Wanted, I Kidnapped A Female Reporter To Prove My Innocence

Chapter 077: You, Surrounded By Me, Are Now My Hostages!

"Now let's connect with Professor Zhang, a financial expert, to analyze why Chen Li's printing can be regarded as real money now." Jiang Lili's tone was serious, and he started a connection with a female scholar.

Soon, the female scholar began to explain.

"For now, what Chen Li is printing is pure real money!" The female professor pushed her heavy glasses with a serious expression.

"For the coding of a year ago, if this batch of money flows into the market, it is very difficult to track..."

"It will become an untraceable real coin!"

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed instantly.


This fugitive really came prepared!

He meow, this is really outrageous!

"This is printing real money? Brothers, I have learned! Going to practice tomorrow.

"Upstairs, your thoughts will be dangerous, be careful to be taken away by the police Uncle!"

"You are bound to be taken away, right?"

"Laughing crazy, it's time to get more and more judges, hurry up and locate!!"

After teaching popular science, the next step is to pay attention to the overall situation.

at this time......

A large number of special police have completely surrounded the entire banknote printing factory!


There are already special forces moving in!

This is the harbinger of an attack!

"Dear audience friends, we can now see that the police are already preparing to attack." Jiang Lili's expression was serious, but also worried.

"I hope that the police's attack can successfully arrest the fugitive and save the hostages!"

"I hope reporter Bingbing can be successfully rescued!"

And at this time...

Wang Zaiye is giving instructions to the police.

"The first point is that the attack must be swift and fierce, absolutely without leaving any openings!" He looked serious and looked at the special police around him coldly.

"Second, everyone must use the tranquilizer gun first!"

"Unless the murderer can't be judged, live ammunition should never be used first, do you understand?"

"Yes!" All the SWAT officers replied on the radio.

Wang Zaiye took a deep breath, such an action is very rare in his career, and he must be very energetic.

"Priority is to anesthetize the robbers instead of killing them!"


There are some considerations in Wang Zaiye's order.


This whole case does not seem to be simple.

"Hope, there won't be any casualties..." Wang Zaiye thought in his heart, he didn't want anyone to be injured or die, including Chen Li.


This whole thing needs to be discussed again!

Chen Li's case is very likely to have a black hand behind the scenes. Although the conclusion has been settled before, a lot of evidence has indeed been found in the process of Chen Li's turmoil.


The fat man, now the police guess is that he came back to destroy the traces of the entire school!


The fat man brought gasoline and a lighter, but he was caught by Chen Li before he could commit the crime, and died of a sudden illness!

"Get ready for action!" Wang Zaiye gave an order to his subordinates with a serious expression.


A special police officer quickly entered the action.

Their purpose is to divide the fields.

Arrest fugitives and rescue hostages!

Although their movement speed is very fast, they are very light.



There was a sound of rhythmic footsteps, and a special police quickly approached the entire banknote printing factory, and they quickly established a line of defense.

The police will break through in several ways!

The main entrance, the roof, and even the windows!

This is directly launching a strong attack!

The audience in the live broadcast room became nervous.

"Here we come! The attack has begun!"

"Oh? Will the fugitive see the live broadcast?"

"It is said that it is not allowed, the IP address will not allow him to watch this live broadcast."

"Ahem, let's make a bold assumption, if the robbers can see this live broadcast..."

"Hiss! It's terrifying to think about it!"

At this time, the workshop of the banknote printing factory fell into a strange silence.

The men in suits looked like they hadn't found anything at this moment, and they were still doing their own work there.


Chen Li has no idea that the police are attacking from every direction!

And this scene also shocked the hostages present.

Bingbing's expression was slightly terrified.

In the room, whether it was the man in a suit who was guarding them or the people who had been taking turns, they all kept dead silent, and there was no need to say a word during the whole process!

It's as if he can't speak!

There was a deathly silence at the scene!

They don't even know who is Chen Li!


All are Chen Li!

"Team Wang! We observed that a man in a suit left the team! Another man in a suit took his place!" said a special police officer who drove a drone.

The drone is at the position of the window at this time, and the scene inside can be photographed naturally through multiple drones.

After all, at the beginning of the design of the banknote printing factory, a special window was set up for the police to observe the internal scene, which was reserved for unexpected situations.

"What!" Wang Zaiye was shocked.

There are seven men in suits in total, and the rest are useless...

Doesn't that mean,

Is this Chen Li?

