Listening to Chu Wei's words, the Nine Shadows Patriarch looked confused.


You are suppressing Lao Tzu and want to talk about business with Lao Tzu at the same time?

Now the ancestor of the clan is in retreat, and before that person came out, the patriarch of the Nine Shadows was the strongest person in the clan.

Now that Lao Tzu is being suppressed by you casually, if Lao Tzu refuses the deal you proposed, you will not be happy, and you will not kill in the Nine Nether Realm?

Isn't this a forced buying and selling?!?

"I can let the Nine Ghost Sparrow Clan carry out an overall transformation and help the bloodline of the ancient immortal bird in your family recover!"

Just when the Nine Shadows Patriarch was slandering in his heart, Chu Wei's words directly made his eyes widen, and his brain went blank in an instant.

After a brief shock, the Nine Shadows Patriarch came back to his senses, took a deep breath, still with incredulity in his eyes, stared at Chu Wei and asked, "Your Excellency is not joking with me, is he?"

Chu Wei said with a strange expression: "Do you think that there is anything worth deceiving from the Nine Shadow Sparrow Clan?"

Hearing him say this, the leader of the Jiuyou team suddenly blushed, and his face was a little unbearable.

Although what this guy said was the truth, since the other party could easily suppress himself as the supreme of the upper ground, his strength must have reached the supreme of heaven!

Even looking at Chu Wei's breezy appearance, he seemed to have no scruples about the heritage of the Nine Shadow Sparrow Clan, and it was likely that it was not just the Spirit Heavenly Supreme!

You must know that the ancestor in their clan is only a late-stage Heavenly Supreme of the Spirit Product!

"What do you want'~?"

The Nine Shadows Patriarch's heart was beating faster, although their Nine Shadow Sparrow Clan could be called the first-class force in the world, but in ancient times, as a descendant of the immortal bird, the Nine Shadow Sparrow Clan was once very prosperous, and it was a super divine beast race.

Now that the bloodline of the immortal bird is getting thinner and thinner, the Nine Shadow Sparrow Clan is also going lonely, and can only be reduced to an ordinary first-class race among the divine beasts.

But now, the Nine Shadow Sparrow Clan has ushered in a glimmer of hope to change their fate.

That's the daughter of the Nine Shadows Patriarch!

That kid is extremely talented, and he has awakened the bloodline of the Nine Nether Sparrows, and has the possibility of evolving into an immortal bird!

But this is only a glimmer of possibility, the Nine Shadow Sparrow Clan has given birth to so many Nine Shadow Sparrows in history, but no one has ever evolved into an immortal bird.

But now Chu Wei said that he could make the Nine Shadow Sparrow Clan transform as a whole and completely awaken the bloodline of the immortal bird, which would be a fatal temptation for the Nine Phantom Sparrow Clan.

If what Chu Wei said is true, even if it is at any cost, even if it is to pour out the strength of the whole clan, he will not hesitate to do it!

"I want your daughter!"

Chu Wei got straight to the point, and his words directly made the Nine Shadows Patriarch doubt life again.

Glancing at Chu Wei up and down, the expression of the Nine Shadows Patriarch became weird, and even a trace of disgust appeared in his eyes.

It was as if he was saying......

You kid looks dignified, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but I didn't expect you to be a pervert?

You must know that although his daughter is now in her teens, for the Nine Sparrow Clan, who has an extremely long lifespan, she is still only in her infancy, that is, she is equivalent to a human child.

Looking at the expression of the Nine Shades Patriarch, Chu Wei's face darkened, and he added angrily: "I want your daughter to recognize me as the master, and the Nine Shades Bird Clan will serve me for ten years!"

Hearing Chu Wei say this, the Nine Shades Patriarch showed a touch of embarrassment on his face, but after thinking about it, if he only served for ten years, in exchange for the extreme glory of the Nine Shades Bird Clan's future, this transaction would undoubtedly be a good deal!

It's just that......

The patriarch of the Nine Shadows loves his daughter very much, respects his daughter's wishes in everything, and sacrifices her for the future of the Nine Shades Clan, which makes the Patriarch of the Nine Shadows a little unbearable.

".~ You don't have to rush to agree, the house of everything has the rules of the house of everything, once the deal is reached, the contract will be signed, if you break the contract, the whole clan will be wiped out!"

Chu Wei's words were understated, but they made the Nine Shadows Patriarch feel a spirit.

It was only then that he finally discovered a problem...... []

That's Chu Wei's age!

With such a young Heavenly Supreme, I'm afraid I can't find many of them if you look at the entire world, right?

Although I have never heard of the name Wanshiwu, I think it must be a big force hidden in the shadows and extremely terrifying.

"Store Manager Chu, this matter is very important, please give me some time for the Nine Shadow Sparrow Clan, and I will discuss it with the elders of the clan!"

The patriarch of Jiuyou said (Qian Qian Zhao) while looking down at his body, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


Since it's about business, then you should let Lao Tzu go!

"Yes, I'll give you three days!"

Chu Wei nodded with a smile, waved his hand lightly, and withdrew the power that imprisoned the Nine Shadows Patriarch, and then the figure disappeared in place in a flash.

The Nine Shadows Patriarch breathed a sigh of relief, even though Chu Wei's attitude had always been very kind, but in the face of absolute strength, he still felt great pressure.

At this time, the Nine Shadows Patriarch only thought about Chu Wei's previous words, and directly contacted the Supreme Elder in retreat through the secret method, and alarmed all the major elders in the clan.

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