Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter three hundred and fourteenth hero company

Devil One.

"I didn't expect that Bichi to be so fast." Morgana thought while walking in the spaceship.

Her battle with the angel Keisha has been going on for ages.

Whether it was Keisha or Morgana, both sides wanted to kill each other.

Therefore, Morgana will not have the slightest hesitation in her heart for this past angel's sister.

After all, she is also a devil.

Not to mention it was only a few hundred years when they became sisters, but when they became enemies and fought each other, those years lasted much longer.

Putting her finger on her ear, she initiated a signal contact.

In the world of Super Seminary.

Genes and technology are developing together, and it is a very strange world.

Like Morgana's body, there is genetic technology in it.

Crack the mysteries of the enemy's body, change the enemy's memory, make calls, etc.

If you want to let Li Yu speak.

That is some kind of rule system of the super seminary.

It's just that this kind of rule system is through some kind of genetic technology.

"Carl, Carl." Morgana contacted Shinigami Carl.

That was Morgana's classmate in the super seminary in the past. At present, Carl's research on the void is one of the best in this universe.

"What's the matter, Morgana." In a certain Western-style palace, Karl smiled.

To say that for this Shinigami Carl, the most reluctant, it may be Morgana.

This Shinigami Karl, to a certain extent, is a genius of the scholar-tyrant, but his emotional intelligence is slightly lower.

"Are you ready for what I said before about dealing with Keisha?" Morgana asked.

"Don't worry, Morgana, although the other party is the King of Angels, I will do it for you. 35 Karl said slowly.

"That's fine, then you're ready." After Morgana finished speaking, she cut off the signal.

"Cold ice." "

Carl's eyes turned to the wall of the room, where there was a girl who looked like an angel.

That is Lian Bing, Carl's past companion, the past angel, and the present Morgana.

Earth, above.

"King, what should we do now, should we directly launch the trial?" Angel Yan asked.

Judgment will cause harm to some of the people of Earth though.

But in this case, Morgana can also be dealt with.

Comparatively speaking, there is more gain than loss.

This is acceptable to angels.

In the past they conducted a just order, as well.

Sin does more damage.

Angels also need to kill sin if they have to.

Perhaps this also leads to some innocent deaths, but if not, more innocents will die.

Which is better, the angel knows in his heart.

In fact, for some superiors, they also agree with such justice.

Like in some movies or anime.

Say something to protect everyone, unless it has such power itself.

If there is no such power, verbal words will have no effect.

This will only make things worse.

Not everyone is the protagonist and things will go the way you want.

At this point, the emperors in history, or some high-ranking people, they all did this.

"Yan, wait." Keisha smiled, "Earth is a very interesting place right now, why don't we go and have a look first.

"Yes, King." Angel Yan respectfully saluted.

Soon after.

Kaisha took Angel Yan and Zhixin to Earth, and their destination was naturally the South Blue battleship.

Because there are super genetic warriors there.

Galactic Force, God of War, Sunlight and more.

If they reach the peak, it will be considered to destroy the planet level.

In the world of Super Seminary.

Such power is already extremely terrifying.

Especially the light of the sun like the sun.

But since joining the Wanjie Dimensional Group, Kaisha has not thought so.

As she spends more time in the group, Keisha realizes that her universe is just that.

Not to mention, there are many powerful people in the group who can destroy the planet level.

Just some of the worlds she knows.

Some strong people can destroy the universe in an instant, which is even more exaggerated.

Perhaps the super god universe she was in was just a universe created by a certain powerhouse.

After all, the super god universe is indeed a bit special.

The existence of the void may be to jump out of this universe.

But what to say.

The power of the galaxy, they are also the protagonists of this world.

Keisha was a little curious about this.

Plus there was nothing to do, so Keisha stopped by to see it.

Anyway, this time it came to Earth.

South Blue battleship.

Suddenly an alarm sounded, because a powerful force was constantly approaching the battleship.

Such power is very dangerous for the entire warship.

General Dukao immediately ordered the soldiers of the male company to come to the deck.

They are Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin and others.

At present, the dangerous characters appearing on the earth may only be dealt with by the super soldiers of the Xiongbing Company.

As General Dukao, who started the Super Gene Warrior Project on Earth, he believes this very much.

"`"That's an angel, and there really is an angel." Xin Zhao looked at the angels who landed in the sky in surprise.

Although he has become a soldier of the Xiongbing Company.

But seeing this mythical figure in Earth legend, Xin Zhao was still a little stunned.

But what to say.

The angels in earth mythology do exist.

The existence of angels can be regarded as the history of (Wang Nuo's) passing through the earth.

in Earth's history.

There have been many times, angels have descended from the sky, they more or less helped the earth through some crises.

This is the legend that the earth will have angels. There is a reason for angelic belief.

"It's really an angel." Ge Xiaolun nodded, "There was a demon before, but now the angel is here to help, or something."

about the existence of demons.

Ge Xiaolun and the others have already been in contact with these soldiers.

But angels, they haven't touched yet.

And whether these angels are good people or bad people, it is also uncertain.

"Everyone, be careful." Lena said beside her.

As Sunstar, the granddaughter of the Sun God, Reina has heard a little about angels.

Angel, that is a powerful deity in the universe.

Even in Lieyang Star, there are related legends.

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