Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 341: Galactic Force Ge Xiaolun

The super god universe, a certain universe.

The past angel ruler Hua Ye was repelled again, and on the other hand Shinigami Karl died at the hands of the angel Keisha.


The Styx civilization will suffer the terror of the angel civilization.

Without the existence of Shinigami Karl, the Styx Galaxy would have no so-called hole cards.

This time, the gluttonous army attacked the city of angels, which was a humiliation to the city of angels.

With King of Angels Keisha in charge, the result of the gluttonous army is predictable.

As for what to say about the Gorilla King, that is really trivial for angels like Keisha and the others.

This time Keisha joined the Wanjie Dimensional Group, which made a big change to some of the development of the super god universe.

Morgana was captured, Keisha didn't die, - Shinigami Carl was killed.

This one thing, originally impossible, but now - all happened one by one.

in a certain way.

This change, for the earth, has great benefits.

Morgana's demons will not have an impact on the earth. Although the gluttonous army has attacked the earth now, this attack will not last too long.

When the angel civilization defeated their home in the Styx galaxy.

The crisis on Earth may soon be over.

Of course, Li Yu didn't know about Thanos and others who had fought with Hua Ye and others. He was just hanging out on Earth.

After all, there was a so-called bet with Thanos and the others, Li Yu just wanted to see if Hua Ye would come to Earth.

Anyway, even if Hua Ye really didn't come to Earth this time, but went to the city of angels, Li Yu should have come to the super god universe for tourism.

In fact, Li Yu also has a vague calculation about whether Hua Ye will come to Earth.

With a superhuman body, Li Yu also has his own calculations for this supernatural universe.

This universe seems to belong to Li Yu's world.

Like a big clock, it can calculate some changes in the universe.

Li Yu can calculate that Hua Ye will definitely come to the earth. As for their arrival in this universe, what impact will it have on this universe?

That's not good to say.

"Or now you can go and see the so-called power of the galaxy. Li Yu is walking on the mountain road, his eyes are a little thoughtful.

If Li Yu hadn't risen to the level of a superhuman body.

Then Li Yu is still very interested in the Super God Universe and these super genetic warriors.

But when Li Yu's strength increased to such a level, he almost completely understood the mysteries of the super-divine universe.

The power of the galaxy, the light of the sun, etc., are just some kind of power in this world.

Compared to his superhuman body.

That is the difference between cloud and mud.

It was as if Li Yu had seen Reina, the light of the sun, before.

Through previous observations, some genetic mysteries of Sunlight were quickly dissected by Li Yu.

"Yeah. 33 Li Yu's eyes moved slightly, and a smile appeared, "Looks like this is my chance. 35

That's right, at this time, Li Yu discovered the existence of the traveler Hua Ye.

Of course, Li Yu wasn't really sure either.

However, the opponent's strength is stronger than Keisha, I don't know how much.

From Li Yu's point of view, there are not so many powerful people in the super seminary.

"Just right, the power of the galaxy is also there." Li Yu's footsteps moved forward, the space fluctuated, and his body slowly disappeared.

"Ge Xiaolun, thank you this time, if it wasn't for you, we would have died." A soldier said to the young man in armor beside him.

Because the gluttonous army and the remaining demons are on the earth, today's earth has slowly become chaotic.

Wars are going on all over the world.

And because of the disparity in weapons and individual strength.

The Earth's army can be said to be in retreat.

That is, some soldiers of the heroic company can cope with such a situation.

Currently in this army of soldiers, Ge Xiaolun is one of the soldiers of the Hero Company.

"That's nothing, nothing?" Ge Xiaolun patted his head.

Because nothing happened to Fraser Star, the change to Ge Xiaolun's character was not very big.

But due to the war, Ge Xiaolun himself has also undergone great changes.

He also gradually took on the appearance of a soldier.

It's not like he just joined the Heroes Company.

"Haha, Xiao Lun, you are humble." The soldier next to him laughed.

Although the battle was difficult, these soldiers still maintained a cheerful mood.

Suddenly, at this time.

A fiery red sphere appeared in the sky, and the sphere quickly fell towards them at an extremely fast speed.

"Not good, get ready.""

The soldiers shouted loudly.

Because the earth will encounter all kinds of enemies, no one knows what exactly is in that sphere of light.

Enemy, or just a meteorite.


The fiery red sphere fell not far from these soldiers.

The ground vibrated continuously at this time, and yellow smoke filled the air in all directions.

Many soldiers looked hard with the weapons in their hands, and so did Ge Xiaolun with the great sword in his hands.

Because he just saw it.

In that light, there seemed to be a figure with white wings.


Ge Xiaolun has this name in his heart.

In the past in the South Blue battleship, Ge Xiaolun had seen such an angel.

Now that the angels come to earth, what are they going to do?

The smoke slowly dissipated, revealing the figure inside, it was a middle-aged man in armor.

The man's figure stood upright, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

That is Hua Ye.

After leaving Thanos and their battles, they came to Earth.

It is also a headache for Hua Ye to have such a main god space staring at him.

So increasing strength is the most important thing.

There are many super genetic warriors on the earth, and these genes may also be of some help to Hua Ye.

At that time, his cosmic body may be able to go further.


Hua Ye walked towards Ge Xiaolun slowly, and the whole person looked at ease.

How could the weapons of the human beings on earth cause harm to him.

"Who are you, stop quickly, or we will attack." The leading soldier issued a warning.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Hua Ye shook his head, but his footsteps did not stop.


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