At least until Nalan Yanran completely fused with Raaste's origin and could briefly separate it from himself, Chu Wei would not have any crooked thoughts.

"It's time to get down to business!"

Putting away the chaotic distractions in his mind, Chu Wei didn't care about the affairs of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, and Nalan Yanran came forward, not to mention the three major dragon kings, even the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan and the Nine Secluded Earth Python Clan didn't dare to make a mistake.

I'm afraid that when they see Nalan Yanran coming, they will be directly frightened to abandon the three dragon kings and flee.

At this thought, Chu Wei stretched his waist and instructed Shendai Lishi to let her take care of many matters in the shop, and if she encountered trouble, she could solve it by herself or choose to put it aside, so he pushed open the side door and walked away.


Supergod World, Earth, over Juxia City.

If you look down from here, you can see that at the port of Juxia City, there is a corner of the city missing, not even ruins left, directly sinking into the water, or turning to dust.

Not long ago, it was devastating when Demon Queen Morgana briefly took control of ~ Rena's supernova powers through a nightmare created by one of her men.

At the same time, Morgana unleashed demonic sniper tactics, sniping General Dukao, crushing some of the soldiers of the Male Company, and unleashing Rena's Flare Bombardment, destroying the Gorge in one fell swoop!

The missing corner of Juxia City is from this.

At the same time, the three major civilizations fought in the sky above Juxia City, and for a while, there were almost no citizens in sight on the streets of Juxia City, and aliens and the Earth army could be seen everywhere.

Juxia City has become the front line of the war between Earth civilization and alien civilization, and almost all ordinary citizens have been evacuated, and those who have not been evacuated have remained in the city forever.

War is brutal, especially this collision between civilizations, between humans and gods!

With the success of Morgana's sniper plan against the Xiongbing Company and the Juxia, the gluttonous army followed by the United States and invaded from the sky over Juxia City on a large scale, and the battle line spread and expanded rapidly, and the entire land of China was shrouded in war and fell into chaos.

Not only that, but under the blow of this higher-dimensional civilization, the communication of the entire earth was completely destroyed, the command structure was paralyzed, and overnight it will return to the era of thousands of years ago, when only messages could be transmitted by letter.

But the battlefield is dominated by major alien civilizations, and it is said that it can be transmitted by letter, but the road is slow and the car is slow, and you have to watch out for enemy attacks everywhere, and many orders and intelligence cannot be transmitted to the front line in the first time.

As a result, the front-line troops had to fight alone.

Looking at the tragic situation of the Earth in the Super God World, Chu Wei rubbed his eyebrows, he knew that if he wanted to solve the crisis of the Earth, he had to open a breakthrough from Liang Bing.

This is not so much a contest between angels and demons on Earth, but rather a collision between Karl's ultimate fear and Keisha's two different ideas of absolute justice.

Liang Bing is only the fuse for the decisive battle between the two sides, and she must also provoke this war, because she is Keisha's sister, the fallen angel, and Carl's partner.

Carl wants to destroy Keisha's divine body and take the initiative to find the door, which is obviously unrealistic, and Keisha is not a fool, how could he give Carl this chance?

But if the enemy turns into cold ice, the situation is different!

If Keisha wants the concept of absolute justice of the angelic civilization to continue, then she must let the concept of Liang Bing disappear into the universe, clean up the portal, and solve this angel's "traitor".

That's why Keisha crossed the distant light years and kept chasing Liang Bing.

Earth is the battlefield chosen by Cal and Cool Ice, because Rena is here, and all the god-making projects of the Deno system are also here!

They want to combine Rena's supernova powers, plus a big clock, to cast a net on Keshabu here and destroy it in one fell swoop!

So as long as Liang Bing is persuaded to retreat, without Rena's supernova power, even if Carl controls the big clock, it will be difficult for him to stand alone, and it will be even more difficult for the gluttonous army to become a climate, as long as he waits for the peace of the male soldiers, it is only a matter of time before he wants to expel the gluttonous army.

This is something that Chu Wei has planned from the beginning, but now there seem to be some variables, which make the situation gradually out of his control......

That's Keisha!

When he didn't go directly to Demon No. 1 or Yellowstone, according to the trajectory in the original plot, Liang Bing either appeared in Demon No. 1 or was by Rose's side and came to Yellowstone City with her.

But when Chu Wei learned about the situation on the side of the supergod world, he had to carefully consider whether his plan worked.

Because according to the original plot, during this time period, a major event that should have caused a sensation in the entire universe should have happened, but this incident did not come as scheduled!

That's Holy Keisha, alive!

In this way, Chu Wei was a little confused for a while, although as long as he appeared in a different world and caused some impact here, it would more or less produce some butterfly effects. []

But the question is......

For the supergod world, Chu Wei didn't interfere too much from beginning to end, except for the transaction with Liang Bing, he only made two transactions with Dukao and met Keisha.

With all that alone, there's no reason to make such a big impact!

Destroying the Holy Keisha was a long-planned plan for Carl and Cool Ice, so how could it be shelved because of something insignificant?

The most important thing is that, judging from the previous signs, Chu Wei's appearance did lead to some changes in the fate trajectory of the supergod world, but this change was only a sense of crisis between Liang Bing and Kaisha, the latter came to Earth in advance, and the former's plan was also launched in advance.

Other words......

Under normal circumstances, Keisha's death would only be brought forward, not delayed!

"What's the problem?"

Chu Wei fell into deep thought, and a light gate appeared on his side, and quietly left the earth.


Above the earth, outside the atmosphere, a huge space warship is moving slowly, like a king overlooking the world, it is this space warship that makes the earth feel unprecedented pressure.

Demon One!

At this moment, on the Demon No. 1, with the arrival of Chu Wei, he entered a state of alert for the first time, and Ato, who had just returned from Fraser's side, stood in front of the throne with a group of demons, staring at this mysterious person who had a relationship with them.

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