After thinking about this, Chen Feng no longer dwelled on the matter and continued to watch the scandal happily. He even stared at the photo of himself and Zhao Qinghan and muttered to himself, "It looks like a good match."

But when he saw the comments from netizens below, he instantly became unhappy.

"Huh? Who is this man?"

"Didn't I tell you, what is your name, Chen Feng?"

"I've never heard of it. It must be fake. How could Goddess Zhao fall in love with something like this?"

"This guy named Chen Feng seems to be participating in a talent show."

"Yes, and the contract was terminated by Tiancheng Entertainment before."

“It seems like you’ve scolded people at the airport before?”

"No wonder, it's probably a malicious hype. This man doesn't even check whether he's worthy? Does a toad want to eat swan meat?"


"F*ck", Chen Feng cursed angrily, let's see if he is worthy? He couldn't stand this little temper, so he directly clicked on the last comment and replied, "Compared to you barking in front of the screen, even if I am a toad, I am still a toad with ideals."

As soon as this statement came out, it caused an uproar on the Internet. The phrase "toad with ideals" made these melon-eating netizens puzzled. Is this a disguised admission?

Zhao Qinghan's agent was originally worried about how to solve this matter. When he saw Chen Feng himself going off to angrily attack netizens, he was even more furious. Who is this? What kind of trouble will it cause?

Seeing his agent call again, Zhao Qinghan said calmly, "Is there anything else?"

"Auntie, I don't care if Chen Feng is your boyfriend or not, can you just take care of him? Don't cause trouble on the Internet at this time."

"Huh? What happened to him?"

The agent immediately sent her a screenshot on WeChat, which was Chen Feng's reply to the netizen.

Zhao Qinghan hung up the phone, looked at the screenshot and murmured, "A toad with ideals?" He couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at it.

As the scandal spread, some of Zhao Qinghan's fans also left messages on her Weibo to ask questions, hoping that their goddess would come forward and clarify.

"Are you really with that person? Can't you please clarify?"

"Yeah, it's so disappointing."

"Even if you are looking for a boyfriend, find someone better. That guy is really not good enough for you."

"I don't believe it, this must not be true."

"Wake up, upstairs. Didn't Chen Feng admit it in disguise? I want to quit being a fan."

"+1, I'm not a fan anymore. What the hell, isn't he just an actor?"

"It's really silly to think about it now. Zhao Qinghan usually behaves like a cold goddess, but he actually fell in love with that kind of person behind his back?"


Chen Feng saw that things were getting more and more out of control, so he just scolded himself and went to scold Zhao Qinghan.

Although the other party told him not to pay attention, Chen Feng was not the kind of person who would hide behind a woman.

So he entered the system's mall, redeemed a song called Besieged on All Sides, searched for nearby recording studios online, took a taxi and headed straight to his destination.

"Boss, how much does it cost to record a song?"

"Ten thousand."

After Chen Feng scanned the QR code to pay, he went into the recording studio and recorded this embattled song.

After returning to the hotel, he added Zhao Qinghan's WeChat message and sent the song.


Seeing the three question marks in the other party's reply, Chen Feng quickly explained, "Sister Qinghan, I don't know how to help you. I can only write you a song. You can post it on Weibo to respond to this matter."

When Zhao Qinghan saw the reply, he was curious about what kind of song it was. When he clicked on the video, he saw Chen Feng with a serious expression on his face. He was sitting on the sofa with his chin in his hand. A cheerful rhythm sounded. The song was also heard in the video. lyrics.

"My life is like filming a play"

There are many directors and screenwriters who only said one line

And they assigned eight hundred tones to control my emotions.

That's not my tone at all. I want the audience to enjoy the show.

The final goal is not to boost ratings

I don't know if I have the courage to take off their masks

I only know that serious women are the most beautiful

Will you continue to perform until they are satisfied?”

Hearing this, she clicked pause and thought about the lyrics just now. While she was shocked by the other person's talent, she couldn't help but think, isn't this a true portrayal of the industry?

"I can only keep moving forward

On my way home, I saw a sign pointing to the entertainment industry

If I choose to move forward, I must be strong

Walking, walking, inexplicable

Several dogs rushed out

I wonder when did I adopt so many dogs?

They are biting apples and holding long lenses in their hands

It seems like he wants to tell me something, a conspiracy

Talking Dog It Says It's For Dog Weekly

See if you can shoot me and get a few more bones.”

This lyrics made Zhao Qinghan laugh out loud, and his beautiful face became even more moving. He murmured, "Is this guy really not afraid of the media? And he even implies that they are dogs?"

But these lyrics resonated with her. Only artists who have reached the top will not be afraid of these media, right? With her current status in the entertainment industry, she also has a certain say.

"I tell them gossip will pass.

News is temporary, life is permanent

The music will stay. I wrote songs for them.

Because I haven’t written any songs about animal conservation or anything like that.

I'm still me, no one can change me

Although I know many archers want to shoot me down as I climb up

When I reach the top of the mountain, no one can hurt me

These archers have worked so hard for your pen-holding hands

I will still treat you as friends

Because I know this is your job."

After listening to the song, Zhao Qinghan looked at the man in the video and didn't speak for a long time. She didn't know if it was difficult to write a song, but it would definitely not be easy. The man actually wrote a song specifically for her in response to the scandal. , how could she not be moved?

Of course, she didn't know that she was happily sitting in front of the computer, waiting for her to release the song, otherwise she would definitely withdraw the idea.

When Chen Feng saw her posting the song on Weibo, he quickly commented below, "I am indeed pursuing Zhao Qinghan, but she has not agreed yet. In response to the various malicious comments and speculations on the Internet, I specially wrote a song for everyone."

The media and netizens who have been paying attention to this scandal saw the person involved suddenly posting on Weibo, and thought they must be here to clarify it, right?

But after clicking on the video, they saw a handsome man sitting on the sofa, which made them wonder, isn't this man Chen Feng? What does this video mean?

After a while, the rhythm started, and netizens were attracted by the singing and immersed in the music.

After listening to the entire song, they also understood why Zhao Qinghan didn't respond to anything, because this song was enough to respond to all rumors.

When netizens wanted to leave a message in the comment area, they saw Chen Feng's comment at a glance, especially when they saw that he admitted that he was pursuing the other person, and they were impressed by his shamelessness.

"Haha, is this the real owner who went to Weibo to court?"

"You are really thick-skinned, but you are quite responsible."

"666, this song is amazing, so suitable."

"This guy is awesome. He actually wrote a song? Or did he sing it himself?"

"Is this guy a singer? He sings very nicely."

At first glance, these comments were from people who didn't understand Chen Feng, but they were quickly explained by people who knew him.

"Yes, he started out on a rap show."

"Huh? Is this another rap song after Materia Medica?"

"I have to say that this man is quite talented. I went to listen to his song just now, and I suddenly felt that Goddess Zhao is with him. It's not so hard to accept."

"Is it your turn to worry about this talented man and beautiful woman? On behalf of myself, I support this marriage."

"It's really good to be together. I even look forward to the two of them being together."

"This man is quite handsome and responsible. Goddess Zhao, please just obey."


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