Want Me To Let Go? The Backhand Is A Compendium Of Materia Medica

Chapter 238 What The Fuck? Hug The Wrong Person?

Seeing this result, fans of Bai Yaru and Chen Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief and celebrated on the barrage.

"Is this the first place? Xiaobai is still awesome."

"Did Lin Xun lose to Chen Feng again? Haha!"

"By the way, I think Zhang Ruowei is quite good."

"Of course, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten the highest score in the last episode."

"Sure enough, Xiaobai is better than Yishou."

"There's nothing I can do about it. Who wants me to have a good boss to protect me?"


"Yes, Xiaobai did not disappoint me this time." Obviously, Chen Feng was quite satisfied with the result.

When Luo Ziyi heard this, she let out a "cut" sound, and then complained: "Xiao Bai is already pretty good, but you are just too demanding."

"What's wrong with being more demanding? Our Xinghai artists should be the best."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Chen is right, but I feel that Zhang Ruowei is such a pity. Even if she was broken up, she also lost the competition to Xiaobai. Isn't it quite heartbreaking?"

"I feel so bad." Chen Feng said with a disdainful expression: ""Why don't we just break up? As the saying goes, if you break up, break up, the next one will be better, and the next one will be better. "

Seeing that the two of them started bickering with each other again, Zhao Qinghan said calmly: "You two, stop flirting and talk about it. Listen to the latest rules announced by the host."

"Who flirted with him?" Luo Ziyi said angrily with a blushing face, and then turned his eyes to the TV.

"As the competition becomes more and more intense, after discussion with the planning team, we have decided that the next episode (Voice of Dreams) will adopt the latest competition rules. Our seven guests must invite a music creator to participate in this program, and then five A jury will give a different theme in each program, and the creators must create on-site according to the theme given by the judges, and finally give it to their co-guests to sing."

When He Han read out the latest revised rules, the live broadcast room exploded.

"What the hell? Isn't it?"

"Creating on-site? Is it such a big deal?"

"Isn't this embarrassing?"

"I think this rule is pretty good. (Dream's voice) is getting better and better."

"I think so too. Before, you all said that the rules of the (Voice of Dreams) competition were plagiarism from (I Am the King of Singer). Now that Hunan Satellite TV has changed the rules, you are not happy..."

"Who wouldn't be happy? I'm wondering if Bai Yaru will invite Chen Feng."

"100% sure, besides Chen Feng, who else can she look for?"

"Haha, I can't wait to see Chen Feng appear."


At the same time, after Luo Ziyi heard this rule, he smiled and joked: "Haha, it seems that someone has something to do again."

Zhao Qinghan nodded and praised: "I have to say that Xiangnan Satellite TV is quite innovative."

"Oh, that's it. I'm going to be busy again." Chen Feng complained speechlessly, then turned off the TV and said, "It's getting late, we should rest."

"Bah, who's following you and us?"

"That's right, go back to your house and go to sleep."

The two goddesses have long united the front on this. They have been sleeping together recently, leaving no opportunity for Chen Feng to take advantage of. Even if he shamelessly moved here two days ago, the two of them still treat him honestly. With his words, he made up his mind to deal with this "scumbag".

"Haha, okay, don't regret it." Chen Feng looked at the two of them and sneered, then got into his room without looking back.

. . .

Two hours later, Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes on the bed, and then tiptoed into the next room. Looking at the two figures on the bed, he didn't care about anything else for a moment, and picked up one of them and returned to his bedroom.

"Hey, I don't believe that I can't beat you?" Chen Feng smirked and put the woman in his arms on the bed. When he was about to make a move, a soft voice suddenly came from his ears, "I knew it." You won't give up easily, bah, you're such a pervert, you don't have good intentions."

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Feng exclaimed, "What the hell? Did you hug the wrong person?"

Luo Ziyi secretly rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Don't come here. You have obviously been prepared for it. Tell me honestly. Can anyone do it?"

"That's definitely not the case. I thought you were Qinghan."

"Bah, you hateful guy, how am I inferior to Qinghan?"

"She is a little older and taller than you." Chen Feng answered plausibly.

Luo Ziyi was instantly furious and gritted his teeth: "I don't care, you don't want to go anywhere tonight."

"Holy shit, you're awesome. The best hunters always appear as prey. The ancients never deceived me."

"You only know now? It's too late..."

. . .

An hour later, Chen Feng held the woman in his arms and whispered: "Don't mention that Zhang Ruowei in front of Qinghan in the future."

"What? Are you afraid that she will know?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, but I just don't feel the need to let her know that I can handle this relationship. And you, don't always try to test my reaction. Frankly speaking, I really don't have any feelings for that woman."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Luo Ziyi behaved very well.

"That's pretty much it. If I don't give you a taste of something powerful, you won't know what it means to revive your husband."

"Get out of here, don't hit your nose or face."

"Huh?" Chen Feng suddenly turned to look at the other person and sneered: "Didn't what some people just understood not be 'deep' enough? It seems that a painful education is needed."

Luo Ziyi's tone softened, "Can you not come? I'm so tired. Why are you like an animal? Why don't you go find Qinghan?"

"Jiejie, do you know how to beg for mercy now? Who just said you wouldn't let me go anywhere tonight?"

"Uh-huh, no wonder Qinghan doesn't want to talk to you. No, I'm going to call her tomorrow..."

"Huh?" After hearing what she said, Chen Feng immediately imagined an extremely fragrant picture in his mind and murmured: "Really?"

"You have a beautiful idea." Luo Ziyi's face turned hot and he said angrily: "Sure enough, men don't have any good things."

"Let's talk about business, I'm curious, what did you two talk about that night?"

"Want to know? I won't tell you. Ask her if you can."

"Ahem," Chen Feng said with an embarrassed face, "Then let's forget it."

Luo Ziyi was sly and mocked: "Haha, are you scared?"

"So what? Don't talk nonsense, I'll let you know how powerful I am first tonight."

. . .

Early the next morning, Chen Feng walked out of the bedroom with a sleepy face. What greeted him was Zhao Qinghan's meaningful words, "What? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

"Ah, no, no." Chen Feng felt refreshed and his sleepiness was gone in an instant.

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