Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 302 The power of the phoenix

"You guys." King Zhou smiled, "I know not only you, but also the King of the Gods, the King of the Gods, and the Hall of Sages of the Gods."

"Could it be that there are people from the Protoss around you. 35 Tiankui god-tier's face darkened.

Knowing so many hidden things, that is something only the Protoss will know.

How could mere humans know.

So Tiankui god-tier will have doubts in this regard.

"Tiankui, stop talking nonsense, if you want to fight, just fight." Ten Punishment god-tier's pupils had a bloody glow, and he rushed directly to King Zhou.

With the divine power of the Asura world, he is not known how much stronger than the ghost wood god-tier just now.

For the ten punishments who love fighting, life is far less important than fighting.

It is even said that for ten punishments, death may be a good "four forty zero" destination.

But with the ten punishments of the seal of the dead, he is a person who cannot die.

It is even said that this Protoss will still feel that kind of pain, that kind of extreme pain.

This is also one of the reasons why this god-tier of ten punishments is so crazy.

"Ten punishments?" King Zhou looked at the ten punishments rushing over, and the divine power of the Primordial Beginning Realm on his body was also more vast and terrifying.

A pair of fiery red wings grew out.

A strip of red veins continued to spread on King Zhou's armor.

That is the condensation of the divine power of the phoenix.

"Ten punishments, then let's fight." King Zhou laughed.

For King Zhou, fighting is also a kind of fun.


In the air, the two figures were constantly fighting each other.

It can be seen that the tenth god-tier was unilaterally crushed.

Although Ten Punishment has the body of immortality, the absolute disparity in strength makes the body of immortality he possessed to have no effect at all.

Tiankui god-tier did not intervene in this battle.

He just stared at the two people in the sky with solemn eyes.

As for the outcome of the battle, the strongest general of the Protoss, he also saw a thing or two.

That human has the upper hand.

The current Tiankui god-tier is just reminiscing.

Recall what happened to the divine power that burst out of this human being.

For this divine power, this god-tier is still somewhat impressed.

"Wait, this is the power of the phoenix." A thought appeared in Tiankui god-tier's mind.

Hundreds of years ago, there was a battle between the king of the gods, Tian, ​​and the phoenix.

Although the phoenix was killed by the king of the gods in the end, it can also explain the strength of the phoenix to some extent.

After all, among their Protoss, there is simply no Protoss that can fight against the sky.

Even in the Hall of Sages of the Protoss, it is the same.

"No wonder you can fight against us." "Tiankui god-tier's pupils exuded a hint of fighting intent, "King of the business family, look at the move.

After ten punishments were repelled.

This tiankui god-tier runs the divine power of the diamond world and re-attacks the king of Zhou.

Although he knew that King Zhou was also very powerful, as the most powerful god-tier Tiankui, he didn't give up so easily.

"Haha, Tiankui, ten punishments, you all come together." The figure of King Zhou stood in the air.

The power belonging to the phoenix burns even more terrifyingly.

In the same way, a certain bloodline in King Zhou's body was also running.

There is some connection between this bloodline and the phoenix,

This allows the phoenix's injury to recover more quickly, and also allows King Zhou to exert a more powerful power belonging to the phoenix.

The King Zhou in front of him was stronger than the King Zhou in the original history.

Even if it is Ten Punishment, Tian Kui and other god-tiers join forces, I am afraid they will not be the opponent of King Zhou.

Then there was a fierce battle in this world.

But in the end Guimu and Shi Xing were seriously injured by King Zhou.

That is the damage to the Divine Essence of the two.

Divine Essence is the most important thing to the Divine Race.

Divine Essence is damaged, they want to recover, it takes too much time, it takes too much experience.

It wasn't just a physical injury.

Even the strongest general, he has suffered a lot of damage, and he has a little fighting power left.

"Tiankui, let's end today's battle." King Zhou looked at the weak Tiankui and said lightly.

At this time, Tian Kui no longer had any fighting power.

At present, King Zhou does not want to kill Tian Kui 0 in front of him. . . . .

For King Zhou, the future god of war, he may need to repay the sins accumulated in the past.

"King of the business family, your strength can't compete with the sky at all, you are completely courting death now." Tian Kui said solemnly.

After this battle, the Doubu War God also had a good impression of the human being in front of him.

If we talk about those humans in the past, they are just ants.

So now, this is not the case.

Human strength is also a counterweight to their efforts.

This is also the idea that made King Zhou win the Doubu god-tier.

"Tiankui god-tier, you don't need to worry too much about this, the king of your protoss, there are people here who can fight against you." King Zhou didn't care about Tiankui.

At present, the Myriad Realms Dimension Group is the trump card in King Zhou's heart.

This kind of trump card really gave King Zhou a lot of confidence.

Even the mighty King of the Protoss cannot be the opponent of those big men in the Myriad Realms Dimensional Group.

"King of the business family, you will regret it." Tiankui god-tier grabbed the ten punishments and the ghost wood.

The two were dying, and there was no hope of action.

"Tiankui, next time you will find that the whole world may need to be changed. 35 King Zhou showed a smile.

This 1.8 smile is meaningful.

After Tiankui god-tier and the others left, King Zhou also needed to make some preparations.

Otherwise, in terms of time, it would be too late.

"I hope you remember what I said today." Tiankui god-tier's footsteps paused, then turned into a ray of light and disappeared in this world.

It was very quiet in the dark night.

As if nothing had happened in this world.

Naturally, the potholes at some stages outside the city gate would still surprise the entire Chaoge on the second day, because those potholes were unfathomable and invisible to the naked eye.

It also takes a certain amount of time to fill the anti-hole.

"Tiankui god-tier, and the gods." King Zhou looked at the dark night sky, and he also walked towards his palace.

He also needs to prepare here.

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