Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 312: The New King of the Protoss

The body of the Underworld God disappeared, and the long river of reincarnation in the air slowly disappeared.


A huge body fell heavily on the land.

That is the black dragon.

It can be seen that the aura of this black dragon is very sluggish, and if you feel it carefully, you can feel that his soul is also in a very weak state.

The long river of reincarnation.

It's not just for the body, it's for the soul too.

If it takes a long time to enter the long river of reincarnation.

That being will be completely sunk in reincarnation and will never be able to come out.

On the outside, it's a complete death.

When the body dies, the soul also dies.

For those affected by such terrifying power, it is almost impossible to reincarnate and reincarnate.

Similar to the black dragon is a weakened figure.

That is Wang Tian, ​​the king of the "five three three" Protoss.

After being baptized by the long river of reincarnation, the king of the god race almost died.

If Li Yu hadn't released this power, he, the king of the protoss, would probably have died.

In other words, this is the absolute gap in strength.

"Heaven." Li Yu fell in front of the protoss king.

At this moment, the king of the Protoss has messy hair and a sluggish aura, and it is impossible to see that this Protoss will be the King of the Protoss in the past.

The king of the Protoss at this time was a loser, a complete loser.

"Human, kill me, I failed." Tian said weakly.

Although he may be dying, the king of the Protoss did not want to ask for mercy.


There is a figure in the mind of the king of the gods.

That was Bai Long, his wife, and he couldn't see his wife again, much less resurrect her.

"If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't let you come out of the long river of reincarnation just now, and I would only let you sink into it, without hope," Li Yu said lightly.

"Human, you defeat me, the collapse of divine power is a matter of course, leaving me, there is no effect at all." Tian smiled bitterly.

"You don't need to care about this." Li Yu said lightly, "I just ask you, do you want to survive?"

This is a multiple-choice question that Li Yu gave to the king of the protoss.

Do you want to live or die.

"I..." Tian's eyes flickered, and he finally gritted his teeth, "I want to survive."

Yes, the king of the Protoss still wants to survive.

That's not to say too scared.

But because of his wife Bai Long, he still wanted to revive Bai Long.

Ten Thousand Years of hard work, he is all for his wife, the accumulation of blood ore is almost the same.

"Stay alive." Li Yu smiled, "God, you made a good choice, don't resist. 55

The eyes of yin and yang are running in Li Yu's eyes.

A strange force entered Tian's mind.

Tian can feel the change in his soul.

But he thought of what Li Yu said and couldn't resist.

So he didn't do anything.

If you don't want to die, you always have to pay some price, this God Race King still understands very well.

After a while.

The power of yin and yang without eyes gradually disappeared, and Li Yu's change to the king of the gods was completed.

Just like the gods of the Earth Otherworld.

Li Yu changed the king of the protoss' view of human beings, and of course his identity in front of Li Yu, that is Li Yu's subordinate.

"God, this time the theocracy has collapsed, the position of the king of the gods does not belong to you, but to your child's ten punishments." Li Yu said slowly, "You will only pay attention to the Protoss and Humans in secret."9

"I understand." Tian slowly stood up from the ground.

"As for your wife, you can only rely on yourself in the future. Of course, some sinners, whether they are humans or protoss, you can use them at that time." Li Yu gave Tian such a choice.

"Thank you sir." Tian bowed slightly.

"As for now." Li Yu's palm lightly clenched somewhere.

"Your Excellency, please spare your life. Your Excellency, God Eye is willing to surrender." God Eye said in a panic.

He was imprisoned by a strange force.

His divine power had no effect at all.

Before he came here, he wanted to ask what this strange powerhouse wanted to do.

But seeing Li Yu's dialogue with Tian, ​​this made God's eyes stop.

What God's Eye did not expect was that the king of the God Race had surrendered.

Surrender to this strange enemy.

This is more terrifying than the collapse of theocracy.

But what they didn't expect was that the strong man discovered him so quickly.

So God Eye immediately begged for mercy.

"God, what are you going to do with this Protoss..." Li Yu glanced at him.

"As the adults arrange." Tian glanced at him and said lightly.

Regarding some of the thoughts of the gods in the past about the gods, how could the king of the gods not see them.

Only to God.

Protoss power or something, that's not important.

For Tian, ​​the most important thing is his wife Bai Long.

"Then just die." Li Yu said lightly, "Yin and Yang."


The screams came from the eyes of God, and in an instant, the body of the Great Elder of the Hall of Sages turned to ashes.

Compared to the sky, this divine eye is not qualified to fight Li Yu.

And in this situation, Li Yu didn't plan to continue fighting.

The previous battle was enough.


Li Yu's right hand was probed again, and a man with blue hair and ten punishments with the divine power of the Shura world came to Li Yu.

Shi Xing's pupils shone with bloodthirsty light.

Even if he was seriously injured at this time, it was the same.

Such is the power of the Mark of the Dead.

"A mere seal of the dead. Li Yu's fingers shone with pure white light, and pointed to Shi Xing's body.

"Ah..." Shi Xing screamed.

But a distorted black force continued to emerge from Shi Xing's body.

Just like a life, unwilling to come out of the Host.

In the Wu Gengji world, this kind of thing cannot be removed, but for Li Yu, 1.8 is not the case.

"Come out for me." Li Yu snorted coldly.

A mass of black light emerged, following Li Yu's palm.

The mark of the dead was destroyed in an instant.

Shi Xing's hair slowly changed and turned white.

His body was also slightly thinner.

Overall it looks more gentle.

Ten punishments, this immortal body.

I used to like being with humans.

It was just like this that he was punished by the Protoss.

"Ten Punishment, are you awake?" Li Yu looked at the tearful Ten Punishment.

He understood that Ten Punishments remembered things from the past.

"Sir, Shi Xing has woken up, thank you sir." Shi Xing knelt down on one knee.

"Ten punishments, you are the new king of the gods, and you can deal with the equality between the humans and the gods."

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