Taylor Swift patted her chest and said in an exaggerated tone, "Thank God, thank you for still thinking of me."

"Before your next call, I suggest you check the time difference."

This slightly resentful tone made Taylor Swift laugh out loud, "Sorry, I forgot about this. It must be early morning in China, right?"

"Well, tell me, what do you want from me in the middle of the night?"

"Huh? Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do? You promised to teach me moonwalking."

Hearing her mention the moonwalk again, Chen Feng suddenly felt overwhelmed and said, "I've been too busy recently. I don't have time. I'll talk about it when I have time. Do you have anything else? If nothing else, I'll continue to rest."

Seeing his impatient attitude, Taylor Swift dissatisfied, "Really, can't you be more gentleman? Since you are still resting, I won't talk nonsense. The main reason for calling me is to congratulate you for being selected for the Grammy." Nominated for Best Newcomer.”

. . . After a long silence, Chen Fengcai asked in confusion, "What Best New Artist nomination? What Grammy?"

"Fuck you, are you mistaken? Are you a singer? You even know about Grammy?"

The sudden greeting from the other party made Chen Feng a little unhappy, "Fuck you? iFuck you!"

Taylor Swift felt her face turn red instantly, "Why are you swearing?"

"I'm just responding to you!"

Taylor Swif gritted her teeth and said, "I'm too lazy to talk to you. When I wake up tomorrow, I will search the Internet for Grammy and learn more about it." After saying that, he cut off the phone.

Hearing the "beep" sound on his cell phone, Chen Feng was speechless for a while, wondering if this foreign girl had any serious illness? Is this what you call in the middle of the night? What Grammy, what Best New Artist? None of your own business.

"Who are you talking to on the phone in the middle of the night? And in English."

Hearing this cold voice, Chen Feng turned his head and looked at the sleepy Zhao Qinghan, "Did I wake you up? Who else could it be, your idol?"

Zhao Qinghan looked stunned and asked in confusion, "My idol? Is it Meimei's phone number?"

"Well, who else but her?"

"Okay. Is there any ulterior motive for calling you in the middle of the night?"

"Ultimate purpose?" Chen Feng laughed dumbly, "Well, does it count if she told me to fuck you?"

"Then what did you say?"

"I told her to iFuck you!"



As the largest social networking site in the United States and even the world, Facebook has as many as 3 billion registered users. Therefore, when the Grammy official announced the list of nominees on Facebook, it instantly attracted the attention of many music lovers around the world.

The moonwalk video released by Taylor Swift has already made many people remember the name Chen Feng.

When these people saw the name Chen Feng in the Best New Artist shortlist announced by the Grammys, they immediately started discussing this Chinese in the comment area.

"Chen Feng? Isn't he the Chinese guy who did the moonwalk?"

"Yes, he is indeed fully qualified to appear on this list."

"Support, I am now his fan."

"I asked a friend from China a while ago, and he said that Chen Feng is simply a genius, and he is also very comprehensive."

"What country of China? He is from our country of Bangzi."

As an international student in a beautiful country, Zhang Yi was naturally paying attention to the discussion about Chen Feng on Facebook, so when he made this comment, a certain gene in his body instantly awakened, and he replied below: "Damn stick, It’s okay to steal Chinese culture, but now you also want to steal people?”

After cursing a few words, he seemed to feel that he still had more to say. He clicked on the stick's homepage and started typing frantically. It wasn't until the other party blocked him that he closed the temporary dialog box in low spirits.

"I didn't expect to see our Chinese stars nominated for Grammy in my lifetime. Should I share this good news with netizens in China?" Thinking of this, he felt more and more that his compatriots in China should see this explosive news. .

So he simply intercepted the shortlist for Best Newcomer and some comments from foreigners and posted them on his Weibo account.

The next day, I don’t know which attentive netizen noticed this Weibo post and spread it to ten people, and it quickly became a hot search topic.

"???Is this true? Chen Feng was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best New Artist?"

"It should be true. That blogger is just an international student. There is no need to lie to us."

"I just checked it out and took a peek, and it's indeed true."

"Damn it, Chen Feng is awesome. He was selected for Grammy in the first year of his debut."

"What is a Grammy? Can you eat it?"

"I asked, are you very powerful?"

"666, Grammy doesn't even know about it?"

"This is just a shortlist, right? It's not a prize."

"Do you understand how valuable the Grammy is? If you're nominated, you're pretty good at it, right?"


When Chen Feng saw this hot search, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, Taylor Swift, who was far away in the beautiful country, had informed him of the news in advance in the middle of the night yesterday.

Like many netizens, Chen Feng didn't quite understand what a Grammy was. It wasn't until he checked the relevant details online that he suddenly realized that it was a music award.

"Hey, why don't you just be selected for a Grammy? There's nothing to make a fuss about."

Zhao Qinghan apparently also found out the relevant information online. He glanced at him and joked, "This is the Grammy that is as famous as the Oscars. Aren't you excited?"

"Excited? What's so exciting about this? What's an Oscar?"

Speaking of the Oscars, Zhao Qinghan couldn't help showing a longing expression, "It is a very authoritative film award in this beautiful country."

"Movie awards? No wonder you look so yearning. Do you also want to win an Oscar?"

"Nonsense, what actor doesn't want to do it? It's a pity that there is no chance."

Seeing her disappointed expression, Chen Feng comforted her and said, "How do you know you have no chance? With me here, it's not trivial to win an Oscar?"

Zhao Qinghan didn't answer and asked, "Aren't you going to be a mentor at that good singing voice? When will the show start?"

Chen Feng suddenly slapped his forehead, "If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. It seems to be tomorrow. Do you want to go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang with me to stay for a few days?"

"Go on your own, I'm going to film a scene on the set of "Jonny Road" tomorrow."

"Yes, why did you forget about the movie? Then you can film it. I will go there with Xiaobai tomorrow."

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