Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 250 The power of hell (two more)

"Pluton Ah Tu, I didn't expect you to want to deal with me." The woman in red dress showed a seductive expression.

"Reincarnation, the ability to charm me has no effect." Pluton Ah Cha said lightly.

"I just wanted to give it a try." The woman in red showed a smile, "Pluton, Ah Cha, you know? The world you live in is far from other great worlds, whether it is strength system, or the integrity of the world.

"What do you want to say." Pluton A Tu interrupted the reincarnator's speech.

"I just want to say, Pluton Ah Cha, don't look at you in your own world, your status seems to be very high, in the eyes of us reincarnators, you are all just ignorant people." The woman in red said coquettishly, "So Pluton Ah Tu, unfortunately, today is your doom.

The voice fell.

The red-clothed woman exuded a blood-red light, and this blood-colored energy was full of strange attraction, attracting everything around it like a poppy.

Both intelligent creatures and those who are not intelligent.

Those seemed to be affected by the power of the woman in red.

"A power similar to the underworld." Pluton's eyes moved slightly.

From the energy form of the other party, Pluton Ah Cha is still aware of the difference and particularity of this energy.

313 "Yes, Pluton Atu, my power is similar to the energy you have, because this is the energy I got from hell. The red light on the woman in red turned into a beam of light that rose into the sky.

Under this terrifying force, this piece of earth twisted up.

It was as if a new world was slowly blending in.

"The power of hell?" A smile appeared on the corner of Pluton's mouth.

After staying in the Wanjie dimension group for so long, she naturally knew what the power of hell represented.

It's all just a collective name for some kind of world.

In general, it is the place where people return to after death.

Underworld, Hades, Hell, Underworld, etc.

Every world has its own name.

But if Ultimate is reached, the power of the worlds may be concentrated.

If the road reaches Ultimate, each world has similarities.

"Then come and feel the power of the underworld." Pluton A Tu burst out with gray energy.

This is the divine power belonging to Pluton Atu.

If Li Yu and Ah Cha were together at that time, Pluton Ah Tu had just started to enter the realm of gods, and her strength was at the bottom of the gods.

(ahbi) But for this mission, Pluton Ada used the points to redeem time and related skills.

This made Pluton A Tu's strength increase extremely rapidly.

Today's Ah Cha is not the her before.

Not even the past selves of these reincarnators.

"Anzi Urgong, I didn't expect you to have the courage to deal with me." The skeleton reincarnator in black said unexpectedly.

among these reincarnators.

The others looked harmless, only he looked terrifying.

For ordinary people, his strength should be one of the best.

In fact, this skeleton reincarnator is in the Demon Squad. Although his strength cannot be ranked in the top three, for many reincarnators, dealing with him is also a bit of a headache.

It is still somewhat difficult for this skeleton monster to kill him completely.

Being a reincarnator of skeletons, his life is actually frozen at the moment of death.

So if you want to really kill him, you must destroy his soul.

Only in this way can you completely kill the opponent.

in reincarnation space.

There are not many reincarnations who have studied the soul.

In the early stage, the samsara who possessed the power related to the soul, their self-protection ability was insufficient.

Without a suitable squad, it is impossible to grow up.

But unless the squad atmosphere is really good.

Otherwise, even those who are reincarnated, they don't want to become people who need the rescue of other partners.

How to say to believe in others, it is really better to believe in yourself.

That's why this Skeleton Reincarnator can also be ranked slightly among those top teams.

"Because you are also a skeleton, I chose you." Ainz Urgong said directly.

Originally, this skeleton reincarnation did not intend to fight against Ainz Urgong, but Ainz Urgong chose him, so he did not hesitate and chose Ainz Urgong.

Of course, there is also a point.

Some of the other opponents' choices are also fast.

He had nothing to hesitate and choose.

Hearing Ainz Urgong's answer, the reincarnator felt a pain.

The opposite side chose him because both sides were skeletons.

But think about it, it seems to be the case.

Of the two teams, only they were skeletons.

"Hmph, Ainz Urgong, but the enemy is you, and it is also a good choice." The skeleton reincarnation held a scepter in his hand, "You are good at magic attacks, and I am similar, so let us Let's see who can win in the end."


The scepter of the skeleton reincarnation tapped the ground lightly.

In the sky, a huge magic circle was created out of thin air, constantly spinning.

A bone dragon that covered the sky slowly came out from inside.

It was a bone dragon that exuded a terrifying aura.

"Huh." Ainz Urgong's eyes radiated determination, "My first battle, I must win."

"That Saitama, why are you staring at me?" Yuan Qi, a women's clothing boss, said to Qiyu who was behind him.

For Yuan Qi, Saitama was one of the members he didn't want to deal with the most in the opponent's reincarnation team.

But don't know why.

The One Punch Man's strong man stared at him, and has been chasing and killing him.

He also stopped and fought Saitama.

But in the end, Yuan Qi chose to flee.

Saitama's attack brought him a lot of pressure.

"Your breath, I'm very uncomfortable." Saitama said after chasing.

The women's clothing boss Yuan Qi was speechless.

The breath is very uncomfortable.

Is this his fault?

Well, it seems like it's really his fault.

After all, that was the direction of power he chose.

"My name is Yuan Qi, your name is Qiyu, one of our names is the same, we are fate, can we chat." Yuan Qi said loudly.

"I'll go..." Yuan Qi cursed secretly.

His body moved slightly.

A terrifying fist shot blasted past from behind.

Not far away, a mushroom cloud-like scene appeared in front of Yuan Qi.

"Then. 55 Yuan Qi turned his direction, and his figure flew out of the earth quickly.

"I'm coming." Saitama stomped heavily on the ground.

Then it turned into a cannonball and kept flying towards the sky.

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