li Yu, this human body limiter is also very powerful.

It doesn't involve any restrictions.

It's like the exclusive bgm that I got from Sakamoto before.

Both have certain similarities.

A person's strength suddenly increased tenfold, how terrifying.

Most powerhouses burst out with several times the strength, and that is also a genius among geniuses.

If you want to explode ten times your own, you don't need to think about it at all.

Not to mention, opening the human body limiter has no effect on itself.

If this kind of thing is said, I am afraid no one will believe it.

And with the power of the Myriad Realms Dimension Group, this human body limiter may continue to improve.

"Then receive.*" Li Yu said slowly.


The voice fell.

A strange force entered Li Yu's body.

The bloodlines of the Super Saiyan and the Eternal Body are constantly fluctuating at this time.

Even the body that belongs to Li Yu himself is the same.

At this moment, countless terrifying energies flowed in Li Yu's body.

But Li Yu found that he was able to control such a force without appearing frantic.

If replaced by the general case.

It is unrealistic to want the Master's sudden increase in energy, and it is a tenfold increase.

Obviously, Li Yu understood that this should also be the role of the human body limiter.

Body Limiter.

It's not simple, it's just to increase his own strength tenfold.

This magical limiter should be some kind of improvement from multiple directions.

"Is this ten times the power?" Li Yu stretched out his right hand, and the terrifying energy instantly gathered in his hand.

If this energy is thrown out, a mountain may be leveled in an instant.

"Think power.

The power of mind that belongs to the gods is rippling in the void.

A tenfold increase seems to have a related effect on psychic power.

"It's really a very magical human limiter."

Li Yu's eyes moved, "and this human body limiter switch can be turned on and off at any time."5

Close the body restraint.

The original boiling energy slowly disappeared, but Li Yu himself did not feel uncomfortable.

"Not bad, not bad." Li Yu smiled.

Li Yu has a feeling.

This body limiter can keep him using it for a very long period of time.

Saitama's red envelope this time made Li Yu overjoyed.

"President, I'll send you a red envelope. The president decides what to do with it." Conan sent him the message at this time.

"Ding, dead pupils send red envelopes.""

"Conan, what do you mean." Li Yu didn't open the red envelope.

"That, that, I don't seem to have anything special, but this one is a bit special, but... President, you should take a look." Conan seemed a little hesitant.

Because of the red envelope he sent to Li Yu, it was really strange.

"Okay, then I'll take a look." Li Yu shook his head, no nonsense, and he quickly opened the red envelope.

"Ding, congratulations to those who received Shinigami's favor (getting this title, can get Shinigami's favor), whether to accept it.

Looking at this red envelope, Li Yu's expression seemed a little confused.

Because the red envelope in front of me is really too weird.

Shinigami patrons, and there is no explanation yet, only that he has been favored by Shinigami.

Could it be that this is the reason why Shinigami pupils die wherever they go?

This property is really too powerful.

But Li Yu didn't want to have such attributes.

Wherever you go, people will die, that is really a disaster.

But the thing called Shinigami's patron, it's impossible to have no effect at all.

At this moment, Li Yu pondered a little, did he want to receive this thing.

"`"System, does this Shinigami patron have any influence on me? Li Yu asked.

To Li Yu's surprise, the system also responded.

"No effect, please rest assured."

"Then why was the influence on Conan so great. 35

"Because of Conan's world, there is no chance for him to kill the enemy, and the group owner has no worries in this regard, the impact of death will be eliminated at once.

"It turns out to be the reason." Li Yu was stunned for a moment.

Conan himself cannot kill, so in the end he becomes a Shinigami elementary school student.

He is fine himself, and often affects other people.

But for Li Yu, killing is really as simple as eating.

Li Yugen (Nuo Nuo Zhao) didn't need to worry about this.

That kind of death effect is gone all of a sudden.

"So, what is the role of the Shinigami patrons," 35 Li Yu asked.

"Please host to explore on your own." The system responded.


Is this the system that has returned to the high-cold system again?

Shaking his head, Li Yu said, "Receive."

Anyway, it has been said that there is no harm, and Li Yu does not need to worry about this.

"Received successfully, congratulations on becoming a Shinigami patron. 35

"Then let me see what works." Li Yu muttered.

After a while.

Li Yu gave up.

He really didn't feel the role of this Shinigami patron.

Anyway, there is time, and research will be done in the future.

"Ding, the martial arts overlord sends a red envelope. 99


Is this an addiction to red envelopes?.

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