"Um, isn't this bad? Didn't you just say that your daughter is not allowed to drink? It's a small matter to have two drinks with you. What will you do when you get home?"

Chen Feng looked at the other party with some embarrassment. Drinking was a trivial matter. Although he was not too old in his previous life, he drank a lot because of social activities, so his drinking capacity was naturally no problem.

Director Zheng's face stiffened and he said awkwardly, "Huh? Xiao Chen, are you looking down on me? Although my precious daughter is very strict, she still has this authority."

Seeing that the other party was a little unhappy, Chen Feng said helplessly, "Okay, okay, since you said so, I will drink two drinks with you, but let's agree first, you can't betray me when you go home."

After hearing his promise, Director Zheng immediately changed his smile and said, "Don't worry, I don't have any other hobbies. I just like to drink a few drinks. My precious daughter has been very strict in the past few years, which has made me miserable."

"Haha, it seems that you are very kind to your daughter and obey your words."

Speaking of his daughter, Director Zheng grimaced again, "Oh, don't mention it. My precious daughter is now in her early thirties and doesn't even have a partner. I really want her to get married as soon as possible, so that she can save her money." Hold me."

Speaking of this, his eyes lit up and he looked up Chen Feng in front of him, "Xiao Chen, do you have a girlfriend? Why don't I introduce my daughter to you?"

Chen Feng was surprised at first and politely declined, "Huh? That's not good. Your daughter still doesn't have a boyfriend. She must have very high standards. How can she like me?"

In fact, I was thinking in my heart, "This Director Zheng is really unreliable. He introduced his daughter to me after only two meetings. Judging from his tone, his daughter must also be an extremely fierce woman. I can't stand it." Someone is supervising me every day.”

Seeing his refusal, Director Zheng was a little unhappy, "What? Do you think my daughter is too old? Let me tell you, she is a great beauty, and she is in the same industry as you, and she is also a big star."

Um? superstar? Forget it, Chen Feng didn't want to find a girlfriend in the entertainment industry. He was afraid that the other party would continue to talk about this topic. He quickly asked the waiter to bring him a bottle of cat table, opened it and poured it for the other party first.

"Come on, Director Zheng, let's walk."

More than an hour later, Director Zheng and Chen Feng turned red, putting their arms on each other's shoulders and whispering.

"Xiao Chen, let me tell you, my precious daughter is definitely not bad in appearance. Do you want to think about it again?"

"Director Zheng, do you have any photos on your phone? Let me see how beautiful your daughter is."

Director Zheng said angrily, "What are you calling Director Zheng? Call me Uncle Zheng. I'll look for a photo of my daughter and show it to you." After saying that, he took out his mobile phone and put it on the table. Before he could find the photo, he lay on the Asleep on the table.

Chen Feng shook his head helplessly when he saw this, wondering what to do if Uncle Zheng drank too much, and he didn't know where he lived.

Just when he was in trouble, the other party's cell phone rang. Looking at the call from the contact with the note "Qinghan" displayed on the screen, Chen Feng hesitated for a while before picking up the call.

"Dad, it's time to go home."

Hearing this cold voice, Chen Feng was stunned, thinking that this was probably the daughter the other party mentioned, right? "Um, you are Uncle Zheng's daughter, right? Uncle Zheng has drunk too much, can you come and pick him up?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds before the cold voice rang again, "Tell me the address."

Chen Feng reported the address to the other party and stayed in the restaurant to temporarily look after Uncle Zheng. In fact, he drank much more than the other party. At this time, he also felt that he was drunk and his eyelids were a little heavy.

Fortunately, he didn't wait long. After about half an hour, a red Maserati parked in front of the hotel, and a tightly wrapped woman got out of the car.

The woman walked into the restaurant and immediately saw her father lying on the table and the young man with blurred eyes next to him.

Walking straight to the two of them, the woman pulled Director Zheng to leave without saying a word. She just let her use all her strength, but the other person still lay motionless on the table.

Chen Feng also saw the woman who suddenly appeared at this time and asked, "Are you Uncle Zheng's daughter? He drank too much, so let me help you."

The woman glared at Chen Feng when she heard this. However, she couldn't see it even though she was wearing sunglasses, so she had no choice but to nod.

Chen Feng didn't waste any time and lifted Director Zheng up from the table, "Where is your car?"

After hearing this, the woman took Chen Feng to the car at the door, helped him put his father in the back seat, ignored him, sat in the driver's seat and drove away.

Chen Feng saw the car driving away in the blink of an eye, leaving himself messy in the wind, muttering, "Damn it, I didn't even say thank you."

Then, while he was still conscious, he took a taxi back to the hotel. When he got to the room, he fell asleep.

The next day, Chen Feng slept in the room until the afternoon before waking up. He rubbed his temples that were a little swollen and sore, and said to himself, "This wine is quite strong."

After lying down and resting for a while, he felt more comfortable. Then he got up from the bed, smelling the strong smell of alcohol on his body, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing his face and feeling much more awake, Chen Feng looked at the mirror and suddenly shouted the word "fuck" loudly. He looked at the time on the phone screen and saw that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Damn it, isn't it two o'clock in the afternoon for that brilliant son?" Thinking of this, he suddenly woke up and without even bothering to wash up, he hurried downstairs, took a taxi and went straight to the show.

At the Bright Son primary election, the staff saw that Chen Feng had not arrived yet, so they anxiously communicated with the program director through the headset.

"Director, that guy named Chen Feng hasn't come here yet, should you just skip him?"

"Don't worry, wait a minute. I asked you to invite him because this guy has been a hot topic recently. It would be a pity to skip him now."

The staff member agreed, hoping in his heart that this guy would come over quickly, and it would be his turn next time.

But the primary election is usually relatively fast. The staff member soon heard the front stage shouting, "Please invite the next contestant, Chen Feng, to perform on stage."

However, the front of the stage shouted twice, but no one came. Seeing that Chen Feng hadn't come yet, the staff behind him could only walk to the front of the stage and whispered to the three star promoters, "I'm sorry, that one is called Chen Feng." I don’t know why I didn’t come today.”

The three star promoters looked at each other. Chen Fei thought for a while and said, "I know this Chen Feng. If he doesn't come, he won't come. He will be next in line."

Zhou Chengjie and Zhao Ying on the side were just about to nod in agreement when they heard an anxious voice, "Don't worry, I'm coming." Before they could finish the words, they saw a young man hurriedly ran to the stage.

Zhou Chengjie looked suspiciously at Chen Feng, who was blushing on the stage. After he took a few breaths, he asked, "Are you Chen Feng?"

"Yes, I am Chen Feng."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhou Chengjie and the others immediately smelled a strong smell of alcohol. Coupled with the blush on his face, Zhou Chengjie asked in surprise, "Have you been drinking?"

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