Wanted, I Kidnapped A Female Reporter To Prove My Innocence

Chapter 039: Go Crazy! Take The Initiative To Rush Out!

"Quick! Retreat immediately!"

The special police who had just entered the scene with the ventilation duct and had already established a simple shooting position were all dumbfounded.

what's the situation!

Why make us retreat now?

It's just arrived!

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked at this time!

"Fuck, maybe these special police officers in the ventilation duct are also in the plan of that fugitive!"

"It's over, these special police officers should all be brought under control!"

"Impossible! Those two teams of special police were careless. This team of special police can immediately establish a position."

"How could that fugitive beat another team? It's impossible!"

"Please confirm whether to retreat!" The SWAT team leader confirmed while asking his subordinates to be alert.

Now, they have arrived at the scene and are ready to attack at any time!

And let them retreat now?

This will make anyone feel a little bit unwilling!

"Retreat!" Wang Zaiye said decisively.

The mission has failed!

As long as the fugitive is still awake, the police can already be said to have lost, everything is lost!

If Chen Li took the hostages and threatened the lives of the hostages, it would be impossible for the police to attack again, so they had to retreat now.

"Yes!" the SWAT captain ordered.

"Start to retreat!"

He waved his hand and signaled his men to start retreating.

And the way to retreat is naturally how you come and how you go back.

"Yes!" With the help of his teammates, a special police officer climbed back to the previous ventilation duct!

Then, the previous soft ladder was lowered from above.

After doing all this, the special police officer started to climb backwards directly. The ventilation duct could not accommodate too many people at the same time, so he had to go first.


Then, it was 'Bang! ’ The sound of people falling to the ground.

"Who is it!" The following suddenly fell into chaos.




There was a sound, and under the ventilation duct...

The sound also gradually disappeared.

"They..." The special policeman was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted immediately.


Gotta go see it!

However, the next second, a sound came from his headset.

"Retreat immediately!" That was Wang Zaiye's anxious voice.

"The special operations team that is still awake, retreat immediately!"


The special policeman gritted his teeth, and continued to climb back decisively.

It is the bounden duty of a soldier to obey orders!

[Ding dong! 】

[Stunning SWAT: 29/30! 】

【The host please complete the task as soon as possible! 】

Chen Li stared at the SWAT officers who fell on the ground, and was taken aback.


Why is there one less?

Shouldn't this be a whole team?

The previous teams were all ten or ten, why is there suddenly one less here?

what's the situation?

[There are still 24 minutes left in the experience time, please complete the task as soon as possible! 】

The voice of the system came from Chen Li's heart.

"That person must have slipped through the ventilation duct." Chen Li nodded secretly with a serious expression.

This task must be done after all, and it must be completed within the experience time.

Chen Li knelt down and began to tie up these fainted special police officers, one by one tightly, while his eyes were on a motorcycle in the distance.

"Don't hurt them!" Bingbing said desperately before being gagged at this time.

However, Chen Li ignored her.

At this time, the only special policeman who had escaped had already come out.

"Report...report!" The special police officer stood in front of Wang Zaiye, as embarrassed as he wanted. "The third team, except for me who has returned, all other colleagues have been stunned!"

"Life and death are uncertain!"

At this time, the two stood in front of the tunnel, and Wang Zaiye came to pick them up in person.

He wants to ask, what happened in the end!

Wang Zaiye's face was gloomy, and he stared at the special policeman with a serious expression.

Thirty people...

Now come back alone!


What a shame!

This is something that has never happened before!

This is simply, impossible!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also completely shocked at this time.

This meow...

That's outrageous! Hey!

"?? I directly and slowly type a question mark?"

"Crazy! This robber is too outrageous!"

"A special police came back! Chen Li is going to take off in a spiral!"

"Damn it, I just want to spin my head off!"

"It's outrageous...it's really outrageous!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely dumbfounded at this time.

This is outrageous!

A fugitive who hijacked a tunnel does not say...

Now, it actually directly wiped out all the special police officers.

this is……

What gangsters!

However, when all the special police officers and the audience were shocked...

A roaring voice made the situation tense up again.


That is, the roar from far and near from the tunnel...

it's like...


The atmosphere in the audience instantly became serious!

"Shua!" A special police officer directly took out the gun in his hand.

And at this time...

I saw Chen Li riding a heavy motorcycle, roaring!


Single-handedly charged towards the special police line of defense!




Just two book friends deducted 1, it feels like it's going to be cold...


One word, miserable!

In an instant, there was no spelling of code words.

Now it is estimated that there will be more 2,000 words on the shelves...

That's horrible!

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