Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 138 Treat the world as a chessboard (third more)

For the freedom of mankind: "President, thank you, I will work hard for this mission."

As the king of the Shang family, the current King Zhou has not really let go of himself.

In other words, the Shang Dynasty in the Wu Geng Period was considered to be the same as the dynasties that dominated them, and it was not too long for King Zhou to enter this Wanjie dimensional group.

Goddess of Water: "Very good, Aqua can finally participate in the mission, I know that Aqua is very powerful, president, awesome.

At this time, Aqua naturally praised Li Yu.

Thor: "I can't wait."

The Thor's sense of justice was completely bursting out. The previous situation of the Tang World Mission made Thor, the God of Reincarnation, not very fond of the reincarnators.

Now there are reincarnators doing bad things in Wind and Cloud World, and Thor is also very active.

Of course, for Thor, he has another reason.

The cosmic overlord Thanos is still on top of him, so Thor said that he must strengthen his strength.

Otherwise, it would be really frustrating.

Those selected members spoke up.

Every full-staff task is something that many people look forward to.


After all, if you can deal with the enemy, you can also gain a wave of points.

Know that not everyone is Thanos, Captain Yamamoto, etc.

With a high position, his Master has a lot of resources.

Like Captain Yamamoto, although he has a strong sense of justice, for Soul Society or something, Yamamoto also said that he can take out Soul Society treasures or something.

After all, this is to protect the Soul Society.

Otherwise, the strength of that Youhabach is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, except for a few big bosses, many people want to participate in the task of all staff.

Naturally, like some members of the group, they don't have much expectations for power.

Take Aqua, the goddess of water, for example.

"Okay, prepare for one day, and go to Fengyun World tomorrow. At the same time, you can do some research on Wushuang City during these hours. After all, knowing yourself and your enemy can help you survive a hundred battles," Li Yu said.

Wulin Overlord: "President, I will arrange here to investigate the state of Wushuang City immediately, with the participation of reincarnators, we will definitely find something.

If it was the original Wushuang City, then Xiongba might not be able to find any traces.

But from the point of view of the task, it is not like this, so Xiongba believes that some situations can definitely be investigated.

Pluton in the Dark: "Okay, President, it's okay to leave tomorrow. Years

For Pluton A Tu, under normal circumstances, she can do it at any time.

After all, Ah Cha spends most of the time in the underworld and doesn't need to deal with it, because there are all the subordinates below.

For human freedom: "President, I will arrange things. 35

As King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, he still had to make some arrangements to leave for a period of time, otherwise some accidents would easily happen.

Railgun: "President, then I'm going to ask for leave now.

One Punch Man: "I just bought a lot of discounted stuff at the supermarket tonight, and it looks like I need to get rid of them."

Saitama said that the things bought should not be wasted in vain.

It was bought with his money.

The members of the group who were on the mission said they had time.

Looking at the group members who were still discussing in the group, Li Yu shook his head and closed the Wanjie Dimensional Group. He should go to rest.

Anyway, there are still many night owls in this group.

Especially for many people, there is nothing to do without rest for a lot of time.

Wind and Cloud World, Peerless City.

This city was also a force in the story of Fengyun in the early stage.

To be able to compete with the world will be one or two, showing the strength of the unparalleled city.

You must know that some other martial arts forces were defeated at once in the face of the power of the Tianxia Association.

But Peerless City can stand up against each other.

From Peerless City, the famous swordsman in martial arts was drawn from the back.

In the same way, the sword twenty-three created by the Juggernaut has a mighty power and involves the power of rules.

Let's not talk about it for the time being, let's focus on a mansion in Peerless City.

"Captain, will the world be able to stop the attack of Peerless City? If the world will be defeated, then our mission may be difficult to complete. 35 A man in Confucian clothing asked.

"Yeah, Captain, although we have the Destruction Society in our mission, we still have a mission, let the Juggernaut use his sword twenty-three to kill the tyrants. This mission is a bit difficult. 35 Another team member asked.

You must know that the Sword Saint Dugu Jian has already retired from the arena.

In fact, for the reincarnators who knew about Fengyun World, it is unlikely that they want Dugu Sword to use Sword Twenty-Three at present.

"Don't worry, I understand this very well." The young man with a dignified face said lightly, "If the task is subdivided this time, it should be two tasks, destroy the world, and let the swordsman use the sword twenty-three. Kill the tyrants."

"The first one is easy for us.""

The Samsara players around all nodded.

What the captain said was very reasonable.

They are in the reincarnation space, but it is a top-level team, and it is still easy to destroy the world.

Is this thing more powerful than them?

With the complexity of the wind and cloud world, maybe there is.

But not yet involved.

"So the most important thing is the 013 in the back, the Juggernaut used the sword twenty-three to kill the tyrant. The captain said.

"Yeah, Captain, so we should find the Sword Saint first, instead of giving Wushuang City strength to destroy the World Association." One member wondered.

If the world will be destroyed, the tyrants may not be able to survive. In this case, their mission will not be completed.

"Haha, so this time Peerless City can't deal with the World Club." The captain laughed, "The team members sent before will not contribute in this war."

"When the time comes, Xiongba will definitely be provoked by the world, and he will send someone to counterattack Wushuang City and destroy Wushuang City. In this way, the Sword Saint Dugu Sword should also go to the Tianxia Association to kill Xiongba.

"After that, destroy the World Association again, it will be very simple."

"What do you say?"

The captain had a smile on his lips. It turned out that he wanted to understand everything about this mission.

The other team members were dumbfounded.

In the end, they could only sincerely express their conviction.

The captain is indeed the captain.

To accomplish this task in this way, they don't need to deal with it too much at all, just watch it quietly.

Their captain treats the world as a chessboard.

Wushuangcheng and Tianxiahui are both pawns in it.

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