"Within three days, I will come to get three thousand thunder phantom bodies, if the Chu family does not have them, the chickens and dogs will not be left!"

Looking at the words on the note, Chu Wei's eyes narrowed slightly, the other party knew that there might be a nineteenth-order powerhouse standing behind the Chu family, or even the official of the Hundred Cities Alliance, he was still so strong and domineering, obviously he had no scruples.

Looking at the entire Blue Star, except for the fierce beasts, I am afraid that only the Holy Hall has this confidence.

In Chu Wei's opinion, the other party's intention was obvious, and it was clear that he wanted to lure out Saitama and launch a woo, or to attract the strong people of the Hundred Cities Alliance, and then take the opportunity to get rid of them.

"The appetite of the Golden Ingot Group is too big, how can it be so easy to become a fat man in one bite?"

Chu Wei glanced at Shen Lang, who smiled and did not speak.

The Golden Ingot Group has taken a big step, so much so that it directly hits the egg, and they advertise all over the world, making the auction not long ago the focus of the entire Hundred Cities Alliance.

Not only that, but at the auction, the Gold Ingot Group even released the news, saying that on top of the three thousand thunder movements, there is also an advanced version of the three thousand thunder phantom body.

You know, the three thousand thunder movements are already a world-class transcendent skill, what level will the advanced version of the three thousand thunder phantom body be?

Here, the Golden Ingot Group moved some careful thoughts, Chu Wei once said to Shen Wanjin and his son that if the three thousand thunder phantom bodies were cultivated to the peak realm, they could even be comparable to half of the god-level transcendent skills.

But this point, the gold ingot group did not reveal to the outside world, but let people associate it with themselves.

In this way, people would naturally have a preconceived idea that these three thousand thunderbolts were likely to really come from that mysterious nineteenth-order powerhouse, the so-called advanced version......

It is very likely to be a god-level transcendent skill!

You must know that at present, in the entire Hundred Cities Alliance, there is only the Flare Divine Fist, a god-level transcendent skill, and it is officially listed as the top secret by the alliance, unless it has made a great contribution to the entire human race, it is not qualified to learn at all.

Now the Gold Ingot Group has revealed three thousand thunder phantom bodies, and the official statement of the Hundred Cities Alliance has said that three thousand thunder movements are allowed to be bought and sold freely.

Doesn't that mean......

In the near future, everyone will have the opportunity to buy a god-level transcendent skill from the Golden Ingot Group?

The gold ingots group is too high-profile, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, and it is also self-inflicted on what happened yesterday night.

"Store Manager Chu! these people are simply lawless, they don't take you seriously!"

"I'm not a troublemaker, although I don't know your temper Manager Chu, but if it's me, I definitely can't bear it!"

Shen Lang almost wrote the word instigation on his face, and his words were extremely indignant.

Chu Wei glanced at him, then ignored it, walked straight to the sofa and sat down, and took the soy milk that Shendai Lishi would prepare for him every morning.


Shen Lang touched his nose a little embarrassed, then with a smile on his face, he quickly followed, sat next to Chu Wei, and asked while smiling, "Store Manager Chu, I don't know if I can ask that adult to take action and deter Xiaoxiao?"

"The gold ingot group can have today, it should be inseparable from the [Liuying] back then, right?"

Chu Wei didn't answer the rhetorical question, and said something that made Shen Lang a little confused. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Flowing Fireflies]?

Isn't that the beginning of the last days?

Although [Flowing Fireflies] brought about the revival of aura and the emergence of powerful superpowers among humans, it also brought about the rise of fierce beasts and the collapse of order.

If it weren't for the [Flowing Fireflies], maybe the human race would not be as powerful as it is now, but it would not have fallen to the point where it is today, at least they would still be the masters of the Blue Star.

But what does this have to do with the Gold Ingot Group?

".~ Go back and tell Shen Wanjin, just say that Wanshiwu can help you resolve the threat of the Holy Church, but as a price, I want the [Liuying] meteorite in his hand. "

After Chu Wei finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to Shen Lang, who frowned slightly, and after pondering for a moment, he got up and saluted: "I will tell my father about Store Manager Chu's conditions!"

Seeing Shen Lang leave, Chu Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, he had always had a question about the things in the main world.

That's where the beasts of the Overworld come from?

Or to be precise, more than 130 years ago, where did the meteor shower that brought the revival of the aura and the ferocious beasts come from?

Chu (good) Wei didn't find any clues on the blue star, and he couldn't find any information on the Internet.

The meteors seemed to have disappeared after falling to the earth, but Chu Wei preferred to believe that it was the higher-ups of the beast camp and the human camp who had taken away the wreckage left by the meteor shower.

There must be some secret in this!

Maybe the Human Alliance and the high-level beasts have some information, but they are reluctant to make it public, or maybe even they haven't been able to find the source of all this.

Chu Wei was curious because he wasn't sure if it was a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.

If those meteor showers are just cosmic dust with strange energy, then there is nothing wrong with that.

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