Wanted, I Kidnapped A Female Reporter To Prove My Innocence

Chapter 062: Outrageous! You Fugitive, Personally Directing The Dismantling Of Your Own Bomb?

The two special police were shocked at this time, are you kidding, mobilize other special police colleagues?

how is this possible!

Wang Zaiye was completely shocked by what Chen Li said.

What is this nonsense?

Just mobilize your own men??


"Hehe..." Wang Zaiye's face was cold, but also persistent and decisive. "Do you think I will help you?"

"If they don't listen to my orders, they will never listen to other people's orders."

"You should die!"

The two special policemen also nodded.


It is impossible for Chen Li to mobilize other SWAT officers!

Unless Chen Li threatens Wang Zaiye, it's almost the same. After all, if they don't hear Wang Zaiye's voice, the colleagues will definitely not take any action.

Orders will only be obeyed by one person!

"Really?" With a smile on Chen Li's face, he took out the tape from his pocket.


With two sounds of "tearing...", he directly sealed the mouths of the two bound special police officers.

Only, he left Wang Zaiye's mouth unsealed.

"Hehe..." Wang Zaiye had now fully thought about what Chen Li wanted to do.

is not it.....…

Force yourself to give orders to other SWAT officers?

That's it?

I am a tough special police officer, how could I just succumb to the hands of the robbers and become his weapon?

This is simply impossible!

"Hehe..." A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Wang Zaiye's mouth. "Do you think I'll help you mobilize the SWAT team?"


"Even if you kill me, I won't help others!"

Chen Li: ".…………

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Bang bang bang!" came the knock on the door, it was the special police standing guard outside.

"Captain Wang, I heard something moving inside you.

"Did something happen?"

Wang Zaiye's eyes lit up instantly.

this is.....…

a chance!

In order to ensure the safety of himself and the other two subordinates, he naturally couldn't just call for help, otherwise he would definitely attract the fugitive's swordsmen.


As long as the robbers ask Wang Zaiye to answer the inquiries of the special police outside!

#B4 …

I have at least seventeen ways to tell the special police on duty outside that I have been hijacked without letting the robber find out!

"Let me answer it. Don't worry, I won't reveal that you are here." Wang Zaiye said in a low voice.

in his heart

At this time, I also brought joy.

The robber will definitely agree, then......

Things are simple!

It will definitely let the special police outside find the abnormality inside!

"No need." Chen Li replied lightly.

"I'll just answer their cross-examination myself."

Wang Zaiye: "?????"

The other two special police officers: "??????"


People are asking Dui Wang, do you think you can answer this question by pretending to be a small special police officer?

What the hell is a routine security inquiry!

After being confused at the beginning, Wang Zaiye and the three special police officers have begun to disdain them.

you answer?


Then this is sure to be found!

It's like I don't know whether I'm dead or alive!

. " Wang Zaiye had a smile on his lips.


As long as Chen Li opens his mouth, he will definitely be taken first by him, and the idea of ​​pretending to be so is naturally impossible.

Do you still want to command the special police instead of yourself?

Go crazy!

how is this possible!

"Captain Wang? Is there something wrong?" The special police officer outside continued to ask when no one answered.

At this time, he became vigilant.

Logically speaking, Wang Zaiye would reply as soon as he received the information, and the suspected commander of the special police outside would reply as soon as possible.


next second!

"It's okay." Wang Zaiye's voice came slowly.


This is not Wang Zaiye's voice at all!


What Chen Li said!

In other words, Chen Li actually uttered the voice of Wang Zaiye!

"It's nothing, just stand on guard outside." Chen Li said flatly, the voice that came out clearly belonged to Wang Zaiye!

This is really.....

Wang Jae Ye's voice!

It's exactly the same!

The three special police officers: "!!!!"

This, how is this possible!

How could this fugitive make exactly the same voice as Wang Zaiye, as if Wang Zaiye himself was speaking, this is simply impossible!

"It's not......" Wang Zaiye subconsciously wanted to make a sound, and told the special police outside.

"No no no no no..."

However, his mouth was sealed by Chen Li's tape in due time, and he couldn't make any sound.

Wang Zaiye's eyes widened, and he was completely shocked by this scene.

This is really.....

own voice!

What is this fugitive going to do!

"Shh..." Chen Li put his middle finger in front of his mouth. "Give me some peace."

"Otherwise, I will seal you up completely."

Chen Li's expression was somewhat ferocious.

Wang Zaiye had no doubt that if he really forced people outside to find him, the robber would choose to die with the police without hesitation!

Suddenly, the radio rang.

"Team Wang, there was an explosion just now, do you need to remove the bomb from the entire shopping mall?" It was a special police captain.

