Want Me To Let Go? The Backhand Is A Compendium Of Materia Medica

Chapter 58 The Brightest Star In The Night Sky

Not long after, the staff member who had just left returned to the room with a guitar.

Chen Feng took the guitar, gently plucked the strings twice, and said with a smile, "I haven't touched it for a long time, and I'm a little uncomfortable with it. Since everyone wants to listen to rock music, I'd like to give you the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky."

The live broadcast room suddenly burst into excitement, "Wow, it's coming, it's coming."

"You are a beloved fan because of your strength. You can sing whatever you want to hear."

"I have to say that fans of this product are quite happy."

"That's necessary. I've been looking forward to his new songs."

"It's been half a month. Do you know how I have spent these ten days?"


Amidst the eager anticipation of netizens, Chen Feng's deep voice sounded.

"The brightest star in the night sky, can you hear it clearly?"

The loneliness and sigh in the heart of the person who looks up

Can you remember the brightest star in the night sky?

The figure who once walked with me disappeared in the wind."

After hearing the first few lyrics, some netizens began to question the quality of the song.

"Huh? These lyrics are a bit bland."

"Yes, it's completely inconsistent with his past style."

"That's it? A little disappointed."

"Have you exhausted your talents?"

"I'm just saying, how beautiful can a song be when you open your mouth?"

"If you like it or not, get out of here."

"That's it, why do you think you have so much talent? You can understand it just by listening to two lines of lyrics?"


"I pray to have a transparent heart

and eyes that shed tears

Give me the courage to believe again

Go beyond the lies to embrace you.”

As soon as this lyric came out, those who had doubted it immediately shut up. Chen Feng's fans naturally would not forget what had just happened and started sarcastically posting on the screen.

"What about those people who questioned just now?"

"Why don't you speak?"

"What do you mean, the talent is exhausted? When has Chen Feng ever disappointed anyone?"

"Is it a slap in the face?"

"Chen Feng's products must be of high quality."


Chen Feng looked at Zhao Qinghan and then sang "Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence"

Whenever I'm lost in the night

the brightest star in the night sky

Please light my way forward.”

Feeling his gaze, Zhao Qinghan's expression was slightly unnatural, but he also felt that the song was really nice.

Bai Yaru looked like she was obsessed with girls, "As expected of Brother Feng, any song is so good."

Zhang Hai, Wang Bo, and Fang Yu were thinking that they had seen on the Internet that this guy's creative ability was very good. Today, when he saw it, he really lived up to his reputation.

Perhaps feeling the strange looks from everyone, after singing this song, Chen Feng smiled at everyone and said, "Don't be surprised, isn't this normal operation? Don't do anything 6."

In the room, everyone who was still surprised heard his extremely shameless words and secretly said, Sure enough, this guy can't praise, he is shameless when he praises. In fact, even if he doesn't praise, he is quite shameless.

In the live broadcast room, netizens also laughed at his words.

"Normal operation? This guy is still so shameless."

"I just like his shameless look."

"Don't be gay? There's no one left."

"Don't forget, everyone, this guy doesn't deserve praise."

"He's drifting off again..."

"I miss the brilliant son back then, and it was interesting to watch Chen Feng and Zhou Tianwang talking about cross talk."


"Okay, thank you Chen Feng for singing this song for everyone. I heard before that your creative ability is very good. When I saw you today, you are indeed well-deserved."

Zhang Meng first praised him, then changed the topic and continued, "Back to the topic, I wonder if you have noticed. Many netizens are curious about how you wrote this script. Some netizens even think it is a documentary. , it is recommended that the official investigate you strictly, what do you think about this?"

Hearing this question, Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded and said helplessly, "I am so unjust. Yesterday, some netizens left messages on my Weibo, saying that the organization would investigate strictly, and also called the Internet Police. I also responded to this. It’s quite helpless, so I feel the need to clarify that I am really not a liar. As for the script, art comes from life, which is normal.”

Seeing his innocent look, netizens couldn't help but laugh, remembering the time when he blew out the lamp.

"Awesome, who really reported it?"

"Chen Feng is so pitiful. He was reported for writing "The Lamp Blowing the Lamp" because it was too real. But he was reported for writing a script again?"

"No way, who told him to write it is too real, haha."

"There are many famous people, so don't let some people cause trouble. It's not easy for such a weird person to appear in the entertainment industry. Don't let him mess it up."

"This product is really interesting. It mainly focuses on entertainment, novels, scripts, songs, actors, it's really versatile."

"Beautiful host, please help me ask, what else is he planning to do?"


Seeing the last barrage, Zhang Meng also asked very cooperatively, "Mr. Chen, netizens asked me to ask, you have filmed a TV series, what else do you plan to do?"

After hearing this question, Chen Feng pondered for a while and said, "Maybe she will make a movie in the future. After all, with Sister Qinghan as a movie queen, we can't let her continue to make TV series. Of course, this is just a plan. Let's see in the future."

His understatement made Zhang Hai and Wang Bo look a little fiery in their eyes.

Since Zhang Hai has never directed a movie, he looks down on good scripts and looks down on bad movies.

Wang Bo is even simpler. Which actor doesn't want to enter the big screen? That's the ultimate goal of an actor.

The two of them thought at the same time, "Is this guy still planning to make a movie? Should he hold on to this big thick leg? Maybe he can really write a good script."

The host did not continue to ask this time. After all, in her opinion, not everyone can play movies.

Then she asked Chen Feng a few more questions before starting to interview the remaining people, "What's the name of this little girl? If I read it correctly, you seem to be playing the role of An Ning. How did you come to Mao Did you lie to the crew?"

Suddenly hearing the host's question, Bai Yaru was a little at a loss. In addition, he was nervous, and even his tone was a little stuttering, "Me. I was invited here by Brother Feng."

Seeing her look like this, Zhang Meng laughed dumbly and said, "Don't be nervous, Chen Feng invited you here? How did you meet him?"

"I am a student at Tianjing Conservatory of Music, and Brother Feng is my senior."

Hearing this answer, the host wondered, "This is also a crossover. A student from the Conservatory of Music has become an actor. Do you still want to be a singer?"

"I think, and Brother Feng told me that after the filming of this TV series is completed, he will let me sign a contract with Xinghai Entertainment and let me continue to be a singer."

"Huh? Is this true? Mr. Chen." Upon hearing this, Zhang Meng asked Chen Feng again.

"Yes, mainly because there was a lack of talent at the beginning, so I found Xiaobai to play the role of An Ning out of desperation. After filming this TV series, I plan to let Xiaobai debut as a singer, and I will write songs for her myself."

Bai Yaru on the side was even more excited when she heard that he wanted to write the song herself. After all, she knew very well that even the Queen Luo Ziyi had invited the senior to sing, which shows how rare this is.

When netizens heard the news, they looked at the cute girl in the camera with envy.

"Who is this girl? Chen Feng wants to write a song for her himself?"

"This is my intention to support you."

"Damn it, I'm jealous, I also want to be Chen Feng's school girl."

"What's the use of envy? You should have a deformation surgery first."

"What's so special about this girl? Chen Feng values ​​her so much."

"She looks quite cute, isn't it because of this?"

"That's definitely not the case. Luo Ziyi is not more beautiful than this? Wasn't he rejected?"


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