Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 343 Space Principal

"No creature detected.""

"Can't strike.

"Explore the void, explore the universe, and lock.

"No creature detected.

"Can't Strike"

In Hua Ye's body, such a mechanical voice sounded, which was a kind of recovery for him by the body of the universe.

Not to mention genetic strikes, his cosmic body can't even lock on the enemy in front of him.

To know that he faced Thanos, Kaisha, Saitama and others before, he can lock each other.

It's just that that kind of genetic blow has no effect on those bigwigs.

But the situation in front of him was even more special, even more special, he couldn't find the person in front of him.

But in Hua Ye's eyes.

This person is so real, it cannot be a false existence.

"Principal of Space." Hua Ye whispered.

Perhaps only the Space Principal of the Super Seminary has such an ability for someone who is so incomprehensible.

Before, he faced Thanos and others who were 07 right.

Maybe it will be stronger than the Space Principal in terms of strength, but in terms of the degree of weirdness, I am afraid it can't compare to the Space Principal.

After all, as one of the members of the super-divine universe who has studied this universe most deeply, it is hard to say what level the Headmaster of Space has reached.

It is also possible to exist beyond this main universe.

"Hua Ye, the leader of the former angel civilization of Ten Thousand Years, how could he deal with the juniors." Li Yu exuded a strange power.

This Li Yu fits perfectly with the Chaoshen universe in everything.

As if he were the universe, and the universe was him.

If someone takes a shot at Li Yu, it's like taking a shot at this universe.

With a superhuman body, Li Yu is the real child of heaven and earth in this world.

"Principal Space, I know that the power of the galaxy was created by you, this time is my fault, please forgive me." Hua Ye said slowly.

In front of him is the enemy who cannot see the depth.

Hua Ye didn't dare to do anything.

And the person in front of him may be the legendary space principal.

In the world of the super-divine universe, Hua Ye is most worried and most afraid is the principal of the super-divine academy.

Originally, Hua Ye was worried about dealing with the power of the galaxy, and the Space Principal would appear.

But I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Before he crossed over, when he read the stories related to the super seminary, Ge Xiaolun was abused so badly that the Space Principal never appeared.

why now...

At this time, Hua Ye was still slightly confused.

"Hua Ye, I don't accept your forgiveness." Li Yu shook his head, and in Hua Ye's bewildered state, replied, "Because I'm not the principal of Space.39

"Not the headmaster of Space." Hua Ye's pupils shrank suddenly.

If the person in front of him is not the Headmaster of Space, then who is.

Could it be a hidden powerhouse in the Super Seminary?

If this is the case, Hua Ye is also acceptable. After all, this supernatural universe is infinite, and it may be normal to have such characters.

As for Hua Ye, he didn't think that the person in front of him would be the person in the main god space like Thanos.

This is also because of the powerhouse in front of him, the aura emanating from his body is exactly the same as the power of the super god universe.

The powerhouses that he dealt with before, those powerhouses from other worlds, they all brought the power of their respective worlds.

It is very different from the power of the super seminary.

However, this person in front of him was perfectly combined with the power of the supernatural universe.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Hua Ye said solemnly.

Since he is not the Headmaster of Space, there must be a reason for this person suddenly appearing here.

Only by knowing the reason can we decide what Hua Ye should do.

"My name is Li Yu." Li Yu smiled faintly, "As for why I am here, of course it is for you, Hua Ye, no, or Mr. Transmigrator.

Hearing this, Hua Ye's pupils shrank suddenly.

The most unlikely answer turned out to be possible.

The person in front of him turned out to be the same as Thanos, the warriors of space.

Otherwise, how could the other party know that he is a transmigrator.

Unless there is a related task, it will cause such a thing to happen.

"Before Thanos, Qiyu, Sun Wukong and other powerhouses shot together, they didn't cause any harm to me. Now, do you think you can do this alone?" Hua Ye's mood calmed down.

In the previous fight against several people alone, Hua Ye was not left behind by the opponent.

Now, there is only one person in front of him, and he should not need to be afraid.

"Oh, you met Thanos before." There was a hint of surprise in Li Yu's eyes.

It seems that Hua Ye has been to the City of Angels before, otherwise how could he have fought against Thanos and others.

But to escape from Thanos and their hands, this traverser must have a few brushes.

Even if this is Hua Ye's home court, that's the same reason.

"Of course, although their strength is good, they didn't leave me, do you think you can? 35 Hua Ye said coldly.

Thanos, Monkey King, Saitama, Yamamoto, Aizen, these are some of the big guys in his memory before he crossed.

Although facing those enemies, Hua Ye finally left 487.

But thinking about it now, even if he left at that time, he still had something to be proud of.

Now, the person in front of him is not anyone he was familiar with in the past.

Maybe it's just an opponent in an unknown movie or anime, so what does he need to worry about?

Think of it this way.

Hua Ye's mood completely calmed down.

Perhaps the enemy in this space can be left behind and learn something from him.

Hua Ye had such an idea in his heart.

"Well, it's really a pity that they didn't keep you." Li Yu smiled, "But to me, it's something to celebrate."

Li Yu said this, and it makes sense.

If Thanos kills Hua Ye, Li Yu will only get a small part of the points for this mission.

But now if he kills Hua Ye.

Then he can get a lot of points.

"A celebration?" Hua Ye frowned.

He felt that the person in front of him seemed to be underestimating him.

"As the leader of their squad, Li Yu, come to teach me.""

A terrifying power spread from Li Yu, covering Hua Ye at once.

In a blink of an eye.

The two disappeared in this place.

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