"No need." Chen Li said flatly, his voice was exactly the same as Wang Zaiye's.

"Send a team to the underground parking lot, and remember to seal off where the hostages are and start bombing."

The most important thing is... evacuate the hostages to avoid casualties!"

The two special police officers who were tied up and Wang Zaiye were shocked.


what the hell!

How did you issue such an order so proficiently that no one could hear any flaws at all!

Evacuate hostages?

How do you feel, you robber is more worried about the safety of civilians than our police, hey!

What is so wrong!

"Yes!" The squad leader nodded, and then went to carry out the order.

He hadn't thought of it at all...

The king team he called himself has now been held hostage!

And the one who gave him the order turned out to be the fugitive!

"Prepare to disarm Bingbing immediately!" The special police captain received the order with a serious expression.

"Empty everyone, now you don't have to worry about being discovered by that robber!"

"Evacuate the crowd immediately!"

Soon, under the order of 'Wang Zaiye', a group of special police officers began to empty the entire shopping mall.

The guests in the mall knew that this was a very serious moment, so they all obeyed the police's request and left the mall in an orderly manner.

Of course, when clearing the crowd, the special police did not forget to check whether Chen Li would get out among the crowd.

"Now we can see that under the command of the Wang team, all irrelevant people on the scene have been evacuated." Jiang Lili was still in shock at this time, but immediately entered the broadcast state

"The crowd was evacuated and only SWAT police were left at the scene.

"Now, it's time to rescue reporter Bingbing." Jiang Lili's expression gradually regained his composure from the explosion just now. "Wang Dui's tone is very confident.

"Now Team Wang has sent people to the underground garage to look for the fugitive's trace."

"He's sure, it's hard to fly with wings!"

The audience in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

"Huh... Indeed, I believe in the professional level of the Wang team."

"Team Wang: Huh? Does anyone still doubt my professionalism?"

"Now it's time to defuse Bingbing's bomb! There's one thing to say, it's really thrilling."

"Audience, let's take everyone to see the bomb disposal site up close." After speaking, Jiang Lili led the photographer and walked towards Bingbing's window.

"Bingbing! Are you okay now?" Jiang Lili shouted to Bingbing from a distance away.

"Ah!" Bingbing couldn't hold back the moment she saw her colleague.

"I have a bomb on me, stay away from me!" There were tears in Bingbing's eyes.

"Don't be afraid!" Jiang Lili comforted: "The robber has gone out now, bomb disposal experts will come to rescue you!"

"You're sure to be fine!"

At this time, Bingbing's state was already on the verge of mental breakdown.

Now she is completely crying.

The audience in the live broadcast room also felt distressed.

"Ice Goddess is really pitiful! That robber is really nothing!"

"Indeed, it really hurts to see my Goddess Bingbing being frightened!"

"Don't be afraid of Bingbing, bomb disposal experts will help you!"

"It's going to be all right, Riding!"

"Hope everything is safe!"

The audience in the live broadcast room also empathized with Bingbing at this time.

Bingbing is the most popular reporter on the main station, and Jiang Lili is the second!

"Don't be nervous!" The bomb disposal expert stepped forward slowly and said to Bingbing.

"I've seen the bomb on your body many times." His tone was very gentle.

"Then...then have you dismantled this bomb?" Bingbing's tone was sobbing, obviously emotionally unstable.

At this moment, she couldn't control her emotions at all.

after all…………

Chen Li was always there before, and she desperately restrained her emotions in order to survive.

(Money) And now, Chen Li didn't know where to go, so Bingbing couldn't restrain her emotions at this moment, it could be said that her defenses had been completely broken down.

"That's for sure, otherwise am I still alive?" The bomb disposal expert said cheerfully.

Hearing this, Bingbing also smiled.

The atmosphere at the scene also eased because of this joke.

But at this moment, the bomb disposal experts felt very heavy.

He is lying to Bingbing!

This bomb is a complex time bomb that I have never seen before, and it also has a remote detonation function, which can be said to be extremely complicated!

Bomb disposal experts don't know if they can dismantle this bomb!

He just wanted to calm down Bingbing and ease her emotions.

And I have no confidence at all!

"Wait!" Just as the bomb disposal experts were about to start, a voice came.


Wang Jae Ye's voice!

"I've seen this bomb before, and I've also dismantled it!" The voice of 'Wang Zaiye' was calm, but somewhat confident. "I will command, you will demolish!"

"Good!" The bomb disposal expert was overjoyed.

And at this time...

Behind Chen Li, Wang Zaiye and the two special police officers who witnessed all this were stunned.



You robber personally directed others to defuse the bomb? Trash?

Go crazy!

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