Want Me To Let Go? The Backhand Is A Compendium Of Materia Medica

Chapter 83 The Deception Is Over And The Movie Is In Preparation

"Wow, is Meimei finally coming to China to hold a concert?"

"Meimei, my goddess!"

"It is said that she had another boyfriend a while ago." (dog head saves life)

"When will it be my turn?"

"Who has yellow urine? Please wake up the guy upstairs."

"Don't come here if you are diabetic. We can't let him taste any sweetness."

"You can't get these tickets, right? There are so many people."


At 10 o'clock in the evening, when the tickets were released, Zhao Qinghan sat in front of the computer and clicked the mouse frantically. Unfortunately, she did not get a ticket until the tickets were sold out.

Just when she was feeling disappointed, she heard Chen Feng say quietly from the side, "Didn't you get it?"


"Haha, I didn't expect that Goddess Zhao would still chase stars."

Seeing his playful smile, Zhao Qinghan said lightly, "Go away, I don't want to care about you."

"Huh? Don't you want to pay attention to me? Well, it seems that next month I will have to ask someone else to go to the concert with me."

"Huh?" Zhao Qinghan's expression lit up and he said in surprise, "Did you grab it?"

Chen Feng glanced at her, "With my hand speed, which has been single for more than 20 years, isn't this a very simple thing?"

"You are so awesome." Zhao Qinghan stepped forward to hug him with excitement on his face, "Tell me how to reward you."

"Tsk tsk" twice, Chen Feng joked, "It's really eye-opening. Goddess Zhao, who is usually cold and cold, can actually show such an attitude. How do you want to reward me?"

Zhao Qinghan hesitated for a moment, then ran to him and whispered in his ear, "Ahem, I'll be here tonight."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng's eyes instantly looked at the other party in disbelief, "Really?"



Since the last time Chen Feng told everyone about his plan to make a movie, the filming progress of the crew has gradually accelerated. It didn't even take a month, but just over 20 days, to shoot all the remaining fourteen episodes of Mao Liang. Finish.

When sending all the film sources to Tengfei Video's dedicated docking staff, Chen Feng even proposed the idea of ​​advanced on-demand viewing.

The staff member quickly relayed this suggestion to General Manager Wang Cheng. When the soaring executive heard about the advance on-demand plan, his eyes suddenly lit up and he thought that Chen Feng was really a talent, and he immediately ordered his subordinates. Follow this plan.

Although he had been mentally prepared for it, Wang Cheng was still shocked when he saw the detailed data the next day.

Originally, the TV series "Mao Lie" had a large base audience, and with the continuous increase of new viewers, hundreds of thousands of people chose to watch it on demand in just one night, and the total number of views of the TV series "Mao Lie" also reached Received a terrifying four billion, breaking the previous playback record in one fell swoop.

When Chen Feng received the huge sum of 40 million from Tengfei Video, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought that this web drama, which was popular all over the Internet in his previous life, is also shining brightly in this world. As expected, everyone's aesthetics are Consistent.

On the other hand, Mao Liang's rating on Xingkong.com has also been fixed at 9.2. As an authoritative website recognized in China, this rating is enough to beat many TV series.

Chen Yuan, a well-known drama critic who has been optimistic about this drama from the beginning, published a post on Star Network after learning the final score and number of views.

"The success of Mao Liang cannot be replicated. At first, I thought that this TV series was entirely supported by the actress Zhao Qinghan, but now I have changed my view. Even without Zhao Qinghan joining, this TV series will still be popular, but It's a matter of time. Here I have to admire Chen Feng. As the screenwriter of Mao Liang, he is also a singer, but I have seen his outstanding acting skills. In time, he must be an all-around superstar in our country. This also makes me look forward to his next work even more.”

After seeing this post, many netizens also left comments below to express their recognition of Chen Feng.

"Indeed, the plot is so exciting."

"Now that I think about the beginning, did everyone think that Goddess Zhao was stupid? Now it seems that she was right."

"All-around superstar? This is a great statement. I also think highly of Chen Feng. His previous dance was enough to become a god, right?"

"Mainly, he doesn't have enough foundation now. Although he has many fans, most of them only remember his songs."

"Indeed, his Nocturne, Dongfeng Po, Blue and White Porcelain, etc., have almost occupied the top ten of the golden song list. This year's best male singer and best new artist almost have to be him."

"Is he really at the top after his debut? And everyone seems to have forgotten that he is also an author of online novels."

"His current Journey to the West is enough to become a god. It has been read by tens of millions of people."

"There's nothing I can do about it. That guy always looks mean every time he appears on camera. He offends a lot of people, which affects his image to a certain extent."

"I didn't notice it before, but now that you're talking about it, is this guy cheating?"


Chen Feng was also paying attention to Star Network's ratings at this time. He was quite satisfied when he saw that Mao Liang's final rating was 9.2.

Remember that in the previous life, the rating of Mao Liang Season 1 on Douban seemed to be over 8 points? It was actually the third season that truly won the title of God, with a rating of 9.7. Unfortunately, he has no plans to make the next two movies of Mao Liang for the time being. Movies are his goal.

After reading the ratings, he noticed Chen Yuan's post again. He clicked on it and looked at the comments from netizens. He felt that everyone's views on him were quite objective. It was indeed his current situation that people who are famous singers are not popular. But on the other hand, One reason is that his songs are so popular that everyone pays attention to the songs but ignores him as a singer.

"Cheating?" Chen Feng laughed dumbly when he saw the last comment. With the help of the domestic system in his mind, wasn't he just cheating?

Zhao Qinghan saw him holding his mobile phone and giggling, and joked, "What are you looking at? You are smiling so happily."

"It's nothing. I just received a huge payment of 40 million from Tengfei today. I feel very comfortable. I, Chen Feng, am also a rich man."

"Tsk, isn't it just 40 million? Are you so happy?"

Chen Feng's expression was startled, the smile on his face froze, and he sighed, "Oh, I have forgotten your identity as a rich woman, Sister Qinghan. I don't want to work hard anymore. Please support me."

"Seriously, didn't you say you would make a movie before? Has the script been written?"

When talking about the movie, Chen Feng said seriously, "Of course it's written and printed out. I'll show it to you." As he said that, he took out the pre-printed script from the drawer and handed it to the other party.

Zhao Qinghan took the folder he handed over, and the four characters "People on the Road" came into view. He muttered, "The names of the scripts you wrote are quite strange." She began to look at the script carefully. . .

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