Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 333: Restoring the Order of the Heavenly Palace


I saw Keisha's palm lightly clenched.

The two silver wings that covered the sky turned into a bright light and cut towards Shinigami Karl.

The power of this god-killing weapon carries some kind of wonderful fluctuation.

This is still a little different from the previous situation where Keisha and Morgana fought.

"This power." Carl's eyes changed slightly.

Generally, the attack of the main world is not harmful to Carl, and he will not be afraid.

But this time Keisha attacked, Shinigami Carl felt the danger.

This silver wing also did great damage to his phantom body.

"Space. The space around 35 Karl suddenly distorted.

This time, if something entered Carl's surroundings, it was impossible for those things to fall on Carl in this layered space.

It's just a use of space.

at this time.

Under Carl's dumbfounded eyes, the two 07 silver wings swept past him and did not enter the endless folded space that Carl spread out.

The two silver wings also disappeared at this time, as if they had entered a certain space.


The sound shook violently in this world.

In a space not far from Karl.

Various rays of light diffused from the cracks in the space.

Two silver wings that covered the sky and the sun shot out quickly at this time.

From the broken crack, a figure slowly appeared.

It was a middle-aged man in armor, with white wings flapping behind him.

This middle-aged man is also an angel, and he is also a male angel.

This male angel is none other than Hua Ye, the ruler of the angels several Ten Thousand Years ago.

This is also the traverser who is slowly developing.

"Mr. Hua Ye." Shinigami Carl's eyes changed slightly.

Although Carl heard Hua Ye say that this time he will also come to the City of Angels to help him.

But he really didn't realize that Hua Ye was by his side.

Instead, the king of the gods, Kaisha, discovered the existence of Hua Ye.

From this point, it shows that Hua Ye and Kaisha must be stronger than him in a certain ability.

It's just that in terms of real combat power, Carl didn't think that he would be inferior to these two.

Although these two seem to be indeed a bit strong.

But he Shinigami Karl's study of the void, which also lasted for several Ten Thousand Years.

This is the confidence built up over the course of Ten Thousand Years.

"Hua Ye." Kaisha's eyes turned to the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared.

For Hua Ye in front of her, Keisha didn't have any emotions.

Hua Ye is no longer the Hua Ye of the past, he is just a traveler.

And it is also a traverser of the goal of the dimensional group of all worlds.

This time the other party came to the door, so that Kaisha didn't need to go to find Hua Ye specially.

At the same time, judging from the current situation, Hua Ye came to the city of angels, not the earth.

The group owner Li Yu is on Earth this time, and I am afraid he will come home empty-handed.

"Haha, Keisha, it's been a long time, we haven't seen each other for a few Ten Thousand Years." Hua Ye laughed, "You're still the same as before.

At this moment, the traveler completely regards himself as Hua Ye, so he has a very normal chat with Kaisha, the king of angels in front of him.

In fact, he was also a little curious about Keisha.

After all, according to history, Keisha was killed by Morgana, but the current situation is completely different.

The traveler also wanted to know what happened to Keisha.

In other words, the reason why Keisha became like this is because of his crossing? Or is it some other reason?

In this regard, the traversers want to find out.

"Hua Ye, I'm not that familiar with you." Keisha responded indifferently, "This time you are here too. Are you planning to help Carl and save Morgana?"

Keisha still knows some thoughts in Hua Ye's heart.

She understood that Hua Ye came here not because of other things, but maybe because of her.

Whether this traveler knows about the super-divine universe, or does not know the super-divine universe.

"Lang Bing." Hua Ye touched his chin with his right hand, "Lang Bing is also very good, I don't know how it will be now, I am also looking forward to it, of course I also want to see what the city of angels is now. Situation, can I restore the order of the heavenly palace in the past, do you think so, Keisha.

"Hua Ye, I think you really think too much." Keisha snorted coldly, "Do you think you have such an opportunity?"

"Oh, it does seem to be a bit difficult." Hua Ye scratched his hair, "In your hall, besides you, there seem to be some powerful people with good strength, are they Hexi and the others?

In fact, in this palace, it is not just Keisha, Karl, and Hua Ye.

It was as if Hua Ye existed in a certain space just now, and the situation on the other side was similar.

That's why Carl didn't find each other in the first place.

Although the power of the void is magical, the power of the ten thousand world dimension group is even more magical.

It is also extremely convenient to find a treasure or other that is aimed at the power of the void.

"Hexi?" A smile appeared on the corner of Kaisha's mouth.

This smile made Hua Ye stunned for a moment.

Because Keisha's smile is indeed very strange, making him a little confused.

"Hua Ye, they are not Hexi, nor are they the powerhouses of Angel Civilization, but powerhouses from other places," Keisha said.

"Not Hexi and the others? Could it be the Super Seminary?" Hua Ye was a little strange.

Angel Civilization and Super Seminary have not cooperated for a long time.

There can be no one in the super seminary in this place.

But apart from the Super Seminary, is there anyone in this universe who can make Keisha treat him like this?

And it seems that the other party should be doing something.

Keisha, the king of the gods.

She is arrogant and conceited, but there are not many people in the universe who are qualified for Kaisha to be treated equally.

This is a difference in level and a difference in power.

Hua Ye also knew this.

Whether it is Hua Ye before the time-travel, or Hua Ye after the time-travel.

"Neither, but my friends, Hua Ye, you probably know it." Keisha smiled.

"I know?" Hua Ye's brain turned.

In the super god universe, he Hua Ye does know quite a few people.

But for a while now, he really can't think of anything.

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