Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 181: Underworld God (fourth more)

Nie Xiaoqian announced the tasks that had been inspired before.

That was the task of inviting Li Yu.

I don't know why, many tasks are related to myself.

From Li Yu's point of view, this should be a benefit and a benefit as a group owner.

After all, in this case, he can get a lot of points and improve his strength.

"Eight thousand points." Li Yu touched his chin, "Let Xiaoqian regain her freedom, then the most important thing is the Millennium Tree Demon and the Montenegro old demon."

This task seems very general.

But it's easy for Li Yu to be sure.

Anyway, if the task is really completed, the sound of task completion will sound~.

And 8,000 points is quite a lot for Li Yu.

How to say, if such a task is carried out, then only he and Nie Xiaoqian are the two people.

Like Frieza's mission before, don't look at 50,000 points, but the more people who participate, the less points you get.

"Xiao Qian, did the Millennium Tree Demon say when to let you marry the Montenegrin old demon?" Li Yu asked.

"Three days later, the old demon of Montenegro will send someone over." Nie Xiaoqian replied.

"Okay, then I will come to your business in three days. If anything unexpected happens there, you can contact me anytime, anywhere, or post it in the group." Li Yu said.

"Thank you, President." Nie Xiaoqian nodded.

At this moment, the worries in Nie Xiaoqian's heart disappeared.

In Nie Xiaoqian's eyes, Li Yu, the leader of the Myriad Realms Dimensional Group, is even more powerful than the Immortals.

In some shared documents, she also saw some battles.

That's not even scarier than her demon world.

Such a powerful group owner will definitely be able to deal with the Millennium Tree Demon and the others.

After closing Nie Xiaoqian's private message window, Li Yu opened his personal information.

After the Dragon Ball mission, Li Yu's points accumulated a lot.

Not to mention that apart from this one, Li Yu can also get a certain amount of points when the other members perform tasks alone in their respective worlds.

These points add up to a lot, and it can be regarded as a big sum.

"Then this time, when I go to the world of Ghost Story, I may improve other powers to a certain extent. 35 Li Yu thought about some of the abilities he had.

For the cultivation of Dragon Ball's world spirit, Li Yu is currently at the forefront.

With the bloodline of Super Saiyan, Li Yu's cultivation of Qi is constantly increasing every moment.

Starbursts are now easy for Li Yu.

Of course, it is hard to say how the world of A Chinese Ghost Story will affect the power of Qi.

But this kind of immortal world, perhaps using related power, then it should be a very good way.

"The power related to Xianxia, ​​the power of Pluton is probably the closest." Li Yu looked at one of the powers.

That is the red envelope that Pluton A Tu gave Li Yu, the power that Li Yu inherited.

This power is at the level of Li Yu Earth's power, which is also a god-level power.

It's just that Li Yu used to use Qi in the past, so he didn't use the power of Pluton very often.

A world where souls travel.

There are demons, ghosts, underworld, and gods.

To a certain extent, it is consistent with those real fairy worlds.

It's just that due to the different levels of the world and the different rule systems, the magnitude of their power is different.

One thing, Li Yu understands.

For example, those gods in Soul Ferry can only be used as cannon fodder in the prehistoric world.

The overall rules and power systems differ too much.

This also makes Li Yu understand that his current strength is just the beginning in the real big world.

Let's take an example.

Like the world of Dragon Ball, even if Li Yu can become a legendary Super Saiyan, his strength is not really top.

Like angels, god-tier officials, all kings, etc., their strength is the real terror.

But from Li Yu's point of view, they are the masters of the rules and the power of authority.

In the later stage, even in the system of Qi, Li Yu also wanted to develop in this area.

"Then decided to enhance the power of Pluton." Li Yu thought.

"Ding, to increase the power of Pluton, you need 5000 points, whether to increase it."

"Ding, it is detected that the group owner has the title of Shinigami patron, whether to perform fusion upgrade, fusion upgrade requires 8000 points, whether to upgrade.""


When Li Yu was about to increase the power of Pluton, two such voices sounded in the system.

It only takes 5,000 points to increase the power of Pluton alone.

Then the fusion upgrade requires eight thousand points.

"Shinigami patron, that's what I got from Conan." Li Yu's eyes moved slightly.

Shinigami's patron, he has studied this title before, and it has no effect at all, and it does not increase power.

Just when Li Yu was about to forget it, it seemed to tell him that it was useful.

"I still have eight thousand points." Li Yu smiled.

Whether the ability is strong or not has a certain relationship with the points spent, Li Yu still knows this.

After all, in the Wanjie Dimensional Group, Li Yu has had so much time to become the group owner.


How could Li Yu, who has more than 10,000 points, feel distressed about these.

To know that every time the strength is improved, the points spent will become more and more.

"Proceed with fusion enhancement." Li Yu said lightly.

"The deduction of points is successful, the power of Pluton, and Shinigami's patrons will be integrated and upgraded, and they will be promoted to the god of the underworld (source fragment).

A mechanical voice rang in Li Yu's ears.

Originally hidden in the body, the power of Pluton was constantly boiling, and the invisible power was constantly condensed.

This has brought about a sea change in the power level of the Power of Pluton.

That's true power

That is the source of power that belongs to the real God in Soul Ferry and can spy on the Master.

Pluton A Tu, who was originally a human, even if he had passed thousands of years or more, she only made the power of Pluton more, but did not make this power change qualitatively.

In other words, God is also afraid of this in soul ferrying.

So even if Pluton Ah Cha manages the underworld, there is no threat to the gods.

To a certain extent, this is also the sadness of the original Pluton Atu.

It's just that after joining the Wanjie dimension group

Pluton's fate has changed.

At this moment.

The power that belongs to Pluton is changing the power of the gods.

This kind of god has a huge leap from the earth god level.

If you want to explain.

That is the metamorphosis of divine power again, and the improvement of a few.

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