Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 317 Ultimate Fear

In this situation now, will the same situation happen when Keisha is broadcasting live?

It is also of great interest to Tony Stark, or to some people in the group.

Pluton in the Dark: "If the traveler was the demon Morgana, then this would be even more interesting."99

Sealer in the Darkness: "If Morgana is a transmigrator, I think she will only regret it even more, because in that case, she has become the target of our dimensional group.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was right.

This time Keisha deals with Morgana, maybe Keisha will not kill Morgana, but imprison her.

But if Morgana is a transmigrator.

Then, as the goal of the Myriad Realms, there is only one way for Morgana to go, and that is death.

No matter how powerful Morgana is, she must not have surpassed this universe without "One Twenty Seven".

In that case, it would be very easy for these big guys in the group.

After all, some of the big guys in the group have terrible existences that destroy planets and galaxies.

It is even said that in the eyes of many members of the group, their leader Li Yu may have the power to destroy the universe.

That was truly remarkable.

"Let's watch it with peace of mind, what the answer is, I think I'll know it soon." Li Yu smiled.

Looking at the live-action version of the battle, it really has a different flavor.

So Li Yu at this time is also paying attention to the battle between Keisha and Morgana with great interest.

When the members of the group are discussing.

Under Keisha's eyes, he also saw many demons charging towards her.

But the angels around her could not allow the demons to come to their queen, and they slaughtered these demons with their weapons.

Let the devil not get close to a cent.

This time, because of the existence of Angel Yan, Zhi Xin, etc.

When the devil attacks Angel Keisha, the difficulty factor is even greater.

In such a tragic battle, the king of the gods still had a faint smile on his mouth.

That's confidence, that's winning.

As the king of the gods, Keisha, even if according to the original history, was killed by a plot, she did not lose her pride.

Death, she is also very calm in the face of the supernova explosion.

In this case, Keisha is worthy of being the king of the gods.

Under such circumstances, for most people, it is the most life-threatening moment.

Some instinctive reactions will erupt.

Fear, nervousness, despair are all possible.

A bland like Keisha is really rare.

Now join the Wanjie dimensional group and improve yourself through the Wanjie dimensional group.

For this Keisha, it was even more confident.

Naturally, compared to the self in the past, this King of Angels Kaisha's self-confidence has been restrained a lot.

After all, in the past self, in this super seminary, there are very few people who are stronger than her.

Like the principal of the super seminary, or some powerhouses hidden in a corner of this universe.

Such a quantity can also be counted.

But in the entire Wanjie dimensional group, it is different.

in some mighty world.

More powerful than her Kaisha, I don't know how many, it's like a carp crossing the river, it's completely impossible to count.

Therefore, for Keisha, her character has also been subtly changed a lot.

"Bichi, go to hell." Morgana broke through the angel's defense, and a huge fist appeared out of nowhere, suddenly smashing towards Keisha.

This is Morgana's weapon.

Just like the silver wings of Angel Keisha, it has amazing lethality.

"Morgana, it's futile." Keisha sat on the chair without moving.

In the void, two silver wings suddenly appeared.

One of the silver wings blocked the black fist.

And from the contact between the two sides, Morgana's weapon was at a disadvantage.

At this time, another silver wing attacked Morgana.

Afterwards, although Morgana tried her best to avoid Keisha's attack, she was still pierced by the silver wings, and a big hole appeared.

If this terrifying weapon in the god-killing arsenal was replaced with the usual one, it would directly seriously injure Morgana.

But now it seems that it is not possible.

"It's too dangerous. Fortunately, I broke through my own body." Morgana said with lingering fears.

At present, Morgana's body is the Fourth Generation. If the enemy wants to kill her, it is also very difficult..

"Phew." Morgana took a deep breath, and another black metal palm appeared in the sky, which was also Morgana's weapon.

The King of Angels Kaisha in front of him, just like in the past, is very difficult to deal with.

"Bichi, you are dead today." Morgana shouted violently.

Today, between her and Keisha, only one person can survive.

And Morgana is very confident that she will survive this time.

After a while.

Morgana fell heavily to the ground.

She was defeated by Keisha using powerful weapons.

No matter how hard Morgana tried, it was the same.

"Bichi, you Bichi." Morgana scolded loudly.

Even if defeated, Morgana has no place to show weakness.

"Morgana, you have failed." Keisha shook her head, "You are still as stubborn as before.

"Bichi, I didn't fail," Morgana said.

"Lian Bing, haven't you regretted the freedom you longed for and the depravity you longed for?" Keisha's right hand moved slightly.

"Bichi, you are just afraid of the ultimate fear, but about the ultimate fear, that still exists. 39 Morgana continued.

The universe of Super Seminary is a strange universe.

Although the life of the entire universe is already very long.

But the longest civilization, that is, the angel civilization, the entire universe did not have a civilization that exceeded ten Ten Thousand Years.

This appears to be very strange for 1.9.

Where have the civilizations and lives that are more than ten Ten Thousand Years gone?

This is a big question.

That's why Morgana came up with the ultimate fear.

In this universe, there must be a terrifying force shrouding this universe.

The power of the void may be that power.

Look at Li Yu.

The super god universe is indeed a bit special.

Like mythical world, fantasy world, hundreds of thousands, millions of years, that is normal.

But in this universe, nothing more than 100,000 exists.

"Ultimate Fear." Keisha shook her head, "Morgana, I've said this long ago, I believe, but we can't spread it, is this why you're falling?"

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