In just a moment, the staff found all the clothes Chen Feng needed.

After taking the black suit from the other party, Chen Feng went to the unoccupied room next door and changed his clothes. He looked at his own appearance in the mirror and showed a confident smile.

When he returned to the room again, everyone saw that he was wearing a slightly loose suit and a pair of white gloves on his hands. They all whispered, "What does that guy want to do with his clothes?"

Liu Zaishi sneered, "It's just a mystery."

Inu Zhilong's expression was even more disdainful. He wanted to see what this Chinese man could do.

Song Ji Hyo also sneered, "He's dressed in a nondescript way, almost like a clown."

In the live broadcast room, netizens were also a little confused. What were they trying to do with this weird outfit?

"What does Chen Feng want to do by changing his clothes?"

"Black suit, white gloves, white socks, is this the latest trend?"

"What kind of tricks does this guy want to do? Don't be conspicuous at the critical moment."

"That's not possible. Although Chen Feng usually likes to be active, he is still relatively reliable at critical times."

Fans of Inu Shiryu even laughed at the comment.

"He must feel that he can't compare to gd, so he can only rely on this method to attract attention, right?"

"That's right, dressed like a clown."

"Compared to gd, he is a clown."


In the eyes of everyone who were either puzzled or ridiculed, Chen Feng put the black top hat on his head and walked slowly towards the stage, "An English song, Billie Jean gives it to everyone."

Seeing that he was ready, the program team found the song on the USB flash drive, and a rhythmic drum sound suddenly sounded from the speakers on both sides of the stage, "Boom, boom, boom."

Hearing this beautiful melody, Inu Zhilong instantly opened his eyes wide and stared at the stage.

When everyone was immersed in the opening drum beat, on the stage, Chen Feng turned his back to everyone, turned his head and shrugged his shoulders, and shouted in the direction of Xu Zikun, "Chicken, you are so beautiful."




All the artists on the Chinese side turned pale, "What kind of plane is this guy doing?"

Looking back at Bangzi, seeing this huge contrast, they were silent for a while, and then burst into laughter.

Liu Zaishi mocked, "Is that Chinese guy kidding me?"

Song Ji Hyo: "I'm afraid you can't think of anything new, right? So you want to rely on this alternative method to gain familiarity?"

Inu Zhilong was even more speechless. Fortunately, he was so shocked when he heard the music just now. So he was just riding a horse?

In the live broadcast room, a row of crows floated "quacking" on the screen, and the screen was filled with provincial numbers.

"Is this guy really out of his element? Is he embarrassed and doesn't care about the occasion?"

"Chen Feng is here to make fun of you, right? It's a shame I was so looking forward to it just now."

"Now, not only in China, but also in Bangzi, you are too beautiful. Isn't this a joke? It's really a shame to be exported abroad."

"Sure enough, I know that Chen Feng is unreliable and always stands out everywhere."

"Haha, that's it? Is it worthy of challenging our gd?"


Just when no one had any hope for Chen Feng, they saw that his expression became extremely serious. He put one hand behind his back and one hand on his crotch, and his thighs moved rhythmically to the music. It's like doing something like that.

Zhao Ying's face turned red, she let out a soft "poof" and murmured, "Has this guy really given up on treatment?"

Luo Ziyi also looked at the stage with strange eyes. When he heard the music at first, he thought it must be a masterpiece, but it turned out to be such an improper thing?

Fortunately, Chen Feng didn't keep them waiting. Although that shameful move didn't make him feel tired, it was still a bit unseemly, wasn't it?

He twisted his body weirdly, threw the black hat on his head to the ground, turned around to face everyone, took out the microphone from his trouser pocket, and sang in very standard English, "She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene

She is like a stunning beauty on the screen

I said don't mind

I said okay

But what do you mean I am the one

But you said I was one of them

Who will dance on the floor in the round

What do you mean by people who are about to "dance" here?

She said I am the one

She only said

Who will dance on the floor in the round

Let me dance with you”

When the song came to this point, the whole place instantly became dark, with only a beam of light left on the stage, and Chen Feng was standing in the center of the beam of light with his head lowered.

Just when everyone was wondering what this guy wanted to do, they suddenly saw him jumping up, supporting the ground with his toes, shaking his legs, and then his feet began to slide. But what surprised everyone was that his body was actually Back away.

Seeing this strange scene, the scene instantly became silent. Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the stage in disbelief.

Luo Ziyi was shocked and said, "Oh my God? What kind of dance is this?"

Zhao Ying opened his small mouth and murmured, "Is this guy still a human?"

Xu Zikun: "What kind of dance is this? Can you practice it in two and a half years?"

RM's Liu Zaishi was equally incredulous and said, "What is this?"

Song Ji Hyo: "What did I see?"

Inushiryu: "I must have read it wrong."

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was also surprisingly clean, with not a single comment. It was obvious that netizens were also shocked by this dance, and their attention was all attracted by this magical scene. How could there be any time to pick out words?

In the picture, Chen Feng slid to the edge of the stage and then began to sing the lyrics.

“She told me her name was Billie Jean

She said her name was Billie Jean

As she caused a scene

she caused a commotion

Then every head turned with eyes

Every head turns with the gaze

That dreamed of being the one

dream of becoming that

Who will dance on the floor in the round

Someone to “dance” with.”

Hearing his singing again, netizens came back to their senses from the scene just now, and the blank barrage was instantly filled with dense text.

"Oh my God, what did I just see?"

"How did he do that?"

"What kind of dance is this?"

"Is that guy still human?"

"What is that weird dance move?"

"I must have just seen God dancing."

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