Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 258 God destroys the common people (five more)

Divine Solution...Blade of Divine Destruction

In the void, there was such a faint voice.

In an instant, golden flames spread out from Captain Yamamoto, completely covering Yamamoto and Zanpakutō.

There are rules and mysteries in the golden flame.

It's like godlike power.

In the past, Captain Yamamoto's residual fire sword was considered a terrifying force in the material world. Although its attack was powerful, in the face of some forces, this ultimate material world power might not be able to deal with that kind of force.

But it's different now.

After entering the sanctuary, the Yamamoto captain, he has the power that he did not have in the past.

That is on the basis of powerful power, plus some mysterious power of rules.

This made Captain Yamamoto's outbreak of strength even more terrifying.

Looking at Yamamoto covered in golden flames, the reincarnation's complexion changed and changed.

He could also feel the terrifying power contained in this flame.

Compared to before, Captain Yamamoto's strength has increased exponentially.

This filled the hearts of the reincarnators with fear.

Can such an opponent really be able to stop him?

Waiting for the rest of the team, can such a time catch up with 07?

Very complicated thoughts flashed in the mind of the reincarnator one by one.

But in the end, the reincarnator stood still.

As he understood, Yamamoto continued to liberate his Zanpakutō, and that didn't take long.

That would probably only take a few seconds.

A few seconds were not enough time for the reincarnator to escape.

Therefore, for this reincarnator, it is better to directly strengthen his own strength. This is better, which will also allow him to face the future Yamamoto.


A moment later, a terrifying golden flame exploded, revealing the Captain Yamamoto inside.

There is a big difference between the current captain of Yamamoto and the previous one.

Captain Yamamoto has grown stronger and looks much younger.

Around the clothes on his body, golden lines appeared.

The Ryūjin Jakka in his hand became extremely gorgeous.

The golden light showed some traces that circulated continuously on the blade.

Ultimate's golden flame is not beating, so that the void is constantly twisting.

This is a brand new big knife.

God's Blade.

The power above Bankai.

This is the ultimate power that Captain Yamamoto and Zanpakutō fused through his own power, and then burst out.

If you change to other Shinigami, it is impossible to unleash such power.

They can't have the opportunity like Yamamoto and can make up for themselves through the Myriad Dimensional Group.

But like another Shinigami Aizen, he might be able to do that too.

But for Aizen, he won't necessarily go down the same path as Yamamoto.

In Aizen's heart, only the power that can increase his strength can be used, and he does not need to be limited to Zanpakutō.

Like Captain Yamamoto, his thoughts may be a little different.

"Reincarnator, then come and try my power." Captain Yamamoto held the transformed Zanpakutō in his hand and looked directly at the reincarnator.

The elegant reincarnation person felt such a gaze, and he couldn't help but feel a chill rise in his heart.


The reincarnator held the residual fire sword in his hand, and cut out an attack like the destruction of the sun.

"This kind of power is too weak." The Blade of God's Destruction in the hands of Captain Yamamoto swung towards that power.

In an instant, the attack of the reincarnator was directly overwhelmed and destroyed, and disappeared.

"This this……"

The reincarnator really felt the extreme horror that Yamamoto brought him.

"Reincarnator..." Captain Yamamoto said a word, and suddenly his eyes moved, and he looked at a place.

A terrifying energy rushed towards them at this time.

Under this force, the ground is constantly being destroyed.

"It looks like the president's place is almost there, so..." Captain Yamamoto slightly picked up his sword of death and touched it lightly with his other hand.

The golden lines are constantly shining.

"God destroys all beings..."

The Blade of God's Destruction in the hands of Captain Yamamoto gently waved towards the reincarnator.


golden glow.

A flaming golden flame.

Like a tumultuous sea rolling, it rushed towards the reincarnator.

It was an attack that would destroy everything in the world.

God, sometimes indifference, it is not contempt for life, but equality of life.

No matter what kind of life it is, before God, it is treated equally.

"Cunning Sun Prison Clothes..."

Looking at this terrifying power, the reincarnator used the residual fire sword to explode with astonishing power.

It's just that compared to the previous situation, this time the reincarnation was defensive, and he wanted to stop Captain Yamamoto's devastating attack this time.


Divine solution, the power beyond Bankai.

Yamamoto painstakingly researched and finally broke through the attack, which is not comparable to Bankai.

This power of destruction of the common people destroyed the defense of the Cannibal Prison Clothes in one fell swoop.


With the last scream, the reincarnation was burned directly under the golden flame and burned to ashes.

"Reincarnator, go all the way." Captain Yamamoto said lightly as he looked at the reincarnator who had disappeared at 330.

Everything about that samsara was destroyed by Yamamoto's attack.

"Yeah." Captain Yamamoto suddenly changed his face, and he looked in a certain direction.

If he remembered correctly, it should be the direction of President Li Yu.

It is also the place where the president and the opposing captain fight.

There is a black hole-like force that continuously erupts from the center and spreads in all directions.

Under this force, the earth is also being quickly engulfed.

One second, two seconds.

Anyway, if this force swept over him, it would probably be a blink of an eye.

A cloud of golden energy appeared on Yamamoto like a shield.

A terrible torrent of energy also engulfed the Yamamoto captain at this time.

somewhere in the world of Dragon Ball.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

This world is full of amazing murderous aura.

As if there are related rules hidden in this world.

The world trembled under such astonishing power.

The earth, mountains, and everything, under such power, are quickly destroyed,

A man in armor kept fighting.

Like a god of war.

A god born to fight.

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