Is that the robber??

"Get ready to break the window!" Wang Zaiye's expression was extremely calm, with sharp eyes. "The broken window on the side, put it down directly!


Wang Zaiye's order was very quick!

This is his quick judgment!

Because the man in the suit who left the team is now going to a corridor, and the side of that corridor is a glass window half the height of a person!

According to the structural drawing of the factory, that glass window is not bulletproof glass at all!

But ordinary glass!

You can directly let the suspended SWAT break through the window and take full control of it!

"Received!" A SWAT captain gestured to the camera in front of his chest.

"Prepare to break the window, the target is below!"


At the same time, he was also gesturing to the special police next to him. At this time, there were seven or eight special policemen hanging on the wall beside the banknote printing factory!

By hanging ropes on the roof, they are leaning against the side wall of the banknote printing factory, standing with their bodies tilted, waiting for the broken window to enter at any time!

The audience in the live broadcast room quickly became excited.

this is.....…

The rhythm of the attack!

"That little robber dared to leave the team, isn't that just telling the police where he is?"

"Young people are still too young! This experience is too inexperienced!"

"He left the team by himself, this is a big flaw, just take him down!"

"Win! The confrontation is over, waiting for the police to apprehend him!"

"This wave, just stabilize it!"

"Rush in, it's game over! Then it's time for the police show!"

"Pa-ta!" The man in the suit walked down the corridor step by step.

His speed is not fast, and he even looks a little leisurely.


His body is...

Shaking slightly!

And the command of the special police captain has already been issued.




"Shua!" came the sound.

Then there is...

"Bang Dang!" The sound of broken windows suddenly engulfed the entire corridor, and the eight consecutive windows were shattered at the same time, and glass shards flew out immediately!

Eight special police officers broke through the window at that moment!


Even the sound of glass breaking came at the same time!

"Ah!" The man in the suit screamed.


next second!

A special police officer rushed up and threw him directly!

"..." Don't move!" The gun in the special policeman's hand fired directly. "Police! Hold still!"

With a sound of "Poof!", the anesthesia bullet directly appeared on the arm of the man in the suit.

This is the tranquilizer gun that the police carry!

"Ah!!" The man was still screaming, but after only two seconds, he passed out directly.

"Report! Complete the task!" The team leader looked at the man who was overwhelmed and controlled to the ground, and reported to Wang Zaiyehui on the walkie-talkie.

And the special police officer who overwhelmed the man in the suit, at this time, handcuffed the man's hands to prevent him from confronting him after he woke up.

The atmosphere in the audience is already relaxed at this moment!

"Okay!" Wang Zaiye punched the air fiercely, the excitement on his face was clearly evident.

"That's great!" Jiang Lili's face was full of joy, she looked at the picture taken by the drone, and saw Bingbing tied up, with a relaxed expression on her face.


Bingbing was also saved!

And the audience in the live broadcast room was completely excited at this time.

this is…………

Successfully apprehended the robber!

Everything is over!

"Wuhu! The large-scale arrest scene, this is the end!"

"Although this fugitive is a little difficult to catch, but can he reach the strategy to resist our king's team? Crazy! They are all rookies, sprinkle water!"

"Game over! It's over!"

"Ahahaha, this case is definitely going to be included in textbooks. Fortunately, I have already graduated."

"This robber is already very good, but unfortunately the police are too strong!"

The atmosphere of the audience, Zhao Qian's) is already relaxed.


If he can no longer be the man in a suit who leaves the team with his voice, then he must be Chen Li!

"Take off the mask and confirm the identity of the robber." Wang Zaiye said with a sigh of relief.

In the picture, the special police officer slowly took off the mask on the man in the suit...

Next, a scene that shocked everyone appeared!

The man in the suit......

Not Chen Li!

Instead, a male worker in a banknote printing factory!

That is to say...

That fugitive was never apprehended!

And the police have completely exposed the fact that they are storming!




All SWAT: "!!!!!!"

Audience in the live room:

And at this time...

I haven't waited for these special police officers to think about it, or even have time to be shocked...

A voice came out of nowhere!

"How are you, SWAT officers?"

That is, the voice of Chen Li!

It came from the walkie-talkie on the robber's chest, almost an amplified voice!

"Please check around..."

"You are surrounded by me."

"Now, it's my hostage."

This book will not be cut, nor will it be unfinished, because the truth is very exciting, and the author will finish the whole story.

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