Wanted, I Kidnapped A Female Reporter To Prove My Innocence

Chapter 083: What Is Instant Kill? This Is Called Spike! (Please Subscribe Automatically!)

With a sound of "bang!", a smoke bomb fell from the net pocket on the ceiling to the ground.

And the sound of the smoke bombs falling to the ground means that the smoke bombs are falling to the ground one after another!

That's... a smoke bomb carried in a net!

And the lead wires of those smoke bombs are all connected to the corners of the chandelier. When the smoke bombs fall one by one, the gravity of the smoke bombs will pull the fuzes apart.

Landing, erupting smoke zero!

For a while, the entire staff office was full of smoke.

The smoke from more than a dozen smoke bombs made it impossible to distinguish anyone in the room with the naked eye!


It's like a thick fog!

The audience in the live broadcast room were all shocked by this sudden incident.

this is.………

what's the situation!

When was the smoke bomb put on it!

Who dropped them all of a sudden?

What the hell is this meow!

"??? Why is there a net bag with smoke bombs on the ceiling? Crazy?"

"What's the situation! I can't see clearly at all!"

"I said, is there a possibility that this is the smoke bomb left by the fugitive!"

When the audience in the live broadcast room realized that this was the smoke bomb left by Chen Li...

In the audience, the atmosphere suddenly froze!


If this is the smoke bomb he left behind, what is the purpose? Is it to trick the police?

Wouldn't it be better to trick the police with tear gas?

Once the smoke bomb is used, it means that he does not want the special forces to find him!

That is to say...

He is still here!

He is launching a counterattack!!!


"Could it be... that fugitive is still here!"

"Yes! He must be here, otherwise he would definitely not have set off smoke bombs, otherwise wouldn't tear gas be much easier to use?"

At this time, Wang Zaiye's expression changed instantly.

this is..………

what's the situation!

His expression froze at that moment.

"Be alert immediately!" Wang Zaiye responded quickly and said to the special police at the scene. The little fugitive will come out of hiding!"

His tone was stern, and he was warning the special forces at the scene, wanting them to understand the situation clearly.

"Cough cough cough..." the captain of the special forces team coughed.

"Things are not right now!"

"Open the door immediately and take the hostages...all to the corridor!"

Although smoke bombs do not have the purpose of choking people, there are too many of them. After all, they are object particles, which have an impact on the human body.

"Take the hostages out!"

The captain of the special forces squad immediately issued an order.

Soon, a special soldier put his gun on his back, then supported Qin Qiqi with one hand and Bingbing with the other, and walked towards the corridor with the two hostages.

When I walked to the corridor, everything became clear.

The window of the corridor was opened.

"You are here, I will continue to go in and save people!" After the special soldier put down the man, he was about to walk inside.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Bingbing and Qin Qiqi started to make noise again, and shook their heads desperately, as if they were saying something to this special soldier.

The young special soldier's first reaction was: Don't be afraid, it's safe now...

However, he reacted immediately.


When the two of them reacted just now, the entire office was completely enveloped by smoke bombs.

If they react like this now...


"What do you want to say!" The young special soldier immediately responded.

He immediately stretched out his hand, ready to tear off the tape that sealed Qin Qiqi.

However, it was too late!


On the arm of the special soldier, a bullet from a tranquilizer gun suddenly appeared.

And his body gradually (chfh) became limp.

With a sound of "Pfft!", the special soldier fell to the ground.

Before he fell to the ground, he raised his head with all his strength, only to see a man in a suit watching him at the end of the corridor.

Afterwards, the young special soldier passed out completely.

That is, Chen Li.

Chen Li held a tranquilizer gun in his hand, and began to replace the bullets skillfully and quickly.

"Mmmmm!" Bingbing's expression was full of horror.

"Mmmmm!" Qin Qiqi's expression was filled with anger.

At this time, another special soldier came out with two hostages.

Of course, he immediately spotted the special police officer lying on the ground, and he was completely taken aback, obviously stunned for a moment.

Then, the next second!

On his chest, a bullet from a tranquilizer gun appeared!


"Pfft!" The special soldier who came out also fell to the ground.

At this time, Chen Li was like a hunter waiting for the rabbit, but the rabbit was replaced by the special forces of this team, and the rabbits were very active.



There was a sound of "Pfft!", and a special soldier fell to the ground when he came out with the hostages.

The solution was so natural that both Bingbing and Qin Qiqi were dumbfounded.

The hostages present were also completely shocked by this scene.

this is.…………

What's the situation!

