War Dragon

Chapter 1010: : This is not a coincidence (Part 2)


Ye Feng wondered, but still didn't understand it! I took out a block of engraved [stone] and asked him for advice. Why did you suddenly give such a sentence?

Don't know what?

Jian Ye Feng was stunned, and [Gerald] hit the iron block again, and continued: "Hey, [Ao Ye] that old boy is also true. He has been questioning for thirty years, but I didn't expect to give up yet. Oh, I really don’t know if he has been wicked."


Ye Feng continued to be speechless, but there was a vague thought in his heart. According to [Gerald], [Aoba] has been asking him a question for the past 30 years...

A question about [Stones]!

Of course, this [stone] is not another [stone]. It was only at this moment that Ye Feng had an enlightenment, and [Qing Ye] must have such a [stone] in his hand.

[Gerald], but thought Ye Feng was holding the piece of [Qingye]!

After trying to understand this, Ye Feng became excited and eagerly said, "You mean, teacher [Qingye] also has such a [stone] in his hand?"


[Gerald] He was stunned, but after he understood what Ye Feng said, he couldn't help but wondered: "Isn't this the piece in [Qingye]'s hand?"


Ye Feng let out a wry smile, where's all this going! So he said, "Teacher, I didn’t even know that Teacher [Aoba] also had such a [Slate] in his hand. Teacher, it’s not a secret, I accidentally got it from outside time and space not long ago. There are the ruins of the city. It’s just that it’s been very long ago, this [Slate] was obtained from the monsters in the ruins!"


[Gerald] As an NPC, I still don't understand Ye Feng's "monster" very well, but he didn't get too entangled, and continued: "Are you sure it's not the piece in the hands of the old boy [Qingye]? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "No!"

[Gerald] Putting down the work in his hands, stepping up, and looking carefully, "Well, it's not the same piece. I'm just wondering, what kind of demons you are all possessing? Give it all. I found such an inexplicable [Slate]. However, you two really have a fate of mentoring and apprenticeship! Even the hobbies are so similar, for no reason, just love to fix those inexplicable things!"

Ye Feng smiled bitterly!

How can this be an inexplicable thing?

What are you talking about...

Ye Feng said: "Teacher, in that case, you know this [Slate], right? Just tell me the last thing!"

"do not know!"

[Gerald] shook his head and said helplessly: "[Aoba] The old boy has been asking me for thirty years. If I knew it, I would have told [Aoba]. It’s just that this moment is [ The slate] is indeed a kind of writing!"

"What text is it?" Ye Feng asked.

[Gerald] Another shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. However, it should be a very old type of text. In my memory, I have never touched this type of text. I just listened to the master. The old man inadvertently mentioned that it was a cryptic and inhuman script."


Ye Feng stayed in place. Sure enough, all this is similar to my own guess, this is indeed some kind of engraved text.


After being astonished and shocked, Ye Fengcai suddenly realized that he had been busy inquiring about the text, but had forgotten an important event.

That is, where did the [Slate] in [Aoba]'s hand come from?

You know, the entire [City of Eternal Night] had already fallen a thousand years ago, and [Aoba], as one of them, was also permanently trapped here.

Or does it mean that [Aoba] got it before then?

After thinking about it again and again, Ye Feng suddenly said: "Teacher, can you tell me, where did the broken "slab" in [Qingye]'s hand come from?"

"You should ask [Aoba] that old boy by yourself!"

[Gerald] He stopped Ye Feng without saying anything, and then walked back to continue tempering his piece of pig iron.

Listening to the sound of "Dangdangdang", Ye Feng couldn't help but smile silently!

It seems that if you want to have a result in this matter, you still have to go to [Aoba], maybe there are some other gains!

After thinking about it, Ye Feng took the [stones] and left!

When Ye Feng arrived outside [Qingye]'s home, before Ye Feng had time to speak, he heard a sound of turning boxes and cabinets.

I don’t know what this [Aoba] is messing with...

Ye Feng thought about it, stood at the door, knocked on the door, and called out a few more times. After a while, with the sound of footsteps, the dilapidated wooden door was opened.

"Teacher..." Ye Feng greeted him.

[Qing Ye] For a moment, she looked at Ye Feng and said in amazement: "Hey, why are you kid? What happened to your kid when he came up this time?"

"Teacher, there is indeed something..."

Ye Feng smiled and took out the [stone]. Before he could speak, he heard [Qingye] yelling harshly: "You good boy, why can't I find it? It turned out that it was your kid who gave it. I went...no, I stole it...damn it, this is my baby, you kid hurry up and pay me back!"

After that, he stretched out his hand to grab...

Ye Feng's eyesight was quick, and he took the [stone] back and said, "Teacher, this is not your piece, I got it accidentally!"


[Aoba] I was stunned and said: "What's not my piece? This is obviously...Wait, you mean you got it by accident?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "Yes!"

[Qingye] He thought about it and said anxiously: "Are you saying this is another piece? You didn't lie to me? Are you sure this is not my piece?"


Ye Feng handed the [Stone Block] up and said, "Teacher, you can take a closer look, is my piece the one you are called a treasure!"

[Aoba] After checking, he was stunned.

Ye Feng smiled slightly and entered the subject, "Teacher, since you also have one, can you tell me about its origin?"


[Aoba] After a daze, I don't know the so-called: "I don't know what it hasn't come from. It was something I accidentally got 30 years ago..."

"Thirty years ago..."

Ye Feng muttered to himself, his heart suddenly stunned, really dull! [Gerald] also said this time before, why didn't you pay attention to it?

You know, this is [Eternal Night City]...

In their eyes, the [Eternal Night City] is the [Lihuo City] that fell underground, and it fell a thousand years ago.


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