This fugitive actually got all the special forces on the ground???

At this time, Chen Li was counting in his mouth.



Every time a SWAT fell to the ground, his chanting would naturally increase by one, which was counting the number of SWAT subdued by him!



"There is one left......." Chen Li threw the anesthesia gun in his hand on the ground, and then pressed a button.

The sound of "hum..." came, and the smoke in the room began to gradually dissipate!

He turned on the ventilation system, and the smoke in the entire room quickly dissipated.

At this time, in the room, the leader of the special forces team was still standing, and he was preparing to take the hostages outside.

When the smoke began to dissipate, the team leader was stunned.

This is really ignorant,

this is a......

what's the situation!

Why are the smoke bombs gone?


What about your subordinates?

What, you're the only one left?

The audience in the live broadcast room was also completely dumbfounded at this time.


How did the smoke dissipate?

What about the special forces who were saving the hostages just now?

How come there is only this captain left?

What's the situation? Hey!

"??? Where did everyone else go?"

"Am I just a big question mark?"

"No... you're crazy! What about the people around here?"

"Outrageous! This is so outrageous! Where are the others?"

"Wait! Watch out behind!"

Almost instinctively, the expression of the special forces captain almost became stiff.

Turn around sharply!

Without any hesitation!

With a sound of "Shua!", he turned around abruptly, and pushed the gun in his hand firmly towards the door!

And at this time......

There, Chen Li held a hostage with a knife and looked at him coldly.

"Put the gun down." Chen Li said lightly.

"You...you put down the knife!" The special forces team leader had a serious expression, and he was calculating the possibility of shooting Chen Li to death in one shot.

"You have no choice." Chen Li said flatly.

Then, he picked up his cell phone, made a call, and turned on the speakerphone.


The dialing sound of "beep!" was enough for everyone present to hear.

Then there is...

"Boom!" came!

It was an explosion!

In the open space outside the banknote printing factory, there was an explosion!

It was a plastic bag that Chen Li had just thrown out, and the plastic bag exploded in the open field after he made the phone call!



"Guess, how many bombs can I install in this banknote printing factory for four hours?" Chen Li's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about an insignificant thing.

"Put down the gun, or all the hostages will die, not just the one I'm holding.

"Put down the gun!" At the end, Chen Li said almost in a commanding tone.

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely shocked.

The bomb!

Really exploded!

This is really threatening the lives of all the hostages, not the kind of joking and talking, this is really a joke!

If the SWAT captain doesn't follow suit, then Chen Li will really detonate the bomb, and it will be a real tragedy at that time!

"Damn it! There's really a bomb! I hear voices!"

"You call this a fugitive? Are you crazy, this is obviously a gangster!"

"I'm really convinced, this is really strong enough to explode!"

"Come on! Kill me and add to the fun of this fugitive!"

"You..." The SWAT captain gritted his teeth, with obvious hesitation on his face.

If you put the gun down at this time, it means that you have lost the initiative in the confrontation with Chen Li.

Next, that's what Chen Li wants to do, and he can't stop it.

"3..." Chen Li started counting down.


Chen Li's finger was already on the phone screen.

No one doubts that after the countdown is over, Chen Li will make a phone call without hesitation, and then detonate the bomb!

This will definitely be his choice!

Then, the captain made a decision.

Because the special forces captain had no choice at all.

There is really no choice!

"Okay, I'll put the gun down!" As he said, he threw the gun in his hand to the ground.

With a bang, the gun was thrown to the ground.

"Okay." Chen Li nodded in satisfaction, and then put the hostage in his hand on the ground.

"Come on, fight with me."

"If you defeat me, then I will be captured without a fight. If you don't defeat me, then be willing to be my hostage."

Chen Li's tone was very flat.

It was as if he was stating a very common thing.

Obviously, this is Chen Li's respect for the special forces captain.

"Okay!" The captain said with a serious expression.

This is to, hand-to-hand combat!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also excited. This special forces captain has a camera on his chest, so the viewing experience is naturally better than before!


"Beat him! Don't let this fugitive get too arrogant!"

"Young man, don't be too young!"

So, immediately, the special forces captain rushed up.


The number one fighter in the company!


next second!

With a sound of "Bang!", Chen Li kicked him back a step, and then twisted his body violently.

With a sound of "Crack!", the special forces captain's arm was bent, and he fell to one knee and was controlled by Chen Li to the ground.

this is direct,

Second kill!!

The audience in the live broadcast room: "??"

Wang Zaiye: "??"

The SWAT captain: "??".

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